Build a Cheap Shed

How To : Cheap DIY Home Remedies for Relieving Dry Skin

Is your face shriveling up from the dry winter air? Do your hands feel all scaly and gross? Are the heels of your feet shedding skin flakes? If moving to Hawaii for the winter season is out of the question, you can relieve your dry winter skin with some quick and cheap DIY hom ...more

How To : Stop an angora sweater from shedding

Angora sweaters can look oh so stylish—or they can make you look like a crazy cat lady. Here’s how to stop them from shedding. You Will Need * An angora sweater * A ziplock freezer bag * A freezer Step 1: Put it in a bag Carefully fold the angora sweater and place it in a stu ...more

How To : 8 Ways to Cry on the Spot

Are you an aspiring actor with a crying scene in a play? Or are you a shameless manipulator who will need some cheap sympathy from the jury during a court case? You never know when the ability to shed fake tears will come in handy. If you need to pop a few tear drops for a co ...more

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