
How To : The Know-It-All's Guide to Caramelization

Look on any bistro or pub menu in America and you'll likely find the term caramelized onions as an option for your burger. The word "caramel" may conjure up images of candy, which is somewhat correct. When high temperatures are applied to certain foods, the sugars within them ...more

How To : Make Instant 'Aged' Bourbon Out of the Cheap Stuff

Step aside, vodka—whiskey will soon be the best-selling hard liquor in the United States. The whiskey renaissance has been largely attributed to the current trend for locally- and artisan-produced goods. Local whiskey distilleries are rapidly increasing in number across the n ...more

News : 13 Delicious Egg-in-the-Hole Remixes You Gotta Try

Okay, so you've read our guide on how to make the perfect poached egg. Maybe you've also read our tutorials on making great hard-boiled eggs and even scrambled hard-boiled eggs. Now comes the question: what's next? Well, it's time to look at what accompanies the egg. You can' ...more

Real Brain Food : What Geniuses Actually Eat, Part 2

If you've already read the first part exploring what geniuses actually eat as opposed to what the rest of us are told to eat for brain health, you've noticed that there are some big discrepancies. Instead of favoring healthy, wholesome foods high in antioxidants, lots of high- ...more

How To : 4 Crafty Ways to DIY an Emergency Oil Lamp

If you're ever in a survival situation where you have no electricity and you're fresh out of flashlight batteries, fear not. By using commonplace items such as glass containers, old T-shirts, and cheap vegetable oil, you can very easily put together your own DIY oil lamp that ...more

How To : Make Perfect Stovetop Popcorn

There are three huge benefits to microwave popcorn: it's quick, it's delicious, and it's cheap. But there's a way to make popcorn that's better, more delicious, and cheaper than the microwave variety. And oh yeah, quite a bit healthier. Like anyone who enjoys movies and salty ...more

How To : Never F' Up a Frittata Again with These 5 Tips

A carefully constructed frittata is one of the culinary world's perfect wonders. It's inexpensive to create, can be made with all sorts of leftovers, and is outstanding to eat for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. However, frittatas can go downhill fast and come out spongy, tastele ...more

Trash Talk : 5 Food Scraps You Should Not Be Throwing Away

A few years ago I went hog-wild trying to achieve a zero-waste lifestyle. I didn't succeed, but the experiment taught me that we throw away things we could—and should—be using more. In ye olde days of our forefathers, people generally used every part of the animal in cooking. ...more

Pants Are Overrated : Calvin & Hobbes All Grown Up!

I found this great strip while browsing. I know Henry's a big fan of Calvin & Hobbes, as am I. Pants Are Overrated is a webcomic; the artist decided to do a few strips that re-envision Calvin & Hobbes, when Calvin's all grown up, married to Susie, with a daughter named Bacon! ...more

How To : Make a Fake, Pirate-Worthy Gold Bar on the Cheap

I loved the Gold Rush unit back in third grade. We went up to the American River and panned for gold, and my panning skills balled above all. I got like three tiny pellets. Of course, it was all fool's gold, aka pyrite, but it was still pretty legit. And this was before wearin ...more

How To : 10 Clever Ways to Use Juicing Pulp in Your Cooking

Juicing fruits and vegetables is very beneficial to your health. For some, it's a trend; but to me, it's a part of my morning routine. However, the negative side to juicing large quantities of fruits and vegetables is that leftover pulp can be wasted. Thankfully, this is easi ...more

How To : Design and draw like an architect

Take a lesson in architecture from renowned architect Doug Patt by watching this video tutorial. If you want to learn about drawing and designing, without going to school, Doug's just the teacher. Watch to see how to design and draw like an architect. In this episode, Doug th ...more

How To : Make Bourbon-Spiked Chili

Meat and bourbon is a delicious marriage—whether it's bacon-infused bourbon or bourbon drenched steaks, or perhaps the most ingenious combination of all: bourbon-spiked chilli. The hint of bourbon is subtle, but it packs just enough punch to set this delicious chili apart in ...more

News : Sip in Style with These Delectable Cocktail Rims

Cocktail rims are an easy way to add extra fun and pizzazz to your favorite drink; Most cocktail rims only take a few minutes to put together, and are a great way to add a burst of flavor to compliment what you're drinking. The best part is that you can save money and get a m ...more

News : 8 Edible Cups That Make Finger Foods a Snap

"You can even eat the dishes," claims the song "The Candy Man Can" from 1971's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The idea of edible cups, even back then, grabbed my attention—any kid would much prefer to eat her dish instead of clean it afterward, of course! Don't Miss: ...more

How To : Make a Thanksgiving Turducken

Ah, turducken. The fondest of all portmanteau words and the tastiest of all Thanksgiving day meals. Turducken is a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken—three glorious poultry meats molded into one marvelous, boneless hunk of flesh that any sane carnivore wouldn't ...more

Weird Ingredient Wednesday : Cook with Lapsang Souchong Tea

Like cigars and whiskey, Lapsang Souchong tea is an acquired taste. Some people never get over the pungent, tarry flavor and intense smell of the beverage, but using it as a rub, marinade, or other seasoning is totally smart. The tea adds a smoky yet not overwhelming flavor to ...more

How To : Make deviled eggs while avoiding common mistakes

How to make deviled eggs while avoiding common mistakes There are a number of errors that people make when making deviled eggs. First putting the eggs directly into boiling water will cause the egg shells to break. Also not setting a timer while boiling the eggs can lead to o ...more

News : 50+ Videos of Hollywood's Greatest Dance Moves

Flavorwire has compiled an incredible collection of dance videos, featuring all the Hollywood greats, from Fred Astaire to John Travolta to the cast of Slumdog Millionaire. Who doesn't like to dance? Take your pick - whether it be ballet, hip hop, breakdance, ballroom, belly, ...more

How To : Make REAL Tater Tots at Home

When you're young, utensils tend to be optional—and eating with your hands is optimal. One of the best examples of finger food for kids that has pervaded today's nostalgia-driven culture is tater tots. Tater tots are one of those snacks (or meals) that pairs well with just ab ...more

News : (Un)Appetizing Valentine's Day Bleeding Heart Cake

Baking extraordinaire Lily Vanilli has made some just-slightly-too-realistic-to-look-yummy bleeding heart cakes for people to give to their respective beaus on Valentine's Day. While it's pretty tricky to get your hands on one made by Lily herself, you can make one yourself if ...more

How To : More Food Hacks from Our Facebook Fans

We always want to find more ways to help brilliantly lazy cooks make great-tasting food and save money and time in the process. Luckily, our Facebook fans are invaluable sources of information when it comes to getting cool tips, behind-the-scenes info, and more. We've already ...more

News : Hangover Cures—What the Scientists Say

Your roommate swears by 'hair of the dog' or chugging raw eggs and tomato juice, but do these hangover cures actually work? What do the scientists say? 1. Hair of the Dog—DELAYING THE INEVITABLE You couldn't be more disgusted thinking about taking another sip of frozen marga ...more

News : 10 More Egg Hacks That You Shouldn't Live Without

You may have caught our prior list of excellent egg hacks. Well, we've rounded up 10 more awesome tips and tricks to perfect your egg game. Check 'em out below. 1. Make a Flawless Sunny Side Up Egg If you struggle with either an undercooked or overly-browned sunny side up eg ...more

How To : 56 Completely Necessary Booze Hacks

Fight me all you want, but it ain't a party without alcohol—whether it's a Halloween party, Christmas party, dinner party, or even a damn wedding. (If you think that people will stick around after dinner for a dry wedding, then you're sorely mistaken.) And while we'd all love ...more

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