Knex Gun

How To : Make a simple and powerful Knex gun

There are an infinite number of things that you can make out of K'nex. A disproportionate, but entertaining, number of these are toy guns. This video features an innovative design for a powerful K'nex (it also has a rubber band in it) gun that shoots small K'nex pieces across ...more

How To : Make a very small gun out of Knex

Most homemade toy guns made from construction toys like Legos and Knex are big, cumbersome affairs. For toy weapon enthusiasts looking for something smaller and sleeker, this video will teach you how to make a very small, maybe even the world's smallest, Knex gun. It only uses ...more

How To : Build a working mini gatling gun out of Legos

Most of the guns that people make out of Legos or Knex are pistols. Small, easy to build, low maintenance. Those are all fine qualities. But if you want a powerful, destructive Lego gun that will blow all others out of the water, check this video out. It features step-by-step ...more

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