Paracord, or parachute cord, has a very interesting history. As its name implies, it was used to suspend parachutes in WWII. The super lightweight cord is used nowadays as a utlity cord in the military and other applications. The paracord, also known as 550 cord, has even been ...more
If you're looking for survival knots or nautical knots then you've gone to the wrong place. But if you're looking to bolster your oeuvre of fancy, beautiful knots, then you've stumbled upon the right video. A Chinese crown knot, a type of lanyard knot also known as a shamrock ...more
Paracord, or parachute cord, is one of the most versatile ropes out there. Originally made for parachute suspension during WWII, it is now used for everything from tying knots during a camping trip to weaving sturdy bracelets as a fun DIY project. The tutorial featured in this ...more
This video will show you how to make a very useful bracelet with 550 paracord. Once you watch this video, you'll have no excuse not to have any paracord on you. You'll always be prepared; after all, you never know what you could use this for! Just follow these steps: 1. Find ...more
Ever hear of David and Goliath? Well the weapon that David used was none other than a sling. A sling is a very old, but still effective tool that can possibly help save your life someday, especially when it comes to facing wild animals. Find out how to make a parasling using # ...more
This how to video tutorial demonstrates how to tie a Turk's knot for sailing. Follow along with the step by step process and the directions below to learn how to tie the Turk's knot. Make 3 turns and follow this sequence: u-o-u-o-u, then around to the right of the standing en ...more
There’s a good chance that you’ll be alone in life one day, and no... I’m not talking about a couch-bound, dateless loser with a pocket pussy and a bag of potato chips. I’m talking about alone. In the wilderness. Hungry. Cold. Lost. You can’t stay in one place too long, so it ...more
Paracord braiding is a popular technique used to make lanyards and ties for survival gear. There are many different techniques a braider can use - the most common are the rattlesnake knot and the square braid. This video shows you the nuances of both techniques, a few variatio ...more
Whether you're doing it for decoration or just for fun, tying certain knots can be a difficult task for any person. It's a difficult hobby that most people could not stand to perform since it requires time and patience. Well if you're looking for help, this tutorial might be o ...more
This short video shows how to get started with 550 paracord and a 3 peg/nail knitting spool made from a wooden napkin ring and 3 nails. This just show you how to start. Follow these steps: After the initial wrapping of the nails with the paracord at the bottom of the nail, you ...more
The Chinese snake knot is a considered a representation of good luck, or its considered as an embodiment of the Snake in the Chinese Zodiac. This Paracord Snake Knot can be used as a bracelet or another decorative piece. This snake knot technique would make a great time passer ...more
In this tutorial, we learn how to tie a paracord snake knot. Start out with a double overhand knot, by making a loop with two strings and tying it through. After this, start the snake knot by taking the left piece of string and wrapping it around into a loop. Then, take the ot ...more
Have more paracord than you know what to do with? If so, and if you're interested in storing it in a creative, esthetically-pleasing fashion (that is completely without any sort of material utility) then the paracord knot balls outlined in this video are for you! Tie some with ...more
All you need is a single long piece (at least fifteen meters) of sturdy paracord, as well as a clasp for either end. You can also use this technique to make a rifle sling or something else for which you will need a long length of woven paracord. The knot itself is not difficul ...more
For all of you who are knot fans, here comes a video tutorial showing step by step and in detail how to tie an Emperor's hat knot that realistically resembles one of the hats worn by Chinese emperors in the old days. In this video, a white piece of rope hanging from a hook is ...more
The Solomon Bar is one of the more versatile ties in the paracording genre of knot tying. Although most prefer the straight line, in this video you will learn how to tie a bent line in your knot. You will get a full tutorial of the entire process with each step shown up close ...more
The world of decorative knot tying is a compelling place and few sinnet cords are as compelling and beautiful as the corkscrew crown sinnet. This elegant step-by-step video shows you how to achieve one of the most desired knot cords out there. The corkscrew crown sennit is an ...more
Breacher bars are like the much cooler older brother to the swiss pocket knife. In fact, there's little comparison between the two. A breacher bar, which is a rectangular shaped knife, is used by SWAT teams and bomb techs to easily and quickly cut through and pry open just abo ...more
When is a knot not a knot? When it's a grip. The knot outlined in this video isn't a knot per se but a way to wrap objects to increase their grip and also to store extra paracord. Specifically, this video demonstrates how to County Comm Micro Widgy Bar, which is a miniature p ...more
This video tutorial will show you how to tie a lanyard knot with a loop. You can try with an 18 inch length of paracord for the demonstration, but this will work with various lengths and diameters of cord.
Learn how to make a River Bar bracelet, which is also known as a Paracord bracelet, by following the steps outlined in this video tutorial. To start your bracelet, you will need to tie a reef knot. This is done by taking two loops (in two different color strings) and then plac ...more
Who knew that knots could be their very own art form? According to TIAT, or Tying It All Together, knots can be sexy, sensual, and beautiful. And we're totally getting that by the looks of this pretty triobite bar. Check out the tutorial to learn how to tie a triobite bar usi ...more
In this tutorial, we learn how to weave a (king) cobra stitch for paracord bracelets. First, take a 10 inch cord, fold it in half, then tie a knot at the end of it. Put this on a holder, then tie another chord on the bottom of it and hold it with your knees for tension. Next, ...more
In this handy knot-tying tutorial from JD of Tying It All Together, we learn how to tie an elastic Solomon bar bracelt with parcord. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started tying round stitched switchback yourself, watch this vid ...more
The method of rope handling demonstrated in this how-to video came from the Japanese. Pirates during the warring states period used such bundles to secure prisoners among other shipboard duties and the bundle stays alive today in hojujitsu. A few fathoms of paracord in a pocke ...more
The world of decorative knots is full of twists and turns and this instructional video is no exception. In this clear and concise, step-by-step guide, we see how to create the beautiful, Striped Crown Sinnet. Makes a great key fob! The Striped Crown Sinnet is the flip side of ...more
In this video, we learn how to tie a paracord storage sinnet. First, coil up the paracord and then form a bight with the working part at the top of the coils. Next, create a loop from the bight and pull the loose part underneath this and pull it underneath the loop you created ...more
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a neck knife survival kit. This is good to have so you can use it for eating and making shelter as well as protect against wild animals. The neck knife should be a small kit and able to hide underneath a shirt. It should be adjustable wit ...more