
News : What changes need to be made before USA vs. Algeria?

Posted with permission via I will get this out of the way early and then not mention it again...the referee for the USA vs. Slovenia game was awful. He missed key plays and called back the goal that would have sent the USA to victory. Nothing he did was g ...more

News : The Greatest Artist in the Universe

Who other than Mother Earth? Below, a selection of 10 images from the USGS' Earth as Art, a collection of stunning photographs from the Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 satellites. The bright color is a false effect produced by satellite sensors, but the texture, shapes, patterns, scal ...more

News : Al-Qaeda to Eliminate All World Cup Infidels

It seems even Al-Qaeda is not immune to World Cup hysteria. The international terror network issued the following demented statement, early in the pre-season: “How beautiful would the game between England and the USA be when broadcast live from a stadium full of spectators - ...more

Worst Ref Ever : Coulibaly Koman

Coulibaly Koman Single-handedly Destroys American Dream Koman's horrible call in the 88th minute cost the US the win. At first, we thought it was an offsides call, but FIFA has recorded it a foul on Edu. If we don't make it out of the group on account of his negligence, I wi ...more

News : Who is Landon Donovan's Bianca?

At the end of today's US - Algeria match game winner and US team captain blew a kiss to the camera and gave a romantic and breathless "Hi" to a certain lady. Who is Bianca you ask? I initially assumed it was a new girl and that his tribute was the ultimate slap in the face.. ...more

News : FIFA Ranks Top 50 Teams (5/30/2010)

Top 50 Teams in Order Brazil Spain Portugal Netherlands Italy Germany Argentina England France Croatia Russia Egypt Greece USA Serbia Uruguay Mexico Chile Cameroon Australia Nigeria Norway Ukraine Switzerland Slovenia Israel Côte d'Ivoire Romania Turkey Algeria Paraguay Ghan ...more

News : The World Cup begins TODAY!

It could be said that the World Cup really starts during the knock-out stages. What was going on for the last couple of weeks was more like the "World's Soccer Fair." At least I'd like to think of it this way after watching games like Slovenia vs. Algeria, New Zealand vs. Slov ...more

FIFA World Cup 2010 : How I'll be watching

The greatest tournament of the world is coming up this week and, let's be honest here, I am very excited. I'll be updating this post frequently, so watch this space! Allegiances US > S. Korea > England > Spain I'm pretty sure the US (crossing fingers) can get out of their ...more

News : OFFICIAL World Cup Predictions

Posted with permission via What follows is the result of extensive research, history, gut instincts, hope, and just plain guessing. But it may represent the most logical progression through the world's greatest competition: the World Cup. I believe that a ...more

News : USA into the Round of 16!!

Posted with permission via Have you recovered from that heart attack inducing, hell of a game?? I am still riding high and, as such, may ramble a bit on here. But stay with me...I'm a die-hard fan!! What else do you expect?? Another goal taken away?! Real ...more

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