Make a Rapid Fire Marshmallow Gun with Pvc

How To : Make a Hairspray-Fueled PVC Rocket Cannon

This week, I've been working on a project that sort of takes a spin off an old-style potato gun. Using PVC pipe and the rapid combustion of hairspray, we can launch a rocket hundreds of feet into the sky. As usual for my projects, I tried to use only materials and parts that a ...more

How To : Mod a NERF Reactor into a high-powered cannon gun

The NERF Reactor isn't you're ordinary NERF gun. It launches a powerful blast of balls thanks to the pump and pull rapid fire action. The Reactor launcher blasts out tons of NERF Ballistic Balls everywhere! But sometimes, that's just never enough. Kipkay shows you how to take ...more

How To : Make a rubber band gun with legos

Need a new rubber band weapon? This video will teach you how to make a lego rapidfire rubber band gun! With this rapid fire gun you can fight crime as well as cats. Make a rubber band gun with legos. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Make a BB Machine Gun from a Soda Bottle

In a previous article, I showed how to make a powerful airsoft BB machine gun with a portable air supply using about $50 worth of PVC and air fittings. For this project, I have simplified the design to make a machine gun out of only 4 parts totaling about $15 that runs directl ...more

iPhone Text Bomb Your Friends : The Ultimate SMS Prank

The very first text message was sent on December 3rd, 1992 by Neil Papworth, an engineer for Vodafone, and it simply said "Merry Christmas." He may have jumped the gun on the whole Christmas thing, but you trying coming up with the first text message in history! Today, there ...more

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