
How To : Make and decorate a miniature boxwood Christmas tree

In this video, you'll learn how to create and decorate a miniature boxwood Christmas tree. It's a fun and easy project you can do with your kids for the holidays. All you need are a few branches from a boxwood bush and some decorative materials to get started!

How To : Carve a teeny wooden mouse

Whittling seems hard, but not with this video tutorial... watch to learn how to carve a teeny wooden mouse with a small knife, sander and drill. These are stop motion animated instructions. See how to carve a miniature (under 1-inch) mouse out of wood with Steve Tomashek. Th ...more

How To : Care for fresh-cut Christmas greenery

Whether you'd like to think about it or not, the moment a Christmas tree or boxwood sprig is cut, it begins to die. This means that maintaining its beautiful dark green hue as well as the fragrant Christmasy smell requires work on your part. Check out this video to learn how ...more

How To : Make a garden maze

Looking to be the talk of the town? Do you love gardening and have some time to spare? Build a garden maze and make your yard the neighborhood sensation. You Will Need: • A level, open spot • A pencil • Graph paper • A lawn mower • Rope or string • Plants • A shovel • ...more

How To : Keep deer out of your yard

Deer can wreck havoc on your plants and yard. No need to go to war with the deer, when with a few tricks of the trade, deer can be discouraged from feeding on your yard. The neighbor‘s yard, on the other hand, might seem that much more appealing. To keep your landscape beauti ...more

How To : Prune tall hedges

We next discuss trimming regular hedges. Most people just want a hedge that's tidy and neat, one that performs a function of blocking a view. We discuss some newly planted Boxwoods. Glenn planted these several months ago and wants to keep these low growing, about the height of ...more

How To : Trim a hedge with straight edges

The straight edge that is the hallmark of the formal hedge depends most on what you do before you cut. Accurate measurements and well-placed stakes are key. You'll learn these tips an more in this video. John Sosnowski, horticulturist at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinoi ...more

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