Learn how to used the Camera application on a BlackBerry Torch 9800 smartphone running version 6 of the BlackBerry OS. This clip will teach you everything you'll need to know. Whether you're the proud owner of a BlackBerry smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, y ...more
Learn how to create and configure a new email account on a BlackBerry Torch 9800 smartphone running version 6 of the BlackBerry OS. This clip will teach you everything you'll need to know. Whether you're the proud owner of a BlackBerry smartphone or are merely considering pick ...more
Need some help figuring out how to set up and configure your BlackBerry Torch 9800 cell phone? This clip will teach you everything you'll need to know. Whether you're the proud owner of a BlackBerry smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're sure to be well se ...more
In this clip, you'll learn how to make use of the new Global Search app on the BlackBerry Torch 9800 smartphone. This clip will teach you everything you'll need to know. Whether you're the proud owner of a BlackBerry smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're ...more
This quick clip provides a lesson on how to use the newly-updated Calendar and Contacts applications on a BlackBerry Torch 9800 smartphone running version 6 of the BlackBerry OS. Whether you're the proud owner of a BlackBerry smartphone or are merely considering picking one up ...more
Want to know what all of the buttons on a BlackBerry Torch do? This clip will teach you everything you'll need to know. Whether you're the proud owner of a BlackBerry smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're sure to be well served by this video guide. For de ...more
Gizmodo's interactive breakdown of the iPhone 4, Blackberry Torch, Nokia N8, and Google's Nexus One examines the wholesale cost of hardware versus the end retail price, as well as how each company prioritizes each category below: "They all cost roughly the same to manufacture ...more
Taken with Blackberry Torch
Taken with Blackberry Torch
Taken with Blackberry Torch
Taken with Blackberry Torch
Taken with Blackberry Torch
Taken with Blackberry Torch