Buy a Home That You Need

How To : Buy a home online

Looking to buy a home? Why leave your current digs? Using technology has made it easier than ever before to find the home of your dreams. Learn how to buy a home online with help from this how-to video. What you will need: • A computer with internet access • Friends and fam ...more

How To : 9 DIY Cooking Staples You Never Need to Buy Again

Never buy pasta sauce from the supermarket again. Or salad dressing. Or pie crusts, chicken stock, hummus, bread crumbs and other common cooking staples that can be easily replicated within the comfort of your own kitchen. Why? For the most part, making these food items at ho ...more

How To : Buy a home with financial preparation

Looking at homes is the fun part. But before you go house hunting, make sure you have your financial ducks in a row. Step 1: Know your rights Buying a home can be a complicated legal process, so begin by familiarizing yourself with your legal rights. Step 2: Shop for a mortg ...more

How To : Buy a skylight flashing kit for your home

If you plan on installing a skylight to your home, then you'll need to know what to buy. This tutorial covers some pretty information about skylight flashing kits and how to buy them. Purchasing and using the wrong stuff can lead to a poorly constucted project that may lead to ...more

How To : Buy lab chemicals for home science experiements

If you're looking to get your hands on some chemicals for your home science experiments, this video is for you. The home scientist will find this sourcing guide helpful when putting together their home lab. Don't think you can't get the chemicals you want, you can!


STANDP'S WINDOWS 7 "ASTON-2" CUSTOMIZED DESKTOP IT ROCKS COMPLETELY!. DEC 07 Computer Backup If you have taken good care of your computer then you know what you have to do to keep it running smoothly. It has to be cleaned regularly so there isn't any dirt and dust on it. It ...more

How To : Take an HIV home test

HIV testing is now easier than ever with the HIV Home Test. Learn what you need to buy, when to take the test and all the steps you need to get you tested and ready for a healthier lifestyle. Take an HIV home test. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Make your own ring light at home

You don't need to buy an expensive ring light, you can make your own at home. You'll need a sheet of sturdy plywood, a pencil, some string, a dimmer switch, the light bulb sockets, some electrical wire, a drill and some hardware.

How To : You Don't Need a Stone Oven to Make Kickass Pizzas

Making pizza at home is fun and easy—until you get your creation into the oven. Then all of a sudden, your crust gets soggy and your toppings ooze off into one big mess. A home oven just can't cook a pizza the same way as a professional one built specifically for pizzas. But ...more

How To : Cut crown molding perfectly for your home

In this tutorial, we learn how to cut crown molding perfectly for your home. First, you will need to determine what spring angle your crown molding is. It comes in 38 degrees, 45 degrees, and 52 degrees. If you buy the wrong kind, it will not match your crown molding and will ...more

Ingredients 101 : The Essential Homemade Chicken Stock

The first written account of "stock" as a culinary staple goes back to 1653, when La Varenne's Cookery described boiling mushroom stems and table scraps with other ingredients (such as herbs and basic vegetables) in water to use for sauces. But really, the concept of stock has ...more

How To : A Smartphone User's Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving

The holidays are stressful. Between traveling, family, and dinner, Thanksgiving weekend can feel like weeks. Many families have traditions that make the days long, but some of us would rather curl up somewhere and watch our favorite shows. But all is not lost — our phones do s ...more

How To : Make Herb-Infused Simple Syrup (& Why You Should)

The balanced and refreshing taste of a cocktail should always entice you into another sip. You'll know you're drinking something of quality when no specific ingredient, including booze, dominates its taste. A great cocktail can even mirror a great meal by exhibiting flavors li ...more

How To : 5 Non-Food Uses for Your Old Spices

After a few years, your cinnamon, paprika, and saffron begin to lose their vibrant hues, and the aromas that once filled your kitchen are barely distinguishable when you open their jars. These are telltale signs that your spices need to be replaced sooner rather than later. D ...more

How To : Join a data center for your Mac Mini server

How to Use Your Mac as a Server: Turn your Mac Mini into a server! Yes, that's right, with a little know-how and a little spunk, you can turn an inexpensive Mac Mini computer into a server to provide services over you network. You won't even need the Mac OS X Server, just the ...more

How To : Save money on dry cleaning

Usually those "dry clean only" tags mean one thing: dry cleaning bills. Why sacrifice wearing silk, suede, or other fine fabrics when knowing just a few clothes care tips can save you tons of money on dry cleaning. You Will Need: • Neatness • Roomy closet • Garment brush ...more

How To : Remove acrylic nails on your own

TVfXQs2Cassiopeia shows you have to remove your acrylic nails at home. You'll need to by a bottle/ container of acetone, which is fairly cheap (~$5) and can be bought at drug stores. Acetone looks like water, and is usually beneath the sponge that comes in the container (it ma ...more

How To : Apply blond highlights at home

This video shows you how to easily and properly highlight dark hair with blond highlights at home! First, you need to have your choice of store bought highlights (try Renew highlights!). First, put the gloves on that are provided in the highlighting kit. Get scissors and cut t ...more

How To : Install blown-in insulation

Have you ever felt cold in your older home, even with the heat cranked? Ever feel drafts that seem to come from nowhere? And conversely, in the summer, is your home an oven? Many older houses are improperly insulated, if there is any insulation at all. This can have a large im ...more

How To : Bid on a house

Buying a home is a big step so find out just what is involved when you are ready to bid for the house of your dreams. The whole process can be bit nerve-racking but as long as you stick with it you’ll be a home-owner in no time. You’ve found the right home in the right locati ...more

How To : The Best Video Recording Apps for Your iPhone

If you have a modern iPhone, you have an excellent video recorder at your disposal. Every iPhone since the 6S has the ability to shoot in 4K resolution, and each new iteration has brought new capabilities to the table. But even the best mobile shooter can use a little extra he ...more

News : Sneak Nutrition Into Almost Any Food

Where We Go Wrong Nutritionally In our fifties we face numerous food challenges. We often choose to ignore them rather than face them head on. Here are the problems we face: We burn calories slower. Everything we put into our mouths seems to wind up someplace else: hips, thi ...more

Gift Guide : Must-Have Phone Accessories for Movie Lovers

There's never been a better time for streaming movies and TV shows on the go. With so many services available, the only limitation to your enjoyment is your phone's accessories. Whether you're buying for yourself or someone else, here are some of the best gifts that improve th ...more

How To : Assemble a Survival Kit

I am writing this quick post in response to the recent earthquakes and tsunamis that are affecting Japan. As soon as the news broke, and we began to hear of tsunami warning for our area, I immediately realized how under prepared I was for a natural disaster. The thing that dro ...more

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