Crack a Digital Safe

How To : Crack 3D objects in Blender

Learn how to create a crack in a 3D object in two minute or less with this video guide. The technique involves no scripts, just a powerful tool that has been right under your nose for years! Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphic ...more

How To : Make a candle wax explosion

In this video, you'll see how and why wax can be a deadly. This is how it works,When the test tube is submerged in cold water, the glass forms tiny cracks. The Water enters gets into the tube and vaporizes causing a micro explosion. The hot wax is then ejected from the tube qu ...more

How To : Use audible texting features with Ford SYNC

Texting is one of the biggest problems in automobiles today. It's very dangerous and distracting. Ford's new SYNC system makes texting safe for everyone, with audible texting. If you receive a text message on your mobile phone, SYNC can read the message to you out loud with th ...more

How To : Make a high-tech spy stethoscope

A stethoscope, often considered the symbol of a doctor's profession, but also used by safe-crackers and auto mechanics to hear sounds that otherwise couldn't be heard. Well, it's time to make a high-tech electronic spy stethoscope with Kip Kay in this gadget video tutorial, fo ...more

How To : Play Safe & Avoid FarmVille Scams

With FarmVille being one of the hottest Facebook games on the market, it's no wonder it's the primary target for scams and virus downloads. Anyone playing FarmVille is at risk, but the primary targets are those looking to improve their gameplay and build their farms and neighb ...more

How To : Animate a crack on a plane in Blender

Learn how to create a simple cracking animation when working in Blender. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tricks, you're sure to be well s ...more

News : DIY Digital Combination Clock

Ever wondered how a digital combination lock works? Instructables member Nino123 is kind enough to demonstrate the inner workings, with a step-by-step HowTo on building your own. "You can connect it to anything from 1v to 400v (or maybe more that depends on the RELAY), DC or ...more

How To : Make your own cover for Nook from household items

If you've purchased a Nook (the Barnes and Noble e-reader), then you probably want to keep it safe and free from cracks or scrapes. While you can certainly purchase a Nook cover from the store, why not personalize it instead by making your own Nook cover? Check out this video ...more

News : Fingerpainting for Baby Cyborgs

Did you ever, as a know-nothing kid, push against your closed eyelids for the pleasure of the resultant light show? LCD bending takes the low-tech fun of physical retinal stimulation and updates it for the 21st century. And, as the title suggests, the end result looks very muc ...more

How To : Do a pre-ride bike check

This video teaches you how to do a check of your bike before you go on a ride, especially if you haven't ridden in a while. Before each ride, check the tire pressure with a tire gauge. Pump it up if it is low, and release pressure if it is too high. Also check the tires' condi ...more

How To : Make your car summer proof

The summer sun can wreck havoc on your automobile. Use this tutorial to keep your paint job shiny and your interior bright in the scorching summer sun. You Will Need • Car washes and waxes • Exterior trim protectant • Interior trim and seat protectant • Replacement fluids ...more

How To : Change your windshield wiper blades

New windshield wiper blades can be tough to install, but maintaining them is critical for safe driving in bad weather. You Will Need * New blades and attachments * Your car's manual (optional) * A small screwdriver (optional) Step 1: Buy the right blades for your car Buy the ...more

How To : Start a fire in a fireplace

Longing for the coziness of a fire? Follow these tips for a safe and successful experience. You Will Need * A fireplace * An axe * Softwood * Hardwood * Matches * Newspaper WARNING: Never use charcoal lighter, kerosene, or gasoline to start a fire in a fireplace. Step 1 Use ...more

CISPA : What You Need to Know

Though under a lot of the average consumer's radar, the CISPA is now making rounds again with a coalition of advocacy rights groups. The act, known as the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, forces companies to ignore existing privacy laws and share information with ...more

How To : Mine Bitcoin and Make Money

Bitcoin is a new currency built off "Satoshi Nakamoto's" (alias) 2008 Bitcoin white-paper. Bitcoin provides its users with a way to make peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions without having to use a bank as a mediator. There is no middle man, no corporation backing it, and no one ha ...more

Levitation Challenge : 5 Tutorials for Defying Gravity

Giveaway Tuesdays has officially ended! But don't sweat it, WonderHowTo has another World that's taken its place. Every Tuesday, Phone Snap! invites you to show off your cell phone photography skills. Submit your best shot to our weekly competition for a chance to win an awes ...more

How To : Survive an earthquake

Feeling unprepared for the next earthquake? In this tutorial, learn what to do and what not to do to survive "the big one". You'll be surprised to learn that hiding in a doorway is a myth! You Will Need: • A safe place • Sturdy shoes • A fire extinguisher • A flashlight ...more

How To : Pickle vegetables

It's easy to make a peck of pickled peppers – or any other vegetable – with this basic recipe. You Will Need * 3-4 lbs. beets, cucumbers, carrots, asparagus, bell peppers, or green bean * A large, oven-safe, lidded pot * Four one-pint canning jars * A boiling-water canner * A ...more

How To : Get Packet Injection Capable Drivers in Linux

In this Null Byte, we are going to be installing Packet Injection capable drivers in Linux. These are the open-source drivers required to sniff wireless traffic, inject packets to crack a wireless access point, and go into "monitor-mode". These drivers are superior because the ...more

REVIEW : The A-Team

People smile in this movie. This is a genius breakthrough Another day, another remake. Another safe choice during apparently rocky times - this wintry economic climate, don't you know - and we're off and watching Joe Carnahan's big-screen version of the A-Team. In 2010. Why ...more

News : Best Action Movies

ACTION MOVIES The Hunger Games (2012) Set in a future where the Capitol selects a boy and girl from the twelve districts to fight to the death on live television, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her younger sister's place for the latest match.Dir: Gary Ross With: Jennife ...more

News : 8 Tips for Creating Strong, Unbreakable Passwords

This weekend, hackers broke into the servers of the popular shoe shopping site Zappos, giving them access to the personal information of 24 million Zappos customers. The user data taken included names, email addresses, billing and shipping addresses, phone numbers, the last fo ...more

News : Should Kids Be Allowed to Use Facebook and Google+?

It's a question I've been pondering a lot lately. Technically, children under the age of 13 are not allowed to join Facebook. But according to a Consumer Reports in May, 7.5 million children 12 and younger are already on the site. Currently, federal law prohibits websites from ...more

Make Your Own Nitrous Oxide : Hilarious Science

If you've ever had teeth removed/minor surgery, you most likely received some laughing gas, or nitrous oxide. This gas creates a happy, lightened feeling, and causes instant laughter. In this article, I'll show you how to make some. BUT BE CAREFUL!!! DO NOT proceed in this exp ...more

Brief Reality : AR Goes Green in Hackathon

NextReality will be giving readers a rundown of the augmented and mixed reality news briefs from the preceding week that we didn't cover already. This way, you'll never miss anything of importance in the NextReality landscape, and will always know what's going on with new augm ...more

News : A Brief History of Hacking

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! Hacking has a long and storied history in the U.S. and around the world. It did not begin yesterday, or even at the advent of the 21st century, but rather dates back at least 40 years. Of course, once the internet migrated to commercial use ...more

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