The Fastest Way to Solve Rubix Cube

How To : Use multislotting to solve a Rubix Cube

The world of hardcore Rubix Cube solving is a competitive and insular one. This video, clearly made for the Rubix enthusiast, is a discussion of multislotting and some ways in which this technique can be used to break up bad pairs on the cube. It moves very, very fast, so newb ...more

News : Robot Solves Rubik's Cube Wicked Fast!

Self proclaimed, "The Worlds Fastest Lego Mindstorms RCX Speedcubing Robot", this little guy is built entirely from LEGOs. Apparently the Cubestormer can solve any 3x3x3 Rubik's cube combination in under 12 seconds, and the last single solve in the video happens in just 4:01 s ...more

How To : Easily solve the Rubix Magic

Have you ever wondered how to solve the Rubix Magic? Well, this video is designed to do just that. This is a very short video; the demonstrator shows us how to play this game, loosely based on the Rubik's Cube and how it is solved. Watch this video to find out more about the R ...more

How To : Solve a Rubik's Cube with the "Ortega method"

Want to learn how to solve the mysterious Rubik's Cube? Well in this video, the viewers will be taught how to do so with the "Ortega method". The video provides a demonstration of this method with a 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube. At each step, the video breaks down the cube into differen ...more

How To : 18 Siri Commands Every iPhone Owner Should Know

Siri can perform many actions for you on your iPhone, such as sending messages, providing information, getting directions, looking up a contact, and playing music. Still, there are even more important Siri voice commands that every iPhone owner should know — even the ones who ...more

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