Clean Stain Water

How To : Clean laminate floors safely

The basic idea of cleaning laminate floors is to use a dry or damp mop or cleaner for cleaning spills and as little moisture as possible. Laminate floors are resistant products and are made to last, but they also are sensible to moisture and thus it can produce damage. Also ve ...more

How To : Make perfect BBQ ribs for summer with John Kass

John Kass from the Chicago Tribune and Gary Wiviott, author of Low & Slow, demonstrate how to make perfect ribs. The first step is to run them under cool water and rinse them with cider vinegar to clean them off. Second, coat them with mustard. This holds the rub on the rib. B ...more

How To : Prepare and clean fresh snow crab

Web Chef demonstrates how to prepare and clean snow crab. First, fill a large pot halfway full of water, add a dash of sea salt and bring it to a boil. Throw in the crabs, replace the lid and cook them for 15 minutes. Remove the crabs from the pot and run them under cold water ...more

How To : Clean your septum piercing

First of all you need to have some warm water in glass. Now take an ear bud and dip into the warm water. Now apply some soap over it. You can use the hand soap also for this purpose. Insert the bud in your nostril and then rub it around the pierced skin. Remove all kinds of pa ...more

How To : Assemble a Survival Kit

I am writing this quick post in response to the recent earthquakes and tsunamis that are affecting Japan. As soon as the news broke, and we began to hear of tsunami warning for our area, I immediately realized how under prepared I was for a natural disaster. The thing that dro ...more

How To : Draw and color a cartoon

Watch this instructional drawing video to draw and color a cartoon. Use a calligraphy pen to draw think lines and thin lines with a single pen. This allows you to draw expressions quickly and decisively. With a clean brush, dampen the paper where you want to add color. Mix mar ...more

How To : Make a homemade energizing facial mask

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a homemade energizing facial mask. First, add in 6 drops of Ylang Ylang with 2 drops of lemon oil and 2 drops of ice water. Mix this together, then add in ground almond so it makes a paste. Mix all of this together until it's well combine ...more

How To : Cut into a fresh pineapple

In order to cut into a fresh pineapple, you will need a sharp knife and a cutting board. Clean the pineapple first. Rinse it really well under running water. You will need to remove the top and bottom. Turn it on its side. Cut the top off. Then, cut the bottom off. Now, stand ...more

How To : Remove permanent marker stains with toothpaste

This shows viewers how to remove permanent marker stains using toothpaste. First, you will want to do this in a bathroom or kitchen. Fill up a cup just barely with water. This should only be about 1 cm deep or full in the cup. Next, you will need to different kinds of toothpas ...more

How To : Keep a cut from scarring

Keep it clean, covered, and coated, and say goodbye to that scar from the get-go. You will need running water and mild soap, self adhesive bandages, antibiotic ointment, petroleum jelly, sunblock, and silicone gel sheets. Warning: See a doctor immediately if your cut is extrem ...more

How To : Fix a broken, skipping CD with toothpaste at home

Those discs you thought were done for because of scratches and years of use now have a second chance at working and all you need to do so is get some things together from around the house. You'll need toothpaste most importantly, some tissues, water and the actual CD you want ...more

How To : Cook Rice the Easy South Louisianan Way

It's every home cook's nightmare...burnt on the bottom, mushy on the top! RICE, the simplest of foods, but not so simple to cook...or is it? I'm from South Louisiana (think New Orleans then go further south) where rice is served with everything and cooking it is second nature. ...more

How To : Replace bathtub caulk with the Master Handyman

In this tutorial, we learn how to replace bathtub caulk. First, fill your bathtub halfway full with water, then grab your caulk and caulking removal tool. After you have done these steps, apply your caulk remover. Next, scrape it with the remover tool. After this, use bleach a ...more

How To : Make cheap and easy fake blood

If you're making a cheap horror movie, you're gonna need fake blood, and lots of it! In this video, you'll learn how to make a liter of fake blood. And the supplies are everyday household supplies, costing less than a dollar! Materials needed: Half a cup of chocolate powder ...more

How To : Make a Mermaid Tail Costume

Make your underwater dreams come true by turning yourself into a bona fide swimming mermaid. If mermaids did exist, you would be the perfect candidate to transform into the mythical creature. So check out this video tutorial form Little Orca to learn how to make your own merma ...more

How To : Install or move a shower valve

This two part video show you how to remove an old shower valve, preparation and installation of a new shower valve. Also, you'll see how to clean, cut and connect copper plumbing pipes. Don't forget to watch part two and always make sure to shut off the water main first! Part ...more

How To : Clean your Jordans and make them look like new

In this Beauty & Style video tutorial you will learn how to clean your Jordans and make them look like new. There is nothing complicated about this process. You will need alcohol, seaglow, cloth, cotton, 9 tips, sponge, dish soap in a cup with water, old tooth brush and a wate ...more

How To : Snorkel

Why the Love? Every one has a reason for loving something. Mine was that it was the only thing I had. That one sure thing. I loved it because I had nothing, and it cost me nothing. At times I had no idea what was going to happen to me, or where I was going to be. The shore is ...more

How To : Clean an LCD screen without harming it

There are a variety of substances that you can use to clean your LCD screen. The one thing you don't want to use is anything that has alcohol in it. Alcohol will damage your LCD. Any LCD cleaning liquid will work to safely clean your LCD. It is also good to use a microfiber cl ...more

How To : Care for and transplant small house plants

This is a great way to learn how to upgrade your small house plants into bigger ones. Start over plants once a year. Put rocks on the bottom for drainage. Bugs help your plants to grow. Do not use Pesticides on your house plants. Water weekly. Compost bins make great soil. Swe ...more

How To : Use liver of sulfur solution to create a patina

artjewelrymag teaches you how to use a liver of sulfur solution to create a patina. First, be sure to wear protective gloves and eye gear. Be sure to perform this operation in a well-ventilated area because sulfur smells like rotten eggs. To get started, add a few small pieces ...more

How To : Clean your car windows so they are streak free

In this Autos, Motorcycles & Planes video tutorial you are going to learn how to clean your car windows so they are streak free. You will need ammonia solution and a mixing bottle. Mix one part ammonia with ten parts of water in the mixing bottle. Make sure you take sufficient ...more

How To : Clean a green swimming pool

Spring is here and you are excited to use your in-ground swimming pool again. Problem is, you find your pool filled with green water after opening it. What do you do? Watch this two-part video tutorial to learn how to backwash your pool filter and clear up that swampy green po ...more

How To : Install No-Frills Drip Irrigation

Solving a Dilemma This is a simple how-to for a cost effective drip irrigation system for your garden. My motivation to set up my garden for drip irrigation was pretty simple. In the summer, it gets to 90+ degrees outside, and my 50’ garden hose didn’t reach the far extents w ...more

How To : Make wind chimes using salt and pepper shakers

Here is a very crafty and cute way to create a wind chime out of old salt and pepper shakers that can be found either around your house or bought at second hand stores and a small tin tray or plate to hang your shakers from. A bit of out door or water-proof glue and some color ...more

How To : Care for your recorder properly with Mrs. Hill

In this how-to video, you will learn how to maintain your recorder instrument. First, label your recorder with a permanent marker in case you leave it somewhere. This will allow someone to identify who it belongs to. First, use the cleaning rod and put a piece of cotton cloth ...more

How To : Troubleshoot common dishwasher problems

Watch this video tutorial for troubleshooting dishwasher problems. Check the following: are you over loading on detergent causing soapy residues? Have you stacked your dishes badly? Is the seal around the door old and worn? Do you have a dodgy pipe connection? Worst case scen ...more

How To : Treat burns and scalds (British Red Cross)

No one can escape the wrath of fire. Eery living person will experience some sort of burn during their lifespan, from scalds to third degree burns. Burns and scalds are among the most common injuries requiring emergency treatment in hospitals, but would you know what to do if ...more

How To : Bleach water stains from furniture

When restoring older wood furniture you will probably encounter dark rings and black spots, which are caused by water stains. Oxalic acid is a moderate bleach that will remove these stains even if they have penetrated the wood surface. Oxalic acid will also remove finish stain ...more

How To : How To Clean Piano Keys

In just a few simple steps, you'll have your piano keys sparkling like new. You Will Need * Lint-free cloths * Vinegar * Water * Gentle soap * White toothpaste Step 1: Determine the type of keys Determine whether your white piano keys are plastic or ivory. Most modern pianos ...more

How To : Make a glowing lightning bug sculpture

In order to make a glowing lightning bug sculpture, you will need the following: an empty pop bottle, a yellow marker, a pipe cleaner, construction paper or card stock, and glue. Make sure that the soda pop bottle that you've chosen to use has a ridge around it. Clean it thor ...more

How To : Smell good naturally

Ever wanted to know how to smell good naturally with natural elements? You can save the earth without offending those around you when you go au natural. You Will Need: • A shower • Plant-based soaps • Natural food • Clean water • Wheat grass • Red radish juice • A lime ...more

How To : Use a grey water system

Grey water is the used water from your dish washer, washing machine, shower, but not your toilet. This grey water can be recycled to irrigate your home, without wasting clean water. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to choose a grey water system for you home.

How To : Make a simple coyote well water filter

When you're trying to survive in the wild, clean water is an absolute must. This video shows you a simple and easy method to build a basic water's edge, water filter device called a coyote well water filter. Though this filter will NOT remove toxins or pathogens, in an emergen ...more

How To : Grow plants from cuttings

Growing plants from cuttings is an inexpensive way to expand your garden. With patience and the right technique, it can be done fairly easily. You Will Need * Pruning shears * Sand * Peat moss * Plant containers * Plastic zipper bags * Potting soil * Clean container to hold yo ...more

How To : Wash your car exterior using the two bucket method

Jacob shows the importance of washing your car properly. First use two buckets. Fill one with soapy water, the other to rinse your car. Use a grip guard to keep your tools above water, and use white buckets. The principal is to keep the wash water as clean as possible. Get you ...more

How To : Remove blood stains

Cuts and scrapes are a fact of life, but permanent staining from them doesn't have to be – if you know what to do. This video will show you how to remove blood stains. You Will Need * Cold water * Shampoo Step 1. Rinse with cold water If the stained item is washable, rinse ...more

How To : Hang Dry Herbs

Harvest your herbs Harvest your herbs before they flower (unless you are harvesting chamomile or any other herb flower) The best time is in the morning after the dew has evaporated Bunch your herbs by wrapping a rubber band tightly around the base of a handful of herbs Rins ...more

How To : Maintain a swimming pool with Lowe's

Lowe's home improvement expert Mike Craft gives the low down on how to maintain your swimming pool. Pool maintenance is essential for keeping your pool like new and in tip-top condition. You will need some basic materials such as water test strips, chlorine tablets, algae-cide ...more

How To : Grout tile

Customize your kitchen or bathroom with your favorite tile. Learn how to grout tile to get professional-looking results. You will need several large buckets, several sponges, several rags, clean water, grout in powder form, a grout float, a triangular trowel, and a dust mask.

How To : Enhance your water with positive energy

Learn how to enhance your water with positive energy. An interesting video, which described how to fill your body with positive energy. ** First have to get a new clean water bottle, fill it up with water. ** Put a set of headphones around it and let the water listen to the mu ...more

How To : Clean a microwave oven

Microwaves are quick and easy to use, but unfortunately they don't yet clean themselves. Learn how to clean a microwave oven properly. You Will Need: * A clean, damp sponge * A microwave-safe bowl * 2 c water * Dishwashing soap * Water * A damp cloth * 2 clean, dry cloths * A ...more

How To : Clean latex paint off your paintbrushes

Despite your best efforts, do your paintbrushes always end up too stiff to reuse? Keep them forever with these cleaning tips. You will need water, a clean rag, a paintbrush comb, a clean container, liquid fabric softener, a rubber band, and a ruler. Watch this video interior d ...more

How To : Keep your vinyl LPs in perfect condition

Do you have an old collection of vinyl records but can't keep them in good condition? First, take an empty syringe and fill it with clean water. Add the water from the syringe as the record plays. The water will spread throughout the record and increase the sound quality. The ...more

How To : Find a leak in the roof of your house

You might notice a brown water stain on a wall in your house and the source of the stain may be a leak in your roof. So, it's good to go up into the attic and look around to see if you can find the source of the leak. When you get up in the attic take a flashlight and look aro ...more

How To : Clean and sanitize the kitchen

Looking to give your kitchen a good cleaning this spring? Don't go out and spend a ton of money on sanitizing sprays and cleaning equipment. Cleaning and sanitizing your kitchen is easy, effective, and inexpensive, because everything you need is likely in your kitchen! You Wi ...more

How To : Clean a fish tank

Keep your fish healthy and your fish tank clean with these simple steps. You Will Need * A large plastic cup * A large bowl * A scooping net * A sink * An algae scrubber * Clean gravel (optional) Step 1 Use a large plastic cup to remove water from the tank to a large bowl. Sc ...more

How To : Use a foam gun to clean your car

Sometimes, it takes more than just a sponge and some water to clean your car. Sometimes, it takes a foam gun. This instructional video will show you how to properly use a foam gun to clean your car. Use a foam gun to clean your car. Click through to watch this video on paintca ...more

How To : Replace a refrigerator's turning water filter

Besides being able to keep food cool and fresh for days, a fridge can also do much more. One feature that many are coming equipped with is an area for drinking water. This makes it easier to get a hold of nice, cool water during a hot summer day. But of course you need a filte ...more

Make Great Depression meals : Dandelion salad

94-year-old Clara shares economical and delicious meals from Depression-era American homes. This episode: Dandelion Salad! Dig up dandelions and discard flowers, roots and dead leaves. Soak in clean water and rinse 3 times. Repeat twice more, if necessary. Dry leaves once they ...more

How To : Purify muddy river water

In this video, we learn how to purify muddy river water. First, take a bucket of dirty river water straight from the river. This will be in a 2-5 gallon bucket. Now, add 1 packet of water Purifier per every 2 gallons. Stir this in for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Once the p ...more

How To : Clean skates or rays

In this video, we learn how to clean skates or rays. First, use a sharp knife to remove the roughness from the top of the ray. After this, stick the knife in both of the sides and cut all the way down. From here, you should just have the middle left and the two sides should go ...more

How To : Build immunity naturally & not get sick

Natasha tells us not wait until we get sick to take care of our health. Building the immune system will often prevent illness in the first place. The basics of a strong immune system are; plenty of sleep, clean water, good healthy food, and minimizing stress. She advises that ...more

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