Card Spin Between Your Fingers

How To : Curve a bowling ball

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to curve a bowling ball. When holding the ball, users will only be using 2 fingers: the middle and index finger. Place the middle finger in the left hole and index finger in the right hole. Make sure that the bowling ball is not too he ...more

How To : Make cards with needle-felted motifs

Learn how to transform your greetings with funky needle-felted motifs. Corinne Bradd shows Kristy Clark how to put a contemporary spin on this traditional craft, with charming shapes and clever techniques.

How To : Change a mountain bike tire

In this video, we learn how to change a mountain bike tire. Start by shifting the rear cassette to the smallest gear. Then, remove quick release and remove the wheel. After this, remove the tire with tire levers or strong fingers, then check inside the tire rim for foreign obj ...more

How To : Make lidded boxes

In this tutorial, Simon Leach teaches us how to make lidded boxes. First, grab your pot and dip the top of it into water to get it wet and soft. Now, grab a small amount of clay and set it on your spinning table. After this, get your hands wet and start to craft a lid out of t ...more

How To : Do an easy self working card trick

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform the self working card trick. The magician begins by showing the spectator the deck of cards and is asked to randomly select a card. Then the magician places the card on top of the deck and cuts the deck. Then magician snaps ...more

How To : Set up a fishing pole for bass fishing

This is a great instructional video on how to set up a fishing pole for bass fishing. If you want to set up a fishing pole for bass fishing, you have to use a 6 1/2-foot, medium-action spinning rod with a medium-sized reel. You can discover why it's important not to overpower ...more

How To : Reel a fishing rod

In this how-to video, you will learn how to reel a fishing rod. The most common mistake with people using spinning reels is that they are using it upside down and backwards. The correct way is making sure the spinning reel is facing downward and you are reeling forward. With a ...more

How To : Throw a basic curveball

GiantsMan5 demonstrates how to throw a basic curve-ball. First, don't listen to people who say there's only one way to throw a pitch. Position your fingers on the four seams of the baseball. Unlike a fastball, which you throw straight, to throw a curve-ball, move your wrist in ...more

How To : Perform the front and back palm card trick

This how-to video is on how to perform the front and back palm card trick. In this video the person shows viewers how to conceal a playing card using one hand. The narrator explains everything from the precise finger placement for the concealment of the card, to revealing the ...more

How To : Do a Three-card Monte trick

In this video the three card monte card trick is finally revealed. Using the ace of card, hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades, with the the flick of a finger and flick you'll trick the audience. To perform any card trick is all about practice, this video walks you through the ...more

How To : Do the Coin in a Bottle trick

Nick Sonani teaches a neat bottle trick where you flip a coin on a business card with one finger. - Take a 5 cent (nickel), dime or another small coin. - Take an empty bottle. - Take a business card. - Place the business card on the mouth of the bottle. - Place the coin on th ...more

How To : Make a boomerang out of styrofoam cups

Crazy Chris shows us how to make a cool boomerang out of two Styrofoam cups - useful as a party trick. Plastic and paper cups can also be used. The bottoms of the cups are taped together. The key to making the boomerang work is the positioning of the fingers on the cups. The m ...more

How To : Yo-Yo like a pro

Yo-yo's are not just for kids anymore. Check out this funky tutorial and learn how to yo-yo like a pro. You can do way more than just pull your yo-yo up and down, with a little practice you will soon be performing tricks and spinning your yo-yo all over the place! You Will Nee ...more

How To : Do sand writing as a children's sensory activity

Shelley Lovett from Childcareland demonstrates sand writing as an early childhood learning activity. All you need for this activity is a baking sheet that is approx one inch deep and some sand. Colored sand makes it more fun for the kids. Shelley says the cheapest place she ha ...more

How To : Do the Brayer technique for scrapbooking

Anyone interested in scrapbooking can learn how to do the Brayer technique with ink refills for cards with this video tutorial. You will need a piece of glossy cardstock as well as stamps. Make sure to keep your fingers off the paper to avoid smudging. You will need the dandel ...more

How to Do card tricks : "Four Cards" trick

In this video, we learn how to do card tricks: "Four Cards" trick. First grab a regular deck of card and double stick tape. Take any of the aces and place an inch of the double stick tape on the back of it. Put this on the top of the deck and the other aces on top of this one. ...more

How To : Throw a giant clay pottery novelty goblet

IngletonPottery demonstrates how to create a giant clay pottery novelty goblet in less than eight minutes in this video. The goblet can be used as a decorative piece or it can be used to drink from. The choices are endless for this giant piece of art. The giant goblet begins a ...more

How To : Use a spinning reel for sea fishing

Mark The Shark is educating any outdoor enthusiast as to how to use his a spinning reel when fishing. After establishing a spinning reel is what you are using, it is best to adjust the tension of the line using the drag wheel. The drag wheel is a dial that can usually be found ...more

How To : Levitate a card for fun

A very simple and easy trick is involved in levitating a card. The following are the steps to be followed: 1. First take a plain card. Also take tape and a normal string. 2. You need to stick this tape on the fair side of the card such that the tape is not visible. It is good ...more

How To : Draw a cartoon of a shy guy for a Valentine's card

Learn how to create your own Valentine's Day card with Bruce Blitz. All you'll need is a paper, pencil, marker, colored chalk or pencils, and an eraser. Using your pencil, draw 2 circles, one with curved guidelines to have the face turned to the left, and one with straight gui ...more

How To : Make a great bow from a ribbon

Butternutsage offers her technique for tying a perfect bow in a ribbon for use with cards or gift wrapping. You will need a length of ribbon four times the area you're going to cover. First, make a loop and pinch it with your fingers. You should "pucker" the ribbon as you pinc ...more

How To : Hand spin wool using the woolen long draw

Long ago, wool yarns were described as "worsted", or "woolen", or something in-between. A true "worsted" yarn is spun from combed fiber, which is dense and fairly smooth. A true "woolen" yarn, on the other hand, is open, airy, fuzzy, and warm. Its fibers comfortably tangle and ...more

Hack Your Brain : Improving Memory with Dirty Pictures

If you're interested in nabbing superhero memory strength, the secret behind training your brain is not necessarily what you might expect. Your standard G-rated brain strengthening exercises range from crossword puzzles to Sudoku to calculating fairly simple math problems to i ...more

How To : Make a spiral rose easily

In this video Jennie shows us how to make a perfect spiral paper rose. All you need for this is a piece of 6X6 inches of paper, scissors, some glue and, if you really want to be creative, some ink. For starters you're going to need a 6X6 inch piece of card stock. Jennie chose ...more

How To : Get a commercial driver FAST card for US & Canada

FAST is an expedited travel program for commercial truck drivers that travel between the US and Canada. FAST cards are available to citizens or permanent residents of Canada or the US. The FAST program is viewed as a privilege by both Canada and the US. You can be denied for t ...more

How To : Make a pop-up card

Need a way to keep the kids busy on a rainy day? Making a pop-up card is quick, easy, and will entertain them for hours! Watch this video to learn how to make a pop-up card. You Will Need * Imagination * Colored construction paper * A pencil * A ruler * Safety scissors * Mar ...more

Inventables : A Store for Superheroes & Hackers

Founded by Zach Kaplan, a "serial entrepreneur" with a B.S. in mechanical engineering, Inventables is a futuristic online hardware store based out of Chicago. The company sells innovative materials at much smaller quantities than typically available—largely to artists, invento ...more

How To : Write the Action Adventure Screenplay - Act one

Hey everybody, This feed is about the traditional three act structure when writing an action/adventure story or screenplay. Act I "The Setup" Act 1 is a great time to begin throwing out a lot of foreshadowing. For many films, once you watch a few times the same film over an ...more

How To : Make Pizza Without Dough

I was getting kind of sick of ordering delivery pizza (this happens at least 2-3 times a month). It was time to put a spin on gourmet pizza, but I just didn't know what it would be. Without pizza dough or an oven that is capable of creating the perfect pizza crust (I don't hav ...more

GENRE JAM : West Side Story (1961)

There's gonna be a rumble.... For this week's GJ article, I thought I would jump right into talking about a mortal-lock favourite of mine: West Side Story. If you haven't seen it (and a lot of folks havent - dudes especially) and you want a lesson in filmmaking craft from a b ...more

HowTo : Roast a Pig on a Spit

Why settle on just pork chops or ribs when you can string up the entire pig? Serious Eats posts an great slide show on roasting a whole pig, from materials to the process to the perfect pig roastin' sauce. Warnings PETA members should probably exit this page right about now. ...more

How To : Make a Sonobe Jasmine Dodecahedron

Math Craft admin Cory Poole posted instructions on How to Make a Cube, Octahedron & Icosahedron from Sonobe Units, plus some great complex models in his article, How to Make a Truncated Icosahedron, Pentakis Dodecahedron & More. These models use the standard sonobe unit and a ...more

How To : Join the Fight Against SOPA and PIPA

Amazingly, a lot of people I know haven't even heard of SOPA or PIPA. Now, every English-reading person with an internet connection will finally have those two four-letter acronyms emblazoned in their minds. For the entire day today, Wikipedia's English-language site will be i ...more

News : Color Correct in Camera w/ Shane Hurlbut, ASC

Color Correction: Put Your Best Foot Forward via Hurlbut Visuals My first experience with the 5D DI color correction was for the Terminator Webisodes produced by the Bandito Brothers through Wonderland Sound and Vision.  McG asked me to be the Director/Cameraman for these al ...more

News : The Simpsons Family Gets Scrabbled!

My JO was watching The Simpsons on FOX the other day, like she wholeheartedly does every evening, and I joined her, much like I always do— though I must admit, I'm not as obsessed with the cartoon family as much as she is. Just like she isn't as obsessed with SCRABBLE as I am. ...more

How To : Spin a pen with your thumb

This video demonstrates how to spin a pen in your hand. To do this, just hold the pencil with your thumb and forefinger, apply pressure with your middle finger and watch the pen spin.

How To : Throw a curveball by flicking your wrist

skullbusterz teaches you how to throw a curveball in baseball by flicking your wrist. For the grip on the ball put your index and middle fingers on the left side of the ball. The thumb should be on the bottom, on the opposite side. When you throw the ball make sure you flick y ...more

How To : Throw a basic and 12-6 curveball

McDeProductions teaches you how to throw a curveball in softball or baseball. You want to put your thumb on the bottom of the ball and the rest of the fingers a bit apart. You will just roll the ball off the palm of your hand when you throw it, which will give the spinning mot ...more

How To : Ink, Blend & Stamp to Make a Poppy Card

This tutorial is quite an epic, so get a cuppa, kick off your slippers, sit back and relax as we go through a few great inking & blending techniques. We start with masking a blank card base, using artists/crafters masking paper roll, this is available online or try DIY/Hobby ...more

News : Dexterous Bot Kicks Human-Butt at Pen Spinning

You can try and try, but all the practice in the world can't compete with this robotic hand's pen spinning skills. Ishikawa Komuro Lab's dexterous, high-speed robotic hand is lightning fast. It can close its fingers in less than 1/10th of a second and uses breakneck actuators ...more

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