Crochet Reverse Shell

Real Scenarios #1 : The New MacBook

You're at your friend's house. All you've heard about all day is his new laptop. He's got a brand new top-specced MacBook Pro, and he won't stop going on about it. It particularly annoys you as all you've got is a 4 year old cheap laptop, even if it is running Linux. If only ...more

How To : Hack Apache Tomcat via Malicious WAR File Upload

Web applications are a prime target for hackers, but sometimes it's not just the web apps themselves that are vulnerable. Web management interfaces should be scrutinized just as hard as the apps they manage, especially when they contain some sort of upload functionality. By ex ...more

How To : Use Meterpeter on OS X

Hello all, this is my first submission to null byte! I noticed something a little strange, particularly that whenever Meterpreter is discussed, it is virtually always in the context of Windows. Granted, the Windows Meterpreter is more powerful than the version that can run on ...more

How To : Bypass File Upload Restrictions Using Burp Suite

When attempting to gain access to a server, there may come a point when you need to get around file upload restrictions to upload something. If we can find a way to get around the restrictions, then we can upload anything we want to the server, effectively compromising it. Tha ...more

How To : Exploit Routers on an Unrooted Android Phone

RouterSploit is a powerful exploit framework similar to Metasploit, working to quickly identify and exploit common vulnerabilities in routers. And guess what. It can be run on most Android devices. I initially covered RouterSploit on Kali Linux and macOS (OS X), but this tuto ...more

How to Hack Wi-Fi : Automating Wi-Fi Hacking with Besside-ng

Besside-ng is the hidden gem of the Aircrack-ng suite of Wi-Fi hacking tools. When run with a wireless network adapter capable of packet injection, Besside-ng can harvest WPA handshakes from any network with an active user — and crack WEP passwords outright. Unlike many tools, ...more

How To : Crochet a seashells pattern for left handers

Often in creating crochet patterns, crocheters will pick natural objects with natural symmetry or a pretty shape, like shells and blueberries, to be the inspiration for a new crochet pattern. In this video, the inspiration is seashells, which scatter the length of the finishe ...more

News : Change from BASH to zsh

Hello fellow Null-Byters today I will be showing you how to change from the simple but powerful BASH system to a more powerful and faster Z - Shell system. This change can be permanent if you want but doesn't have to be, and it is an extremely simple one to perform. Reasons t ...more

News : Null Byte Is Calling for Contributors!

We're officially seeking Null Byters interested in teaching others! Contributors will write tutorials, which will be featured on the Null Byte blog, as well as the front page of WonderHowTo (if up to par, of course). This is a job meant for anyone with the will to share knowle ...more

How To : Read Minds with a Simple Mentalism Effect

What if I told you that you could read minds? You'd most likely think I was crazy, and you'd be right. But what I really meant is that you could make people think that you could read minds, something that's not the least bit crazy. Performing mind reading — and it is a perfor ...more

How To : Convert Python Script to Exe

There are a lot of great tutorials on Null Byte using Python to create backdoors, reverse shells etc, so I thought it might be worthwhile making a tutorial on how to convert these python scripts to exe files for Windows victim machines. This has a number of benefits: 1) The v ...more

How To : Make Water 'Bottles' You Can Eat

Bottled water is a rip-off. Not only is it pretty much the same stuff that comes out of your tap for free, but plastic bottles are rarely recycled and thus account for a huge amount of the waste that's overflowing our landfills. Next Up: Water Bottles You Can Eat Fortunately, ...more

How To : Spy on SSH Sessions with SSHPry2.0

SSH, or the secure shell, is a way of controlling a computer remotely from a command-line interface. While the information exchanged in the SSH session is encrypted, it's easy to spy on an SSH session if you have access to the computer that's being logged in to. Using a tool c ...more

How To : Modify the USB Rubber Ducky with Custom Firmware

The USB Rubber Ducky comes with two software components, the payload script to be deployed and the firmware which controls how the Ducky behaves and what kind of device it pretends to be. This firmware can be reflashed to allow for custom Ducky behaviors, such as mounting USB ...more

Hacking macOS : How to Create an Undetectable Payload

Encrypting payloads and encoding stagers are more effective against macOS than one might think. It's very easy to evade VirusTotal and macOS antivirus software using a few simple tricks. The goal of this project was to locate a known and easily detectable macOS payload, then ...more

How To : The Essential Skills to Becoming a Master Hacker

Many of my aspiring hackers have written to me asking the same thing. "What skills do I need to be a good hacker?" As the hacker is among the most skilled information technology disciplines, it requires a wide knowledge of IT technologies and techniques. To truly be a great h ...more

How To : All the Apps You Need to Make That Perfect Story

Stories are everywhere in social media today, but that wasn't always the case. In 2013, Snapchat introduced the world to these temporary windows into our daily lives. Since then, stories have infiltrated other popular apps. However, to stand out, you can't solely rely on the a ...more

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