Ask a Woman Out on a Date

How To : Get him to call you back

Have you met a guy you really like and you want to see him again? Make sure you check out this video, and avoid common mistakes that girls make when they meet guys. If you want to ensure he will call you back, you will need to think proactively on that first date. In this tut ...more

How To : Get women by creating the perfect profile headline

Ramses and Tara from Skills of the Game explain why creating an attention-getting headline is important in online dating, especially on dating sites that emphasize a headline rather than a thumbnail picture. They explain how and why a poor headline can diminish a person’s stan ...more

How To : Be a good kisser

Nine out of ten people say they would refuse to date someone who is a bad kisser, while one out of five say they’d date someone unattractive if that person was a great kisser. So let’s get started. You will need a practice partner, fresh breath, and lots of moves. Tip: keep it ...more

How To : Draw a muscular male superhero body step by step

With all these superhero movies coming out - "Thor," "Superman," "Green Hornet," "Captain America," and the third installment of "Batman" - it's no wonder we have been fascinated with the buff and the brawny as of late. After all, if we're to be honest here, guys want to be th ...more

How To : Attract women with two signs of maturity

In this video, we learn how to attract women with two signs of maturity. Women say that they want to date a mature man, but men don't know what this means. If you are picking up a girl in your car, don't drive crazy to impress her with your driving skills. Drive in the normal ...more

How To : Make a light pan-baked lemon almond tart

Dessert has pretty bad connotations. After all, starving models and women trying to lose weight are often stereotyped as saying "no" to dessert in an effort to cut calories and not look like a piggy in front of friends (or a handsome date). It's pretty crappy, this world that ...more

How To : Understand why you've been dumped

In this how-to breaking up video Tracey Cox talks about the most common reasons that relationships end. Why do women dump men? Why do men dump women? What can you do to avoid being dumped? Watch and get great dating and break up advice that is sure to help you with future rela ...more

How To : Have a professional look for an older woman

Image consultant, Sara Connolly shows you how do look good when asking for that promotion or at that meeting. In order to become successful you need to look like you already ARE successful so have a go at this serious boardroom look. Immaculate make-up is part of your professi ...more

How To : Make the C section decision

A quarter of all pregnant women deliver via cesarean section, yet most aren't prepared for it. Unless a c-section is needed for emergency reasons, the decision to undergo the procedure is a judgment call to be made by you and your doctor. Learn the risks and benefits of a cesa ...more

How To : Throw a great baby shower

Baby showers are a great time to bond with your girlfriends and help out new mommies. In this tutorial, learn some helpful tips to ensure your baby shower goes smooth and everyone has a fantastic time: especially the guest of honor! You Will Need: * Theme * Guest list * Invita ...more

How To : Drink like a man

Getting weird looks from the other dudes at the bar? Maybe because you're ordering a sex on the beach like the other women. Spit out that tropical drink or wine spritzer and throw away your stemware. It's time to put some hair on your chest, hoss. You Will Need: • Testostero ...more

How To : Get out of a speeding ticket with Officer Brian

If you do get stopped pull over to the right and make sure you are off the road. If it is at night turn your interior lights on. Keep your hands on top of the steering wheel until the officer tells you what to do. If he asks you do you know why I stopped you always answer no. ...more

How To : Follow Up With Sales Leads

3 Effective Techniques for Following Up With Leads The follow-up phase of the sales cycle is like having a goldfish for a pet, in that it's easy to forget about it, especially compared with the excitement of finding new sales leads. This is unfortunately, though, because you ...more

How To : Send Spam & Spot Fake Emails (Email Spoofing 101)

Spammers are the bane of every email user. No matter what you do, junk mail always breaks through the spam filters. And some of the best ones seem to come from legit companies, and that's because they aren't legit companies— they're spammers masquerading as legit companies. W ...more

How To : Study

Learning Style What kind of learner are you? There are three different ways people learn: Auditory learner: A person who learns best by listening. This type of person will benefit best by finding someone to study with, to ask each other questions, and to read the study mater ...more

How To : Dominate the New York Times Crossword Puzzle

First off, don't be frustrated. YOU CAN DO IT! Contrary to the message in the image above, it's NOT over. It's just beginning. And when it comes to solving the New York Times crossword puzzle, the old cliche does apply: practice makes perfect. I've read quite a few books and ...more

SCRABBLE, Sex & Wine : How One Man Gets the Girls in Bed

SCRABBLE may seem like a board game for word nerds only, but believe it or not, SCRABBLE can be used to lure thousands of hot women into your bed... at least that's what Clive Worth claims. Now, I wouldn't put much faith in his "words", but somewhere in this world of lonely b ...more

How To : Understand the 3 second, 3 minute, 7 hour dating rule

Mystery, AKA VH1's "Pick Up Artist", teaches you three basic rules about meeting women in public. He explains the 3 second, 3 mintue, and 7 hour rule of meeting women. Understand the 3 second, 3 minute, 7 hour dating rule. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Ask a girl out for Valentine's Day

This video will help you feel more comfortable approaching someone new to spend Valentine's Day together. It can all start with a simple and innocent question. "What are you doing on Valentine's Day?" This really will work equally well for men asking women out or women allowin ...more

How To : Deal with dating anxiety

Check out this how-to video that shows you how to avoid the anxiety of asking out or being asked out so you can enjoy success from smart dating every time. If you have dating anxiety, this is the tutorial to consult! There's no reason to be scared or anxious about dating if yo ...more

How To : Talk to a woman when there's nothing to talk about

In this video from Charisma Arts, we're shown how to talk to women when there's nothing easy to talk about. Some women are very easy to begin a conversation with because they're doing something unique. They look as if they want to be talked to, and there's something to comment ...more

How To : Plan a traditional baby shower

Baby showers are fun ways to celebrate new mommy-hood. You won't want to forget the traditions though. Check out this video before you start planning and make sure you have an nice balance of etiquette and fun. You Will Need • A store registry • A guest list • Invitations ...more

How To : Have an eye-catching online dating profile

Make a great online dating profile with this tutorial! Having a good profile is very important because when it comes to catching someone's eye and getting them to contact you. You have maybe a few seconds so your profile has to stand out, be interesting, and personable. Photos ...more

How To : Get a celebrity prom date

What would be cooler than showing up at your prom with a famous celebrity? It's a long shot, but here's your best chance to make it a reality. Step 1: Pick a celebrity Pick a celebrity who might actually say yes. In other words, think “up and coming,” not “international super ...more

News : FarmVille Orchard and Tree Gifting Links

Free Tree Gift Request Links With the new orchards and tree mastery system everyone is looking for more trees! As wishlist requests often end up with errors, I've created this list that will provide links you can put your ID into allowing people to send you the item without g ...more

How To : Tell if a guy likes you

Girls are complicated, yes, but guys are sometimes just flat out impossible to read since they don't exactly like discussing stuff like feelings. So if you have a guy friend or acquaintance with whom you'd like to take it to the next level with, check out this dating advice vi ...more

How To : Seduce a woman over dinner

Wine and dine your way into her pants by pudding. This snarky lesson on dating will help you to land a girl through proper dinner. Pants by pudding. Meaning you want to get is a good meal and a girl in love with you.

How To : Flirt & read body language

Susan Bradley, R.N., advises that confidence is needed to flirt well, as well as eye contact and open body language. This is from a pro that instructs men and women how to court each other, read their potential mates language and expressions, and finally get a date. This is in ...more

How To : Create a metallic neutrals look for dark skin

Watch this instructional cosmetics video to create a metallic makeup look for dark skin. This look is all about the skin. African American women look dazzling and romantic with this metallic look. Use shimmering eye shadows that can range from gold to peach to silvery charcoal ...more

How To : Make yourself irresistible to girls or women

How To Make Yourself Irresistible to Girls. You don't have to be tall, dark, handsome, and rich to be a ladies' man. Just learn to recognize what women want. Female friends can provide some insight. Watch this video dating tutorial and learn how to make yourself appealing to w ...more

How To : Avoid falling for a married man

If you find yourself always falling for married men Tracey Cox knows why. In this how-to dating video, Tracey talks about the often unconscious influences that can lead a woman to seek out a partner who is married. Once you learn of the factors that attract you to married men, ...more

How To : Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest is the world's largest annual beer festival located in Munich, Germany! The festival starts in late September and lasts until early October -approx 16-18 days. Oktoberfest is an important part of the Bavarian Culture and has been going on for over 200 years. Each y ...more

How To : Remove eyebrow hair using thread

This is a video tutorial that is showing its audience how to remove their excess eyebrow hair by simply using a thread. The first step in removing your eyebrow hair with a thread is to ask the client how they want their eyebrows to look when you are finished. Take two threads ...more

How To : Talk & converse with a girl on a first date

So, you asked out the girl you like and now you're about to hemmorage because you have no idea how to talk to her on a date. No sweat. The Wing Girls are here to help. In this video, learn how to go about getting a comfortable, flowing and interesting conversation started with ...more

How To : Use math reflections in pre-Algebra

The tutorial is part of a full lesson of pre algebra. This video teaches you what reflection is as a mathematical term. In the beginning of the video, the video maker draws 4 shapes labeled MNOPQ, ABCDE, FGHIJ and RSTUV. The first question in the video asks to "Name the figure ...more

How To : Tell if a girl likes you

This video gives tips and signs on what to look out for to tell if a girl/woman likes you. Here are some tips and signs to look for to check if a woman is interested/attracted to you: - asking you a lot of questions - ignores her friends and keeps talking to you - playfully to ...more

How To : Pronounce the English word "scenario"

Today's word is "scenario". This is a noun which means an imagined sequence of events. For example, you can say, "Jill and I discussed the scenario of what would happen if Jim asked her out on a date."

How To : Stop waiting for life to happen

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop waiting for life to happen. Do you want to meet a woman but you are too scared? Well don't be! You need to get out there and start living your life, not waiting around for something to happen. Once you stop waiting and get out there, you ...more

How To : Attract a woman with one look

In this video, we learn how to attract a woman with one look. When you go over to talk to a girl, you want to walk up to her slowly. Walking slowly will teach you how to attract a woman because you aren't walking fast like everyone else. Don't have a nervous energy, because th ...more

How To : Get her attention easily

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to get the attention of women. Before approaching the woman, walk by her and have a feel and sense of what she's really like. She may look beautiful, but she may also not be your type. Objectify and thinking about the woman is not goin ...more

How To : Create easy, natural openers when talking to women

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to create easy, natural openers when talking to women. Conversations can easily be started all the time based on simple observations. Usually guys make a mistake when they try to use a pickup line on a women. Pickup lines don't work be ...more

How To : Create a cheeky vintage pin up girl makeup look

The cheeky pin up girl makeup look will probably never go out of style, with it's sexy cherry hued pout, neutral but liquid lined eyes, and blushing cheeks. After all, the most notable pin ups like Bettie Paige and Marilyn Monroe are considered some of the most beautiful women ...more

How To : Make him forget her

Dan and Jennifer offer dating and relationship advice. Dan and Jennifer are answering a question from a young lady who wants to be in a relationship with a guy who is still hung up on his ex-boyfriend. Dan offers the advice of moving on, because the guy is not ready for a rela ...more

How To : Intrigue women with the right words & stop boredom

David Wygant, the dating expert teaches how men can attract women using the right words in a conversation and keep them interested. He goes on to cite an example of how he started a casual conversation with a woman and kept her engaged and interested in it throughout. He provi ...more

How To : Attract a woman with just your body language

In this video, dating coach and expert David Wygant will teach you all about how to attract women using only your body language. This video takes you right into the action and is a live, on the field look at an attempt to pick up women in action! This will give you a real life ...more

How To : Understand what not to do in front of a guy

In this segment of "That's What He Said," guys reveal their deepest secrets about the male perspective on dating and relationships. In a committed relationship, guys are still interested in keeping a slight air of mystery about their women. There are just a certain few things ...more

How To : Flirt with a guy using body language

Find out all the secrets involved on flirting with men. Learn the secret to flirting with men, how to flirt with body language signals, and how to read a guy's body language. Watch this video dating tip to see how to flirt with a guy using body language. These secret body la ...more

How To : Go from friendly to flirty with body language

Have you ever wondered if there was a surefire way to speed things up from friendly to flirting? This video reveals how to read body language to know when they're interested and how to use body language to take it from just being friends to flirting. Watch this video dating t ...more

How To : Tell if a girl is flirting with body language

Don't know if that special girl across the room is interested in you? Follow these proven body language tips and you'll read her body language like a pro and know when she's interested, when's she's flirting, and when flirting isn't all that's on her mind. Watch this video da ...more

How To : Appear and feel more confident with body language

Boost your confidence with simple, everyday, proper body language. If you want to gain confidence and look and feel more confident instantly, simply watch this to see how to read and understand your body language and use body language to give yourself an instant confidence boo ...more

How To : Talk to women for guys

How to talk to women is a question that every man faces at one time or another. Men are looking for an inside on communicating to women. Whether you are looking for a date or just a friendship, just be yourself. What's your approach? How do you talk to women? How do you talk ...more

News : Game box art - what to regular people think?

Funny video, sort of like the Jay Leno street questions segment. IGN asks regular people in San Francisco what they think a game is about based on the box art. They showed people different games and they gave really frank answers. My favorite is a woman that thought the game N ...more

How To : Babysit an infant

Babysitting is the prime teenage job for young women to start learning responsibility and earning a wage, but it isn't all fun and games… you are dealing with an infant, which is far from fun, but it's money in your pocket. Earning a little extra money babysitting infants can ...more

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