Gymnastics Balance Beam

How To : Perform tricks on a balance beam in gymnastics

One of the most basic parts of gymnastics is using the balance beam. In this tutorial, learn a few different routines that you can perform on a beam and how to get started. Balancing on a tiny stick may seem scary, but it is really quite easy once you get the hang of it. So, i ...more

How To : Do a basic routine on the balance beam

Beth Tweddle, part of the GB and England gymnastics teams, and twice a bronze medallist at the world championships, walks you through the basics of the balance beam. Start with a walk with arms outstretched for balance, when you've mastered that move on to a jump, and then end ...more

How To : Draw a gymnast on the balance beam

This video tutorial from Drawing Now demonstrates the drawing of a gymnast doing a routine on the balance beam. Her look of concentration evokes the drama and strength of both will and body required by this ancient sport. Learn to evoke that same feeling in your drawing by wat ...more

How To : Use gymnastics moves and routines for beginners

Learn how to do basic gymnastics moves and routines for beginners in this free online video lesson, including the parallel bars, balance beam, vault, floor exercises, and various tumbling exercises. Part 1 of 15 - How to Use gymnastics moves and routines for beginners. Use gym ...more

How To : Do a Frogstand in Gymnastics

This how-to video shows how to do a gymnastic frogstand. This very complicated technique takes balance and skill. The frogstand should be done on a hard surface to get a good grip. Try not to push too hard with your finger tips, becasue you may loose your balance.

News : Um, Are Those Kids On Fire?

Just a normal day in the life of the Dunn family. Seasoned stunt professionals Jim and Celia Dunn have appeared in Hollywood films such as Poltergeist , Scary Movie, X-Men II, Shanghi Noon and Jumangi. Their children, Connor, 15, Ali, 11, and Austin, 9, boast impressive IMDB ...more

How To : Kick-up into a Handstand in Gymnastics

In this how-to video you will learn how to do a Gymnastics kick-up. The kick-up is a must-learn skill for hand balancing. Learn the Bob Jones' method of kicking-up into a handstand. This kick-up is the most important part of the handstand, and cannot be achieved without it.

How To : Mix a flaming absinthe Sazerac

The Sazerac is the oldest cocktail we know of and is in fact that first contail ever made. Invented in the mid 1800s, a Sazerac requires you to light up a sugar cube for show. The Sazerac is a drink that must be practiced, tested, tasted, and practiced again. Like a good mart ...more

How To : Do a proper cartwheel

Cartwheels are so much fun! Who doesn't love to twirl around? If you don't know how to do one of these fun moves, check out this video! Step by step, this tutorial will teach you how to relive your childhood or release your inner gymnast. You Will Need • Soft surface • Upper ...more

How To : Shoot Day for Night

Day for Night courtesy of Those 3 Words We Love to Hear, Day for Night (DFN). What better three words could a director ask to hear? No huge generators, no freezing temperatures, no vampire-style living... what's not to love? Are you perplexed? Well, long ago, ...more

HowTo : Roast a Pig on a Spit

Why settle on just pork chops or ribs when you can string up the entire pig? Serious Eats posts an great slide show on roasting a whole pig, from materials to the process to the perfect pig roastin' sauce. Warnings PETA members should probably exit this page right about now. ...more

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