Crochet a Leaf

How To : Crochet a leaf pattern

This is a variation of the leaf crochet pattern. Learn how to crochet a leaf by this method by watching this crafting how-to video.

How To : Crochet a leaf variation

Check out this video to crochet a leaf variation. If you've ever wondered how, then hurry up and watch, especially if you are not sure what a leaf variation is.

How To : Do single crochet bind off

This video demonstrates how to do a basic single crochet bind-off. This leaves a nice edge finish. You don't need to know how to crochet to do this bind-off. Do single crochet bind off. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Knit a Decorative Flower

This beautiful flower can be used as decoration on a hat, scarf, headband or purse. You name it. There are many uses. On the photo above, I added it to a hat. I have also used it as a decoration on a napkin ring. The flower is knit in three parts. Check out the instructions be ...more

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