Android Flash App

News : FaceNiff App Allows Android Users to Hack Facebook

Firesheep caused quite a stir when it was released last October, giving both hackers and non-hackers instant access to people's account information when on a public Wi-Fi connection. When logged into an insecure website on the same network as someone with Firesheep, you're giv ...more

FYI : Why Android's Snapchat App Takes Inferior Photos

If you've ever wondered why the pictures and videos you share with Snapchat on your Android device seem to look grainy with low resolution, you're not alone. We all know it, and we've come to accept it as a plain fact: Snapchat image quality sucks on Android. The reason behin ...more

News : New Android Google+ App Is Here!

The new Android Google+ App is looking great. Unfortunately, I don't have the new version just yet, but you can grab a preview with +Carter Gibson's tour. Carter Gibson - Google+ - The New Google+ App TourTake a look at the beautiful new….

Not Hotdog : Try the Silicon Valley SeeFood App on Android

If you're a tech enthusiast, there's no way you're not watching HBO's Silicon Valley. So you surely know the Pied Piper crew's latest shenanigans involve an app that uses a phone's camera to find facts about food items — a sort of Shazaam for food, if you may. What originally ...more

How To : Add Chrome Custom Tabs to Every App on Android

Android has a built-in browser called WebView that any app can use, which makes it easy for developers to display webpages without actually having to build an internet browser into their apps. But WebView is a stripped-down, bare bones browser with no ties to Android's default ...more

How To : Rotate Any Orientation-Locked App on Android

Some apps have a nasty habit of ignoring your Android's auto-rotation settings and locking the display into either portrait or landscape orientation. When you open one of these apps, the screen goes into landscape view and you're forced to hold your phone differently. Convers ...more

How To : Get IMDb Ratings in the Netflix App for Android

I don't need to remind you that Netflix is a holy bastion of both outsourced and original content. I probably also don't need to remind you that Netflix's rating system sucks. It suggests content based on how much you'd like it, as opposed to how highly it's rated. After all, ...more

How To : Roll Back to the Old, Free Tinder App on Android

Tinder, the extremely popular dating app, has the wonderful tagline, "Any swipe can change your life." However, if you downloaded their most recent update, your next swipe could cost up to $19.99. In an effort to chase the almighty dollar, Tinder introduced "Tinder Plus," a p ...more

How To : Use the Shop Savvy app on your Android cell phone

There's a new way to shop, and it's called your phone! On an Android mobile device, there'a handy shopping application called Shop Savvy, found in the Google Marketplace. Okay, so you can't actually buy things with it, but you can scan barcodes of products to get more informat ...more

How To : Get Sony's Xperia Weather App on Any Android Device

Sony's Xperia smartphones are some of the most beautiful Android devices out there—but unfortunately, they're rarely promoted in the U.S. and are seldom available through major carriers (aside from the new Xperia Z5 devices), so not many Americans are aware of how awesome thes ...more

How To : Create App Shortcuts on Android

The awesome thing about Android is that you rarely need to settle for what comes stock on your device. If your music app sucks, switch it. If you don't like your home launcher, swap it for a better one. Don't Miss: 7 Cool Things You Can Do with the Developer Options That bei ...more

How To : Check for Out-of-Control App Permissions on Android

Android's permission system doles out access to certain system-level functions. Without it, our favorite apps wouldn't be able to perform their most basic operations. Picture a camera app that didn't have permission to access your camera sensor—now that wouldn't be much fun at ...more

How To : Change Fonts on a Per-App Basis for Android

As much as app developers would like to simplify things with icons and visual cues, text is still a huge part of a smartphone's interface. Much of our media consumption is text-based, and while Google's Roboto font is a beautiful typeface, a little variety here and there certa ...more

How To : Monitor Your Kid's App Usage on Android

As a parent, navigating smartphone usage with your children can be a perilous journey as you hand them that new device they've always wanted, or even your older hand-me-down phone or tablet. Smartphones offer a lot of opportunity and convenience, but not without potential ris ...more

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