Band Saw Projects

How To : Set Up Google Fi on Your iPhone

Google's next-gen cellular carrier, Google Fi, which replaces Project Fi, is making waves across the mobile industry. With super-cheap plans starting at only $20 and the ability to connect to millions of Wi-Fi hotspots across the globe, it's tempting many users to make the swi ...more

IRC Guide : Making a Bot

Hello fellow Nullbytiens, I'm Washu, a long time commenter but first time poster. Today we'll be making an IRC bot, if you haven't seen OTW's post about the new IRC channel I would encourage you to go check it out. He does a good job at explaining what IRC is and how to get se ...more

How To : World's Best Survivalism HowTo's

You're alone in the wilderness. Stranded. Hungry. Cold. What do you do? Naivety could be your downfall, but you don't need to be an Army Ranger to survive. The five most basic survival skills are fire, shelter, signaling, first aid, and food and water. Learn them. Know them. ...more

News : What Is Augmented Reality?

Apple CEO Tim Cook has said that augmented reality (or, AR for short) will "change everything." But what, exactly, is augmented reality? Generally, augmented reality refers to the process of presenting virtual objects and imagery — usually through a wearable lens or external ...more

How To : Detect Script-Kiddie Wi-Fi Jamming with Wireshark

Due to weaknesses in the way Wi-Fi works, it's extremely easy to disrupt most Wi-Fi networks using tools that forge deauthentication packets. The ease with which these common tools can jam networks is only matched by how simple they are to detect for anyone listening for them. ...more

News : LG's POLED Issues Are Affecting the Pixel 2 XL

Update 10/23: The hits just keep on coming. We're now seeing reports of a "smearing" effect when scrolling through apps on the Pixel XL 2. We'll expand on that at the bottom of this article, but it's still worth reading the background information on issues with LG's new POLED ...more

News : How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Using Less Pesticide

Bed bugs are parasites not yet known to spread disease — but they cause plenty of irritation. As scientists and landlords search for new ways to deal with the pests, a new study examines how we can deter bed bugs without so many chemicals. While they don't infect us with anyt ...more

News : How I Got Started with the HoloLens & NextReality

If you've been following NextReality, you've surely seen me around, or at least have seen my articles. My name is Jason Odom, aka Subere23, and it's about time for a formal introduction. My background primarily falls in the computer game industry, and I have co-owned a small ...more

How To : 10 Life Hacks You Need to Know for a Better Summer

Are you a messy burger eater? Ants and fruit flies invading your home? Hate drinking warm drinks? Find out the quick and easy DIY solutions to these problems with these 10 amazing tips and tricks for the summer. Video: . I had seen pictures of some of these useful ideas on the ...more

News : Princess Leia Makes an Appearance on the HoloLens

While Magic Leap and ILMxLABs blew the internet's collective mind with a mixed reality Star Wars game demo last week, it'll likely be awhile before we see either the game or the hardware that'll run it. In the meantime, you can get one of the most famous Star Wars holographic ...more

News : WhiteStar External Lava Panel 7 Complete

The outer skin is nearing completion with only one more lava panel to go (in addition to 2 more water panels on the inner-sphere, but they're a cinch compared to the 1-2 month slog each lava and double-glass panels take to make). I'll post a longer (video) teaser showing the ...more

Practical & Silly : 3D Printed Accessories for Google Glass

Last year, Todd Blatt ran a Kickstarter campaign to make 3D-printed accessories for Google Glass, and has turned it into a company: GlassKap. Video: . Glasskap prints a variety of accessories, such as a lens cap to ensure anyone in public knows you aren't filming them, securin ...more

How To : Make a Big Tissue Paper Flower

Video: . Learn how to make a big flower using tissue paper. Easy to do DIY project, learn how to make great looking flowers in only a few minutes. In the first step, this video will show you how to properly fold the tissue paper that will eventually become the flower pedals. ...more

How To : Knit a Mobius Dog Scarf

If you save scraps of yarn, and have a dog, this is an easy project for you. The Mobius scarf has the advantage of not having any ends to come untied, or dangle down for your dog to trip over, or get tangled in branches and stuff. I made this one for Pepper, my 16lb rat terrie ...more

News : Scandy Gives Tango Owners a Taste of 3D Scanning

Mobile 3D scanning company Scandy has released a new app for devices on Google's Tango mobile AR platform that gives users the advanced 3D scanning capabilities. With Scandy Pro, Tango users can scan objects large and small to create 3D meshes that can be exported for use in ...more

News : DIY 3D-Printed Arduino Robot

This is a nice project that you can continue to work on and modify as you learn more Arduino projects. The Instructable linked below goes through the complete build for the Bluetooth-enabled robot seen in the first half of the video. As long as you have a 3D printer, this pro ...more

How To : Make Water Freeze into Ice Instantaneously

Have you ever seen water freeze instantly? This "Quick Clip" shows some of my personal experiences with making instant ice using a bottle of water supercooled in a freezer. Video: . To get this "instant ice" effect, I put unopened bottles of water in the freezer for anywhere b ...more

News : The Top 10 Steampunk Music Videos

"Jef with one F" from the Houston Press compiled a list of the 10 best steampunk songs, but it's really a collection of the best steampunk music videos. There are some amazing videos in the collection, such as this one, "Brass Goggles" by Steam-Powered Giraffe. It's not the be ...more

How To : Start a Fire with Your Water Bottle

If you're ever lost in a survival situation, here's a little trick you're going to be so glad to know. Normally, we'd think of using water to put OUT a fire, but in this video I show you how I use water to START THEM. If you like survival and fire-making techniques, this vide ...more

Market Reality : PTC Stock Rising on Augmented Reality

Every Friday, Next Reality reviews the latest headlines from the financial side of augmented and mixed reality. This weekly Market Reality column covers funding announcements, mergers and acquisitions, market analysis, and the like. This week's column starts with a stock price ...more

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