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How To : Introduction to Modern Cryptography

Cryptography is the science of keeping secrets, or more specifically, the science of disguising them. As a point of fact, cryptography has progressed quite a bit farther and now encompasses file and message integrity, sender authentication, and pseudo-random number generators. ...more

How To : 18 Siri Commands Every iPhone Owner Should Know

Siri can perform many actions for you on your iPhone, such as sending messages, providing information, getting directions, looking up a contact, and playing music. Still, there are even more important Siri voice commands that every iPhone owner should know — even the ones who ...more

How To : SQL Injection Finding Vulnerable Websites..

Welcome Back !! TheGeeks. SQL Injection (SQLI) Part-1 I hope you all enjoyed my previous article on Email spoofing, if not you'll can go to my profile and check it. My this article totally different from previous one. In this article i'll be teaching how to find vulnerable ...more

How to : Avoid SEO Mistakes You Should

Search Engine Optimization is important for every successful SEO or blogging campaign. Therefore it is required to be implemented in the correct manner. Google consider many factors while ranking a webpage and it keeps on changing. Some of the common SEO mistakes which you mus ...more

How To : Send Star Wars Emoji in Text Messages & Chats

Why are there no official Star Wars emoji in the Unicode Standard? We've got the "Vulcan Salute" from Star Trek, so where's the force choke hand gesture?! While you may never see Star Wars officially invade your emoji keyboard, there are ways to send Star Wars emoji and sticke ...more

How To : Use a Secret Voice Command to Unlock Your iPhone

Your voice is the key to unlocking many features on your iPhone. For example, you can ask Siri to send a text message to a friend, add items to a list, run a custom shortcut, or turn on your lights, but Apple does not allow you to unlock your iPhone with a Siri voice command. ...more

Compared : The 5 Best Reddit Apps for Android

Whether you've celebrated multiple cake days or you're just now getting your feet wet with Reddit, it's a rite of passage to choose your preferred smartphone client. Quick spoiler: Your best option most certainly is not the official Reddit app. Reddit's mobile site is pretty ...more

Hugging the Web (Part 2 : Surveillance Takeover)

Welcome back, curious hackers! In today's tutorial, we will be diving deep into the manipulation of Google Operators, commonly referred to as "Google Dorks" in order to access Surveillance Cameras and other control panels. "Why would I do that?" One might ask. Good question m ...more

How To : Top 9 Task Managers for iPhone and iPad

When you want a helpful task manager on your iPhone or iPad, any of the nine apps in this guide should be at the top of your list. But we'll review each app's features to help you determine which one might be best for your workflow. Using a task manager on your iPhone or iPad ...more

News : The Consequences of Hacking

Mostly all hackers like to have a laugh. We like to have fun! We like to troll. And maybe, even cause some havoc once in a while. But, while we do this, we must always stay in the line of the law. In the United States (Where I live), the government will get involved in almost ...more

How-to Ruby : Simple SSH Bruteforcer

Hello fellow training hackers. I do not know if many of you are familiar with ruby, but since it is a useful scripting language, that hasn't been covered too much here on Null Byte, I thought why not do some How-tos about it now and then. The idea is to write simple scripts ...more

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