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News : 91 Cool New iOS 11 Features You Didn't Know About

Apple's iOS 11 is finally here, and while they showed off several of the new features it brings to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch back at WWDC 2017, they've only just touched the surface of what iOS 11 has to offer. There are a lot of cool new (and sometimes secret) feature ...more

Messages 101 : How to Name Group iMessages on Your iPhone

Group messages are great when you want to talk to multiple people at the same time. However, things can get disorderly real fast in the Messages app, especially if the same person is in multiple group conversations. That's where custom group names come in, which helps you make ...more

How To : Return a Lost iPhone to Its Owner Using Siri

I misplaced my iPhone 6 just a few weeks ago, so I know firsthand that losing an iPhone sucks. Luckily, my tale didn't have a bad ending. While at a bar, I went to use the restroom and mistakenly left my iPhone on an unguarded chair. When I returned, it was gone. Admittedly, ...more

How To : Maximize Your iPhone's Battery Life in iOS 8

The new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are supposed to last a lot longer in your pocket with improved battery life, but that doesn't mean that iOS 8 will be that friendly on your older iPhone model. All of those awesome new features could be killing your battery, but with some simple twe ...more

News : 24 Cool New Features in iOS 11.3 for iPhone

While iOS 11.3 doesn't have as many new features as iOS 11.2, there's still a lot to love about Apple's latest update for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, even if some of the best features we were expecting didn't make the cut. Apple released the iOS 11.3 beta on Jan. 24, and ju ...more

How To : 11 Food Storage Hacks for Your Next Lunch Break

Bringing your lunch to work doesn't always have to involve boring brown paper bags and plastic ziplocks. If you want to avoid crushing your homemade bagel sandwich on the way to work, store it in a CD spindle case. Tired of stealing ketchup packets from food courts? Place you ...more

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