Calculate Bmi

How To : Calculate your BMI with a formula

Knowing your BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a great way to see if you are at a healthy weight. In this simple and short video provided by Children's Hospital Boston, you will figure out how to calculate your BMI by taking your weight (in pounds) and multiplying it by the number 7 ...more

How To : Calculate your body mass index (BMI)

How do you know if you should lose weight is a question people often ask. For the most part the need for weight loss should be determined by how you feel in your own body. There are some calculations that doctors use to determine if you need to lose weight. One of those calcul ...more

How To : Find your happy weight

Losing weight can be a battle, but why not be realistic about your goals rather than kill yourself striving for a size 0? A happier alternative to the cycle of weight loss and gain is to achieve a weight you and your doctor can both live with. In this tutorial, learn how to ca ...more

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