Building a Movie Screen

How To : Get OnePlus' Gorgeous Weather App on Any Phone

The OnePlus 6 is finally in customers' hands along with its top-of-the-line specs — and yes, a notch. But you can start getting some of their stock apps as early as today, thanks to XDA user erayrafet, who ported this Weather app directly from the source. The stock OnePlus We ...more

How To : 100+ Apps You Can Use 3D Touch on Right Now

3D Touch is a new feature on the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus that's reinventing the way we interact with our smartphones. With just a little bit of added pressure when tapping on the display, you can perform Quick Actions from an app's home screen icon, "Peek" at emails, stories, an ...more

How To : Properly Submit Tools for the Null Byte Suite

Hello everyone. I've recently made the annoucement of the Null Byte suite of tools, and we've covered how to download and install it. Now it's time we cover how to submit a tool for inclusion into the suite. It's relatively simple, but we need to get a few ground rules out of ...more

Advice from a Real Hacker : The Top 10 Best Hacker Movies

In recent years, Hollywood has taken a shine to hackers, with hackers appearing in almost every heist or mystery movie now. This can be both good and bad for our profession. As we know, whichever way Hollywood decides to depict our profession is how most people will perceive i ...more

How To : Build a cheap and portable green screen

This video tutorial from IndyMogul shows you how to build a cheap and portable green screen. This week on Backyard FX, Indy Mogul build a portable green screen for under $40 that you can take with you on shoots. Erik also gives you the basics on how to correctly light a green ...more

How To : Build a jet pack movie prop

Remember the Rocketeer? The rocket jet pack that he wore? Jet packs are the coolest sci-fi props that haven't been perfected in "real life" yet. Almost, but not quite. For now, film rocket belts or rocket packs will do. Like in the Bond flick "Thunderball" and in the Star Wars ...more

How To : Build a portable green screen for under $30

Special effects are so cool and so..expensive! In this tutorial, learn how to make a portable green screen for very cool effects for less than 30 bucks. This green screen can move with you so you are ready to shoot no matter where you are! Follow these step by step instruction ...more

How To : Build a window and screen in Java game development

Want to program your own Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will have you coding your own Java apps in no time flat. Specifically, this lesson discusses how to utilize a ...more

How To : Build a DIY outdoor movie theater

Watching movies outdoors is gaining popularity again. If you want to really impress your movie-loving friends at your next party, blow them away by making a backyard outdoor theater at your home. It works great and won't take your whole life to build. Part 1 of 2 - How to Buil ...more

How To : Build your own green screen

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to build a green screen. The materials required for this project are: two 10 ft long PVC pipes, measuring tape, saw, duct tape and pipe elbows and couplings. Begin by marking the two PVC pipes with 6 ft on one side and 4ft on the other ...more

How To : Build a green screen

This instructional special effects video uses fast-forward action to quickly display how to construct a green screen from scratch in an empty room. Watch this video if you are a visual learner or someone who learns by observing others in action as a team builds a green screen ...more

How To : Build a movie wheel

Have you ever wondered how movies are made? There are many modern techniques available today to produce movies. This was not the scenario centuries back when there were no movies or films. The earliest form was the movie wheel and this video teaches you exactly how to build a ...more

How To : Build a fake rock movie prop

We all know that movies now-a-days don't use real rocks, but fake rocks for their film sets. Why? Because it's safer, lighter, easier to movie, and you can design them exactly how you want them. So if you need a rock for your indie film project, make it yourself. There's nothi ...more

How To : Build a breakable iPhone movie prop

It's time to smash that iPhone, but wait… you don't really want to break your iPhone, do you? That's were a fake iPhone prop comes in, perfect for any homemade movie. Just make this, and switch it out with the real one during the anger attack. Watch this video tutorial to lear ...more

News : Lego Rocket Build 358 - Movie

This might be dating me, but I remember how much I loved this set when it came out. Here is a great animation of it being build time lapse stop motion.  They cheated a little bit by adding in the more modern lego people, not sure when they were introduced but it was well afte ...more

How To : Enable the Built-in Screen Recorder on Android 10

Downloading third-party screen recording apps can be dangerous. The primary function of these apps is being able to record everything on one's display, so it's easy to see how a malicious developer could exploit this for their own gain. That's why the addition of Android 10's ...more

How To : Make your own projection silk fabric screen

This is for all of you Go-Go Gadget MacGyver's out there. A step-step video example of how to build a projector screen from scratch. So, if you're tired of playing movies from your digital projector onto a bare wall, listen up, because you can make your very own DIY screen. It ...more

How To : Get a screen grab easily using the GOM Media Player

Want to capture frames from your movies? GOM Media Player has a built in screen capture feature for the video files it plays. You can even zoom in and out, adjust the brightness and contrast, and even turn your new screengrab into your computer desktop wallpaper!

How To : Control Your PS3 with Your iPhone (And Vice Versa)

While it's not a highlight of the PlayStation 3, you can actually control the video game console with your smartphone. However, only certain aspects of the PS3 can be controlled from your iPhone, and it's not very obvious what you can and can't do — but that's where we come in ...more

How To : Watch HBO Max on Your Roku TV Right Now

If you've jumped on board HBO Max to watch more than just HBO's content, such as DC films, Looney Tunes, Turner Classic Movies, Cartoon Network, and movies from Warner Bros., there is a downside to HBO's improved service. Namely, you cannot use it on all of your devices yet. T ...more

News : Asteroids

This is fan art for a movie that has been announced but I don't think the script is even written. Universal has won a four-studio bidding war to win the film rights to the classic Atari video game Asteroids. Newcomer Matthew Lopez, who came out of Disney’s writing program and ...more

How To : Download & Install iOS 12 on Your iPhone

Apple's latest mobile operating system for iPhones, iOS 12, was released to everyone Monday, Sept. 17, and it's the same exact build that developers and public beta testers received as the "golden master" on Sept. 12, the day of Apple's 2018 special event. Install it to start ...more

How To : Control Your Apple TV with Just Your iPhone

So, you've lost your Apple TV remote. Maybe it's busted. What are you supposed to do now? You could go out and buy a new one, but they're expensive if you have a newer Apple TV with a Siri Remote, and wouldn't you rather spend that money on a movie? You might be without a work ...more

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