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Guide : Wi-Fi Cards and Chipsets

Greetings aspiring hackers. I have observed an increasing number of questions, both here on Null-Byte and on other forums, regarding the decision of which USB wireless network adapter to pick from when performing Wi-Fi hacks. So in today's guide I will be tackling this dilemm ...more

How To : SQL Injection! -- Detailed Introduction.

Hello NullByte! This will be my first How To series. In this tutorial you'll learn what SQL is, what SQL injection is and how it benefits you as a hacker. I strongly recommend learning at least the basics of PHP before attempting to learn/use SQL Injection. list of reference ...more

How To : OpenSSL Unique Encryption/Decryption Scripts

In this tutorial I will be explaining the purpose of unique encryption/decryption scripts ( I will be referring to these at "UEDS" for this tutorial). Then, I will show you how to make one. Finally I will talk about the downsides to the method I use. I will also provide links ...more

Where Do I Start : Learn the Fundamentals

I am very new to Null Byte but I find much of its content and community incredibly interesting. I spent quite a bit of time just chronologically going through the posts and I noticed a common theme in many of the beginner posts. Many people seem to want to know the 'secret' or ...more

SPLOIT : How to Make an SSH Brute-Forcer in Python

NOTICE: Ciuffy will be answering questions related to my articles on my behalf as I am very busy. Hope You Have Fun !!! As much as I love other SSH bruteforcing tools like Ncrack, Metasploit, THC-Hydra, ... ( Just to mention a few ). I prefer using my own script. The tools ab ...more

How To : Dual-Boot Multiple ROMs on Your Nexus 6

Desktop users have taken advantage of dual-booting operating systems for decades now. If your core system software is lacking in any regard, dual-booting a secondary OS can give you access to those features that you're missing out on. When it comes to Android devices, there's ...more

How To : 21 Must-Know Tips & Tricks for Mac OS X Yosemite

By now, you've probably already installed 10.10 Yosemite, the newest version of Mac OS X, on your computer. While you most certainly noticed the visual changes, you might have missed some of the really cool additions. We've spent the last few days getting to know it, and let ...more

How To : Manage Stored Passwords So You Don't Get Hacked

Chrome, Firefox, and Safari all provide built-in features that allow you to save your username and password for your favorite sites, making the process for entering your credentials a breeze when you revisit them. While this automation does make your life a little easier, it ...more

How To : Get Started with Kali Linux (2014 Version)

Welcome back, my apprentice hackers! As many of you know, I have been hesitant to adopt the new Kali hacking system from Offensive Security. This hesitancy has been based upon a number of bugs in the original release back in March of 2013 and my belief that BackTrack was easi ...more

How To : 20 Hidden Calculator Tricks for Your iPhone

The Calculator app is probably one of Apple's most-used iPhone apps, yet I always meet people who don't know all the little tricks there are to using it more efficiently. You may know most of them, but there's a chance you don't or at least forget about some of them. What a " ...more

How To : Apply OTA Updates on Your Rooted Pixel 2 or 2 XL

So, you rooted your Pixel 2 or 2 XL and everything seems to be working quite well. However, a month passes, and you get a notification to install the monthly security update. Like clockwork, Google has been pushing out OTA security patches every single month for a while, but t ...more

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