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How To : Remain Anonymous and Chat Securely with Cryptocat

I'm sure we've all heard about MSN and Yahoo! Messenger, right? They can be useful, but the setup can be quite time consuming for those who need to use it just once or twice—and the privacy statements are a real bother. For example, we must provide our real details. You could ...more

How To : Make a Glowing Orb with a Tennis Ball & LEDs

In this article, I'll show you how to make a glowing orb. The orb is a fun, round flashlight useful for lighting your path in a magical way. Consisting simply of LEDs, a tennis ball, a battery and a switch, it's a great simple project for beginners with electronics. Here's a v ...more

Weekend Homework : How to Become a Null Byte Contributor

We're officially seeking Null Byters on a weekly basis who would enjoy taking their time to educate the community. Contributors will write tutorials, which will be featured on the Null Byte blog, as well as the front page of WonderHowTo (if up to par, of course). This is a job ...more

How To : Create a Piston Conveyor Belt in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Redstone gives you the power to construct an endless number of possible machines, mechanisms, and devices. With redstone one can move more efficiently, send messages long distance, ...more

News : Null Byte Is Calling for Contributors!

We're officially seeking Null Byters interested in teaching others! Contributors will write tutorials, which will be featured on the Null Byte blog, as well as the front page of WonderHowTo (if up to par, of course). This is a job meant for anyone with the will to share knowle ...more

How To : Install Windows 8 Beta on VirtualBox

Windows 8 Beta (Developer Preview) It wasn't that long ago Windows 7 was released - now Windows 8 Beta is here. I did do a Google search to see when the stable version will be out but wasn't able to find an official statement from Microsoft. However - I saw several articles o ...more

News : Minecraft World's Ultimate Survival Guide, Part 2

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Welcome back to Minecraft World's Ultimate Survival guide! A few days ago, we reviewed a good way to start off right when you spawn, plus a small rundown of the mobs. Now we will co ...more

How To : An Extensive Guide to Creating Bokeh Photography

Bokeh (which translates to "blur" in Japanese) is a photography technique referring to the blurred areas of a photograph. Basic bokeh photographs often have one point of focus, while the background falls away into a dreamy, blurred haze. The technique can be taken even furthe ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : WENDIGO

WENDIGO n pl. -GOS windigo 62 points (12 points without the bingo) The WENDIGO (or WINDIGO) is a malevolent creature from the mythology of the Algonquian, one of the most populous and widespread Native American language groups, which includes such tribes as the Innu, Ojibwe, ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : GRAMARYE

GRAMARYE n pl. -S occult learning; magic 64 points (14 points without the bingo) Simply put, GRAMARYE is MAGIC, SORCERY, and in some cases, NECROMANCY. But overall, there is very little distinction between the terms. Magic is best described as an OCCULT art that can manipula ...more

How To : Give Your GRand Unified Bootloader a Custom Theme

GRUB, or the GRand Unified Bootloader, is a program that installs to your Master Boot Record and controls what operating system you load at boot time. Normally, it is used for multi-boot systems. Multi-boots allow you to switch between operating systems installed on seperate d ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : COLOSSUS

COLOSSUS n pl. COLOSSUSES or COLOSSI a gigantic statue 60 points (10 points without the bingo) A colossus is a huge statue with great size and proportions, but it could also mean a person or thing of immense size or power. It comes from the Latin word colosseus and the Greek ...more

News : Google+ Pro Tips Weekly Round Up: Google+ Grows Up

Things have been a bit quiet on the Google+ Insider's Guide this week. With the launch of the new Facebook, Google+ is finding itself a bit on the defensive. However, recent data shows that by making Google+ available to the general public, their traffic has jumped 13-fold, ac ...more

News : Making Art on Your iOS Device, Part 3: 3D Modeling

Today's segment of Making Art on Your iOS Device takes us into the third dimension. The below apps are suitable for beginners looking to venture into the world of 3d modeling, as well as pros who simply want the basics of Maya in their pocket. Build models/3D mockups or small ...more

News : 3 Unique Alternative Web Browsers for Your iOS Device

A few weeks ago I wrote about Atomic Web as the best web browser for iOS devices, and while I believe it is a superior option, Atomic Web is not the only alternative web browser you can use on your iOS device. There are three more—Dual Browser, iCabMobile, and iSwifter—that ar ...more

How To : Boot Ubuntu on a Macbook From USB

For Windows laptops and PCs it's easy to install Linux. However for Macs, it's a different story. There are people installing Ubuntu on Macbooks and so far I've noticed that they are using 9.10. I've remastered my own Ubuntu 10.04 complete with playing flash videos and other a ...more

Camera Plus Pro : The iPhone Camera App That Does it All

Even with Apple's forthcoming iOS 5 updates to its default camera application, those upcoming features can't match what already exists in Global Delight's Camera Plus Pro. For $1.99, Camera Plus Pro provides users with over 100 tools for every part of the picture taking proces ...more

Learn Java : Part One

So you want to learn the basics of the fantastic language Java, but you don't want to search the Inter-webs looking for a great tutorial. Well you came to the right place, now may I present to you JAVA. Before We Begin You must have the latest version of Java Development Kit ...more

How To : Encrypt Your Sensitive Files Using TrueCrypt

Hello and welcome to another InfoSecurity World tutorial. The intent of this article is to teach one how to encrypt sensitive files. When set up correctly with a strong password, it would be almost impossible to hack. Even the FBI have had issues decrypting this software. I'm ...more

Pygame : All You Need to Start Making Games in Python

Pygame! And what you can accomplish with it. Another python article... (Blame Alex for getting me hooked on yet another coding language...) This little article will cover "Pygame", the set of modules that were designed with game developers in mind. Specifically ones who code ...more

News : Minecraft World's Ultimate Survival Guide, Part 1

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Note: As I thought of writing something like this, it sounded fairly simple. A one-stop guide for everything related to survival (survival mode, SMP) in Minecraft. But as I progress ...more

How To : Things to Do on WonderHowTo (12/07 - 12/13)

WonderHowTo is made up niche communities called Worlds. If you've yet to join one (or create your own), get a taste below of what's going on in the community. Check in every Wednesday for a roundup of new activities and projects. This week: A double exposure cell phone photog ...more

News : Techniques for Creating Architecture in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play with us on our free server. In the past, we've gone over how to improve the architecture of windows, doors, walls and other such structures. In last Saturday's workshop, we looked into some specific te ...more

How To : Create Parabolic Curves Using Straight Lines

Curve stitching is a form of string art where smooth curves are created through the use of straight lines. It is taught in many Junior High and High School art classes. I discovered it when my math students started showing me the geometric art they had created. The process of ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : SHAITAN

SHAITAN n pl. -S an evil spirit 60 points (10 points without the bingo) For the closing of these Halloween-themed bingo words, there's no better word than SHAITAN, the evilest of all evils, which is present in all horror movie monsters and demons. Generally speaking, SHAITA ...more

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