Credit Card Number Hack

How To : Hack a Skype Password

Skype is a great way to stay in contact with friends and family over the internet, and people tend to share a lot in their chats, so why not try and find a way to hack it! Once a Skype account is hacked, you can view all conversations within the last three months, see how long ...more

How To : The 4 Best Password Managers for iPhone

Using a strong password is critical to the security of your online accounts. However, according to Dashlane, US users hold an average of 130 different accounts. Memorizing strong passwords for that many accounts is impractical. Fortunately, password managers solve the problem. ...more

News : Apple Releases iOS 12.4 Public Beta 4 for iPhone

While iOS 13 is not ready for public beta testers just yet, Apple is still testing iOS 12.4 out, and you can install that right now on your iPhone. The latest version, iOS 12.4 public beta 4, was released June 12, a day after its developer version. Since iOS 12.4 developer be ...more

How To : Securely & Anonymously Spend Money Online

Anonymity is very important to many internet users. By having your "e-identity" exposed online, you can be stuck with a number of unwanted issues, such as: Privacy invasion. Internet tracking. Exposure to being hacked. However, what if we wanted to spend money anonymously? T ...more

News : How Zero-Day Exploits Are Bought & Sold

Most of you already know that a zero-day exploit is an exploit that has not yet been revealed to the software vendor or the public. As a result, the vulnerability that enables the exploit hasn't been patched. This means that someone with a zero-day exploit can hack into any sy ...more

How To : Gift Apps & Games to Android Users

The iTunes App Store makes it easy to buy an app or game on someone else's behalf, and it's a great way to send an iPhone user a thoughtful gift. The Google Play Store doesn't have such functionality, but there are still a few workarounds to accomplish the same goal: gifting a ...more

How To : Say "Can I use my credit card here?" in Chinese

Watch this Chinese language video tutorial and learn useful phrases and additional vocabulary when making purchases with a credit card, such as "Number" and "Can I use my credit card here?" Learn how to correctly pronounce the words and phrases, and how to use them properly in ...more

How To : Use text field form validation in Dreamweaver CS4

Here the New Boston shows you some tips about using the Spry Validation Text Field. To begin you will go to the Spry Validation Text Field, on Dreamweaver CS4. Looking at the bottom of the page notice the various options that are available for Properties. You find drop-down bo ...more

HowTo : Use Science to Decode a Credit Card's Secret Data

Tetherd Cow Ahead posts an interesting science experiment. All you really need is a little bit of iron powder and a magnet, and you can unveil the info behind the magstripe on a credit card.  You will need: A small amount of fine iron powder or iron oxide A magnet An old cre ...more

How To : Strengthen your credit score

An invisible number controls your financial destiny. So until the revolution, you might as well learn how to raise your credit score. You Will Need: * Your credit reports * Your credit score * Willpower Order your credit score from Equifax: It is the only agency that provid ...more

How To : Find your IP address

In this video, we learn how to find your IP address. First, start up your computer and open up your web browser. Next, you will type in the site: WhatIsMyIPAddress. Once you do this, you will be led to a new site which will load up your IP information at the top of the page. O ...more

How To : Get a PayPal account

If you like to shop online then it is extremely helpful to have a PayPal account to safely make your online purchases. Help reduce your risk of identity theft by using protected methods like PayPal when your credit card information is involved. PayPal is a service that allows ...more

How To : Make a Fake Identity

Inspiration for tutorial: Foxtrot's "How to Trap a Tracker" If you have been following my past tutorials, (and it's fine if you haven't,) you would know how much social engineering and doxing I do. During these moments when we are convincing people that we are a different per ...more

How To : Introduction to Modern Cryptography

Cryptography is the science of keeping secrets, or more specifically, the science of disguising them. As a point of fact, cryptography has progressed quite a bit farther and now encompasses file and message integrity, sender authentication, and pseudo-random number generators. ...more

How To : 7 Easy Mnemonic Tricks for Remembering Numbers

Whether it's your credit card, your parents' new zip code, or a new work phone number, number sequences are everywhere. Sometimes it's important to actually remember them instead of always relying on a smartphone or the internet to remind you. For long number sequences, your ...more

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