Bypass Web Filters

News : The 5 Best Free Twitter Clients for iPhone

Twitter's official iOS app is adequate if you're not much of a tweeter, but if you are, there's a lot of useful features that are missing. Luckily, there are plenty of free Twitter clients available that you can use on your iPhone. These third-party apps have features such as ...more

NR30 : The AR Software Development Leaders of 2018

One could argue that, at least for the moment, software development is more important to the augmented reality experience than hardware. Since a viable augmented reality headset has yet to emerge for the broader, mainstream consumer market, currently, the same devices that mak ...more

How To : Top 9 Task Managers for iPhone and iPad

When you want a helpful task manager on your iPhone or iPad, any of the nine apps in this guide should be at the top of your list. But we'll review each app's features to help you determine which one might be best for your workflow. Using a task manager on your iPhone or iPad ...more

NR50 : Next Reality's 50 People to Watch: Tony Parisi

Tony Parisi, the global head of VR/AR at Unity Technologies, has been passionately working with virtual and immersive spaces for a long time. And while the internet world we live in now is very different than when Parisi was co-authoring VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language ...more

How To : Safely Browse the Web with Opera's Free VPN

Browsing the web can be dangerous. With all of the various threats out there, it isn't enough to just avoid bad links and visit only HTTPS websites. You need to take advantage of the tools available to you so you don't end up the victim of some scam. Fortunately, Opera is maki ...more

How To : Create a Wireless Spy Camera Using a Raspberry Pi

Surveillance is always a useful tool in a hacker's arsenal, whether deployed offensively or defensively. Watching targets yourself isn't always practical, and traditional surveillance camera systems can be costly, lacking in capabilities, or both. Today, we will use motionEyeO ...more

News : Apple Releases iOS 14 GM (Golden Master) for iPhone

Apple just seeded developers and public beta testers the GM (golden master) for iOS 14 on Tuesday, Sept 15. The update (18A373) comes just after Apple's "Time Flies" event, and six days after Apple released iOS 14 beta 8 for both developers and public testers. Apple released ...more

How To : Become a Hacker

Many of our members here at Null Byte are aspiring hackers looking to gain skills and credentials to enter the most-valued profession of the 21st century. Hackers are being hired by IT security firms, antivirus developers, national military and espionage organizations, private ...more

How To : The Difference Between Http and Https

With more people joining the internet scene each day it's important that it's security is.. well it has to be good. Of course everything can be hacked and that's the way hackers work. They know there IS a vulnerability but they don't don't know the rest. in this article i'll t ...more

News : News Clips - June 28

The big question this week would be the controversial Obamacare mandate. And heres the answer: Yes. Obamacare passes Congress' filters and is now an official OK. Texas college hacks drone in front of DHS — RT. There are a lot of cool things you can do with $1,000, but scientis ...more

Software Magic : Turn Doodle into Seamless Composite Photo

From ZDNet: "A group of students in China have created PhotoSketch, a project that does exactly what I just described: it takes a rough, hand-drawn sketch, scours the web for photos that match, and runs them through an algorithm, stitching it all together." Amazing! Video d ...more

News : If You Use Snapchat, Don't Jailbreak Your iPhone

Recently, a user on Reddit complained that their Snapchat account had been temporarily banned because Snapchat noticed the user's account was going through a third-party service. In reality, the account in question was running on a jailbroken iPhone, and it was far from the fi ...more

Snapchat 101 : How to Attach URLs to Your Snaps as Links

While Instagram users can attach links to images, they can only do so in stories, and only if they meet the special requirements that most users cannot obtain. Snapchat, on the other hand, lets anyone add a link, and it can be done in regular snaps and in your story. This feat ...more

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