
How To : Make great scrambled eggs

In this how-to video, two friends, Medo and Rinker, show you their method for a light meal of scrambled eggs. A heavy-bottomed non-stick pan is sprayed with cooking spray to prevent the eggs from sticking. 3 eggs are broken into the pan, then cooked over a light heat whilst be ...more

How To : Get six pack abs with cardio & strength training

In this video, Yuri Elkaim will teach you how to get six pack abs using cardio and strength training. He breaks down the discussion of cardio vs. strength training for burning fat and building muscle. In the video, Elkaim stresses high-intensity interval training (HIIT), in wh ...more

How To : Slice the golf ball

Rickard Strongert explains that to slice the golf ball, you must move your left hand under the club, so that your grip will be weak. You also should aim off-target and protect the right hand side. Slice the golf ball. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Clean your gutters

Removing the gunk from a gutter but with proper methodically will ensure a clean job and keep you safe while doing activity on top of a ladder. Don’t let this chore get you down, with a little work you’ll have free flowing gutters all season. Clean your gutters in late spring ...more

How To : Perform hip reel turning for poi

Check out this short little how-to video aimed at helping people get their turning reels down for poi. This is related to alternating wall-plane moves, also used in poi. Try turning your whole body around while the poi is behind you.

News : NASA Kicks Off 2012 with Ambitious New Moon Mission

More than 100 missions targeted at Earth's moon have been launched by space explorers since the late-1950s. NASA landed a total of 12 men on the lunar surface, collecting more than 800 pounds of moon rocks and lunar soil samples. But still, the moon remains a mystery, especial ...more

How To : Perform a drive z to the right side

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform a drive-z serve to the right side in racquetball. Begin by standing in the center of the service area. Now aim for the spot on the front wall about 6 feet off the ground and 1-2 feet from the cross-court side wall. Drop the ...more

How To : Do krooked grinds on a skateboard

In this video Jarvis from Skate Warehouse will demonstrate how to do a proper crooked grind. Starting by riding up to your obstacle pay attention not to come in at a parallel angle. Next pop an ollie to hit the obstacle, aim for a spot on the rail slightly ahead of yourself be ...more

News : Kill Screen Magazine

This is a new video game magazine. It's not your everyday Game Informer, though. Kill Screen Magazine aims to be "what early Rolling Stone was to rock n’ roll or Wired was to tech". The sample PDFs are an intriguing introduction. I'd love to see what they come up with.

News : Fallen Fruit

FALLEN FRUIT "Using fruit as our lens, Fallen Fruit investigates urban space, ideas of neighborhood and new forms of located citizenship and community. From protests to proposals for new urban green spaces, we aim to reconfigure the relation between those who have resources a ...more

News : Let's Get To Cookin' !

So you love the idea of delicious dinners from farmers market finds, but that idea isn't going to cook itself! Maybe your mama was one hot Italian lady but she only knew how to push the power button on the microwave. No matter the challenge or limitation have no fear, local co ...more

How To : Apply makeup to be "scene"

Scene style makeup is in, and in this video we are given the essentials in creating this sort of look. Beginning as you begin with any makeup, we are advised to apply a base, consisting of either a general foundation or a powder. As we go, the video author offers specific bran ...more

News : The Odyssey

THE ODYSSEY is an epic adventure, a world first, a race against time, an entire year of living dangerously. Scouse film maker Graham Hughes barking, madcap 12 month adventure!! 12 months, 90,000 kilometers, 200 sovereign states, 5 continents, 1 man and no flights! The Odyssey ...more

News : Do the Do!

We are embarking upon a new year. As usual, some of us will make "resolutions." There isn't anything wrong with setting goals for the year. It's actually a good idea. It may help focus the energy we bring to life. A karateka may be excused if he or she makes only one resolutio ...more

How To : Develop lazy habits that are good for you

Next time you don't want to make your bed, dry the dishes or clean the house there's no need to feel guilty. You may be doing yourself a favor. There are legitimate scientific reasons why some chores aren't always the best health choice. Sometimes it’s healthier to not apply ...more

How To : Write a Press Release

A press release should be about news. It should have a sense of urgency about it and grab the reader’s attention from the outset. A good press release must quickly answer the journalist’s immediate questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? The release should ideally conta ...more

How To : Tone arms with a standing barbell curl exercise

To maximize your arm muscles, the "standing barbell curl" is the perfect exercise. To better maximize your muscles, keep tension on the arms throughout the move. This triceps muscle exercise from Men's Health is great for any man looking to get in shape. Stand holding a bar-b ...more

How To : Tone arms with a cable preacher curl exercise

The "cable preacher curl" will work the biceps in your arms and minimize stress on your wrists. Men's Health gives you all the details on this arms workout, great for bicep muscles. Place a preacher curl bench in front of a low pulley cable station. Attach a rope to the cable ...more

News : Abnormal Behavior

Ok, so all you need is some paintball guns, some marshmallows, some fishing line and someone that is an unnaturally heavy sleeper. Since you guys got money, attach the paintball guns to individual stands aimed at the targets crotch or stomach. You take the fishing line, loop o ...more

News : A Questionable Position

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lashed out against Russia and China after a meeting in Tunis. The meeting aimed to increase pressure on Syria to stop its bloodshed. Hillary represents the US as an ally for the rebels. Russia and China vetoed a UN Security Council resolu ...more

News : Welcome!

Hello! and welcome to my first blog! I aim to help people with this website. On a day to day basis, i wake up feeling groggy, fat, ugly, overweight, underweight all sorts of things. I realised that alot of what my symptoms were to do with was not my being ill but was the way ...more

News : In the journey it all exists and goes on...

Stan Parker StanDP~"Avid PC Enthusiast Since 1982..." ...OH Yes "AND First & Foremost; Husband Ot A Unique and Lovely Wife, & Stay at Home Dad With (Our Cats Of 6 Years) Polli aka "Miss Mississippi", "Polli-D", Manxi aka "Lounge Lizard", Manxi-D, Mrs. Loe Manxi, Mrs. Manx" K ...more

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