Arms Exercise

How To : Tone arms with the Javorek complex exercise

The Javorek complex - what is it? It's an exercise for your shoulders. Men's Health gives you a perfect demonstration of how the "Javorek complex" is supposed to be done. This is an all-round shoulder exercise. Stand holding a pair of dumb-bells, arms at your sides, palms fac ...more

How To : Tone arms with a standing barbell curl exercise

To maximize your arm muscles, the "standing barbell curl" is the perfect exercise. To better maximize your muscles, keep tension on the arms throughout the move. This triceps muscle exercise from Men's Health is great for any man looking to get in shape. Stand holding a bar-b ...more

How To : Tone arms with an inverted row exercise

The "inverted row" is a great move for the beginner who cannot yet perform a proper chin-up or pull-up. Men's Health shows you the ins and outs of this arm exercise. Sit under a Smith machine or squat rack with your legs straight and the bar set a few inches higher than arms ...more

How To : Tone arms with a standing scaption exercise

Doing this workout from Men's Health will increase flexbility and strength in your rotator cuffs. Make sure to execute technical precision to avoid injury. Stand holding a light pair of dumb-bells in front of your thighs with a neutral grip, your palms facing each other. Rais ...more

How To : Tone arms with a push press exercise

Want to get in shape? Well, with Men's Health, you're bound to, especially with this "push press" exercise. This shoulder and triceps exercise is also great for the core and improving your ability to generate force. Stand with a light bar-bell across the front of your shoulde ...more

How To : Tone arms with a negative chin-up exercise

Negative chin-up… what's that? It's when you focus more on coming down than going up. And Men's Health shows you just how to do the "negative chin-up" exercise. Chin-ups will work your back, biceps, and forearms muscles. Set a bench under a chin-up bar then stand on the bench ...more

How To : Tone arms with a chin-up exercise

The chin-up… everybody hates them. But it's one of the best exercise you can do to improve arm strength. Men's Health shows you the correct way to do a "chin up" in this exercise video. When performing a chin-up, keeping a slight bend maintains tension in your biceps. Grab a ...more

How To : Do a single-arm standing tricep extension exercise

In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a single-arm standing tricep extension exercise weight lifting routine. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness o ...more

How To : Do arm exercises for women for lean, sculpted arms

A lot of women mistakingly think that they can't do arm exercises or lift weights because they will bulk up like a classic chunkhead. But this logic is extremely false. If you're trying to lose weight, muscle burns more calories per unit than fat, which means gaining muscle is ...more

How To : Tone arms with a side-to-side pull-up exercise

If you thought pull-ups and chin-ups were hard, guess again… this "side-to-side pull-up" takes the lead. Although tough, this exercise is great in keeping your arms toned. This pull-up exercise from Men's Health is ideal for the more advanced trainer, who has outgrown the stan ...more

How To : Tone arms with a pull-up exercise

Pull-ups are everyone's worst nightmare. Believe it or not, most people can not do a pull-up, but they should, because they work out tons of muscles. The "pull-up" and the "chin-up" both work the back, biceps, and forearms muscles. Learn this exercise the right way with Men's ...more

How To : Tone arms with a cable preacher curl exercise

The "cable preacher curl" will work the biceps in your arms and minimize stress on your wrists. Men's Health gives you all the details on this arms workout, great for bicep muscles. Place a preacher curl bench in front of a low pulley cable station. Attach a rope to the cable ...more

How To : Complete an arm-toning chest exercise routine

This "chest workout home edition " was designed to provide an easy and fun professional workout for everyone. These exercises are designed to tone main pectoral muscles (upper, major and minor pectoral muscles) and you can workout wherever you want: at home, in the park, on th ...more

How To : Do a two arm dumbbell row back exercise

The two arm dumbbell row exercise is used to target the back, primarily the latissimus dorsi or "lats." The lower back is also used in this exercise as a stabilizer. However, many individuals can often mistake this exercise as an arm exercise. While in fact you are incorporati ...more

How To : Do a combination exercise of squats and arm curls

Learn how you can do a combination exercise of squats and arm curls with this fitness tutorial. This is a great exercise to tone you arms, legs, and gluts. Watch this how to video and you can get in shape with this combination exercise of squats and arm curls.

How To : Exercise with the sit-up with arms overhead

Learn how to exercise by doing the sit-up with your arms overhead. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: abs and obliques Secondary Muscle Group: hip flexors Base Movement: sit up Training Type: weight training Level of Difficulty: 3 Sport Specific: football, wrestling Posit ...more

How To : Exercise with the 1 arm neutral cable lat pulldown

Learn how to exercise by doing the 1 arm cable lat pulldown with neutral grip. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: lats Secondary Muscle Group: biceps, pec minor, traps - lower, triceps Base Movement: lat pulldown Equipment: cable Training Type: weight training Level of Di ...more

How To : Exercise with the 1 arm cable pullover

Learn how to exercise by doing the 1 arm cable pullover. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: lats Secondary Muscle Group: chest, pec minor, traps - lower, triceps Base Movement: pullover Equipment: cable Training Type: weight training Level of Difficulty: 4 Sport Specific: ...more

How To : Exercise with the 1 arm cable shoulder adduction

Learn how to exercise by doing the 1 arm cable shoulder adduction. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: lats Secondary Muscle Group: abs and obliques, levator scapulae, pec minor, rhomboids, traps - lower Base Movement: shoulder adduction Equipment: cable Training Type: wei ...more

How To : Exercise with the 1 arm dumbbell pullover

Learn how to exercise by doing the 1 arm dumbbell pullover. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: lats Secondary Muscle Group: chest, pec minor, traps - lower, triceps Base Movement: pullover Equipment: bench, dumbbell Training Type: weight training Level of Difficulty: 3 Sp ...more

How To : Exercise with the 1 arm cable shoulder side raise

Learn how to exercise by doing the 1 arm cable shoulder side raise with overhand grip. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: shoulders Secondary Muscle Group: levator scapulae, serratus anterior, traps - lower, traps - upper Base Movement: shoulder side raise Equipment: cabl ...more

How To : Exercise with the standing 1 arm cable fly

Learn how to exercise by doing the standing 1 arm cable fly. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: chest Secondary Muscle Group: pec minor, serratus anterior Base Movement: fly Equipment: cable Training Type: weight training Level of Difficulty: 4 Sport Specific: boxing, foo ...more

How To : Do one arm seated row exercises

Watch this instructional fitness video to do a one arm seated row weight lifting exercise. Keep your back straight and your body in a controlled position. Exhale as you lift the weights up and inhale on the way down. This one arm seated row exercise works the back, back of the ...more

How To : Do an external shoulder rotation arm exercise

External shoulder rotation exercises are done to work the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff consists of four muscles. They include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. Each muscle works to rotate the arm externally (laterally) and internally (medially ...more

How To : Do a close grip pushup arm exercise

The push-up is one of the most recognizable upper body exercises. Push-ups are generally done to work the chest muscles. However, close grip push-ups primarily work the triceps. The following are instructions for performing the close grip push-up: First, kneel down on the gro ...more

How To : Exercise with 1 arm diagonal dumbbell row & press

Learn how to exercise by doing the 1 arm diagonal dumbbell row and shoulder press with overhand grip. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: shoulders Secondary Muscle Group: biceps, calves, glutes, hamstrings, lats, levator scapulae, lower back, quads, rhomboids, serratus an ...more

How To : Exercise 1 arm dumbbell plank row on medicine ball

Learn how to exercise by doing the 1 arm rear shoulder dumbbell plank row on medicine ball. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: shoulders Secondary Muscle Group: abs and obliques, biceps, chest, hip flexors, lats, pec minor, rhomboids, serratus anterior, traps - mid, trice ...more

How To : Exercise 1 arm dumbbell plank row w/hand on bosu

Learn how to exercise by doing the 1 arm rear shoulder dumbbell plank row with hand on bosu flat down. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: shoulders Secondary Muscle Group: abs and obliques, biceps, chest, hip flexors, lats, pec minor, rhomboids, serratus anterior, traps - ...more

How To : Exercise with the 1 arm dumbbell clean and jerk

Learn how to exercise by doing the 1 arm dumbbell clean and jerk. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: glutes Secondary Muscle Group: biceps, calves, hamstrings, levator scapulae, lower back, quads, serratus anterior, shoulders, traps - lower, traps - upper, triceps Base Mo ...more

How To : Exercise with the 1 arm kettlebell clean and jerk

Learn how to exercise by doing the 1 arm kettlebell clean and jerk. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: glutes Secondary Muscle Group: biceps, calves, hamstrings, levator scapulae, lower back, quads, serratus anterior, shoulders, traps - lower, traps - upper, triceps Base ...more

How To : Exercise with the 1 leg 1 arm dumbbell hang clean

Learn how to exercise by doing the 1 leg 1 arm dumbbell hang clean. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: glutes Secondary Muscle Group: biceps, calves, hamstrings, levator scapulae, lower back, quads, serratus anterior, shoulders, traps - lower, traps - upper Base Movement: ...more

How To : Do a front shoulder raise arm exercise

The shoulder or deltoid is made up of three muscular heads: anterior (front), medial (middle), and posterior (rear). Each head plays a different role in how the shoulder moves. The front shoulder raise mainly works the front head of the shoulder, although each head assists wit ...more

How To : Do a one arm dumbbell chest press exercise

The one arm dumbbell chest press is perfect for strengthening the pectoralis (chest) muscles. Most chest exercises involve compound movements, or the use of more than one joint. Invariably, the triceps and anterior deltoid are often involved in chest exercises. Start by resti ...more

How To : Do a long arm crunch ab exercise

The long arm crunch is a modified version of the tradition abdominal crunch. When the arms are extended above the head, it increases the level of resistance placed on the abs. Thus, the traditional ab crunch becomes a bit harder to perform. The long arm crunch is slightly diff ...more

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