Crunches Exercise

How To : Do side crunches on an exercise ball

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do side crunches on an exercise ball. Begin by sitting on the exercising ball. Then roll down on the ball until the back is resting on the ball. Now sit up using your abdominal muscles and twist to the sides. Exhale as you go up and ...more

How To : Tone abs with a figure-of-eight crunch exercise

The circular motion of this "figure-of-eight crunch" will really work your abdominal muscles. See the details in the video from Men's Health, which shows you how to do a really powerful crunches exercise. Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90º angle, squeezing a light ...more

How To : Tone abs with a weighted crunch exercise

Get a good abs workout with this "weighted crunch" exercise. Men's Health shows you how to do it. Using a weighted plate on your chest makes this abs exercise harder, but so much more useful. Lie on your back with your knees bent and hold a weight plate or dumb-bell on your c ...more

How To : Do a bodybuilding crunch exercise for 6-pack abs

Don't let the TV ads convince you to buy some bulky contraption that will gather dust in your closet, crunches are safe and effective! This how-to video shows how to do crunches with varying degrees of difficulty based on your ability. Remember that ab exercises alone will not ...more

How To : Tone abs with a negative crunch exercise

Even thought this exercise has the word negative in it, doesn't mean it isn't good. Men's Health shows you exactly how to do the "negative crunch" exercise, where you need to lean backwards into a 45º angle and work your abs. Sit with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ...more

How To : Tone abs with a standing cable crunch exercise

Join Men's Health as they show you the "standing cable crunch" exercise, which uses a high-pulley cable to tone your abs. It's a great abs workout if you have the right equipment. Attach a rope to a high-pulley cable and stand with your back to the weights stack. Hold one end ...more

How To : Do a lying-sideways side crunch ab exercise

There are many variations of the side crunch exercise. This exercise works the oblique muscles. The lateral flexors of the spine (quadratus lumborum) are also involved in this exercise. The obliques are commonly referred to as the "love handles." They are used to assist with r ...more

How To : Do a supine stability ball crunch exercise

This exercise is good for abdominal strength and endurance. It is safe and easy to do. The crunch is one of the most incorrectly performed exercises. This exercise works best when done slowly. A workout mat is recommended. In the supine version of the stability ball crunch, t ...more

How To : Do the bicycle crunch exercises

Learn how you can do the bicycle crunch exercises with this fitness tutorial. Bicycle crunch exercises are great for strengthening your core muscles. Watch this how to video and you can get in shape with the bicycle crunch exercises.

How To : Exercise with the double crunch on bench

Learn how to exercise by doing the double crunch on a bench. EXERCISE DETAILS: Primary Muscle Group: abs and obliques Secondary Muscle Group: hip flexors Base Movement: crunch, leg raise Equipment: bench Training Type: weight training Level of Difficulty: 4 Sport Specific: wre ...more

How To : Do a double crunch ab exercise

The double crunch exercise involves two movements: a traditional abdominal crunch and a reverse crunch or knee-in. The reverse crunch portion of this exercise is supposed to target the lower portion of the abdomen. However, it is important to note that whenever the knees move ...more

How To : Do an elbow to knee side crunch ab exercise

If you're looking for an easy oblique exercise, try the side crunch. The oblique muscles are used to assist with rotation of the torso, as well as basic abdominal contractions. It is important to note that even though the side crunch is an oblique exercise, the entire abdomina ...more

How To : Do a bicycle crunch ab exercise

The bicycle crunch is traditionally used to work the oblique muscles. While that may be true, this exercise is good for overall abdominal strengthening. The rectus abdominis (the "six pack" portion of the abs) is probably more active than are the obliques. Nevertheless, it is ...more

How To : Do a plate crunch exercise on a workout ball

If you are ready to take your ab workouts to the next level, this exercise is for you! The plate crunch can be used as a progression to the traditional workout ball crunch. The range of motion is virtually the same. However, a bar plate is placed behind the head to increase di ...more

How To : Do a towel crunch abs exercise

The towel crunch is similar to the traditional abdominal crunch. The purpose of the towel is to stabilize the head and provide comfort. It also takes away the tendency to want to pull the chin forward into the chest, which compromises the cervical spine. Instructions: Lie do ...more

How To : Do a vertical leg crunch ab exercise

The vertical leg crunch is similar to the traditional abdominal crunch. The difference is in the positioning of the arms and legs, as well as the range of motion (the upper back comes higher off the ground). Listed below are instructions for performing the vertical leg crunch: ...more

How To : Do a long arm crunch ab exercise

The long arm crunch is a modified version of the tradition abdominal crunch. When the arms are extended above the head, it increases the level of resistance placed on the abs. Thus, the traditional ab crunch becomes a bit harder to perform. The long arm crunch is slightly diff ...more

How To : Do a leg up touch crunch abdominal exercise

In this tutorial, we learn how to do leg up touch crunches for the abdominals. First, lay down flat on the ground with your arms opened out on both sides. Next, raise your legs up into the air so they are vertical to your body. Now, raise your upper body into the air, touching ...more

How To : Get six pack abs in 12 weeks

In this video, Jeff Cavalier demonstrates how the viewer can obtain six pack abs in just twelve weeks while training at home. He begins by explaining that he will show the viewer five separate work outs techniques. The first exercise is called a X-man crunch. To complete this ...more

How To : Exercise to get 6-pack abs

In order to get 6-pack abs, the most important part of this process is to lose weight. You can do that by increasing cardio exercise and decreasing your caloric intake. There is an iPhone app that can help you called "LoseIt". It will keep up with your weight loss and your pla ...more

How To : Do an advanced ab workout

Nutrition and cardiovascular exercises are necessary to reduce the size of your belly. Ab exercise won't reduce girth. They will strengthen your core, but you will need to lose excess body weight. If you want large abs, with deep valleys, as you would see in a body builder, y ...more

How To : Workout your abs like Lady Gaga and stay in shape

Lady Gaga is definitely in shape. No one can deny that. But how does she do it? How does pop music's most popular artist stay in perfect shape? How does she get those great looking abs?!? As busy as Lady Gaga may be, she always finds the time for a short exercise routine. Her ...more

How To : Determine how many reps of exercises you should do

So you've finally created a nice body-toning workout that consists of all the exercise your body needs to burn calories and stay slim: Push-ups, bicycle crunches, thigh lifts, lateral arm lifts, and shoulder presses. But then arises the second biggest problem after figuring ou ...more

How To : Workout postpregnancy with Joel Harper

In this video, we learn how to workout post pregnancy with Joel Harper. To do this, you will need a yoga mat and hand weights. Start out doing basic breathing, then start to do basic stretches. Continue on to do different exercises with your hand weights. Some of these exercis ...more

How To : Do the upper body Russian abs exercise

Contrary to popular belief, doing a zillion crunches won't get you anything more than a tired midsection and, if you're lucky, a two pack of abs within a few months. Doing the correct exercise precisely is often more important than how many reps you do. Just watch this fitnes ...more

How To : Do four times abs to tone the lower abdominals

Four time abs is an excellent exercise for working the lower abdominals and abs workout. Try this out to tone your lower abs, which typical crunches can't get to. Abs Training Notes: we must clarify one thing regarding the training of this muscle; the "rectus abdominus" (stra ...more

How To : Do sitting abdominal exercises while pregnant

In this video from modernmom we learn about doing abdominal exercises when pregnant. These exercises prevent lower back pain during pregnancy and when you're ready to push the baby out makes it a bit easier. On a mat, place sit balanced with your butt on the mat and place your ...more

How To : Get Six Pack Abs

The abdominals can be considered one of the best signals of fitness and strength and is one of the most sought-after muscle groups to develop by both men and women. While the abdominals are very desirable, it can be one of the most difficult areas to distinguish and maintain. ...more

How To : Tighten your lower abs with floor leg raises

Learn how to do floor leg raises. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits You don't see leg raises done as much as crunches at many gyms. Why? Because they're hard, that's why! The floor leg raise is one of the great abs exercises, isolating the lower abs i ...more

How To : Get a flatter stomach

Want to cut down on belly flab? Do you want a flatter, more attractive stomach? Use these workout tips to improve your abs! You can do a few of these exercises, like crunches or sit-ups, each day, and you'll be a regular fitness guru in no time!

How To : Tone your abs in eight minutes

Whether you're a guy or gal, six pack abs are always preferable to a family pack, even if you think some squishiness in the tummy is cute. But it doesn't matter how many crunches you're doing if you don't follow the right ab exercise technique. This video gives you an audio-v ...more

How To : Sculpt your abs with knee tuck floor crunches

Learn how to do knee tuck floor crunches. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Many people overwork their upper abs while neglecting their lower abs, which are weaker and harder to target. Knee crunches work both together, developing your upper and lower ...more

How To : Do flip turn abs with jumps

Learn how to do flip turn abs with jumps. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits This explosive exercise works you in every direction, combining an abs-crunching reverse tuck to squatted tuck with an explosive vertical jump for leg speed and power. Starti ...more

How To : Do a vinyasa yoga flow to whittle your obliques

Most ab workouts target your upper abdominals only. Sit ups and crunches, for instance, only work on that upper part of your abs without even touching the lower portion, where most of us have muffin tops and really need the work. So get smart about the type of exercises you d ...more

How To : Tone your lower abs with a lower belly workout

Want sexy, bikini-ready abs? Well, if a toned midsection is your goal for summertime bliss, then simply performing run-of-the-mill crunches will not do the trick. While crunches tone your upper and middle abs, your lower abs get neglected, which means you still end up with a s ...more

How To : Do push ups for bodybuilding

In Scooby's opinion, pushups are the #1 best exercise you can do! They are simple to do and are a great upper body workout for the complete beginner or the advanced bodybuilder. You can get a complete upper body workout by combining these pushups with crunches and pullups, all ...more

How To : Do floor crunches properly

Learn how to do floor crunches. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Unless you let your gym membership expire 15 years ago, chances are you know what a crunch is. But knowing what a crunch is and doing a crunch properly are two different things. A well- ...more

How To : Do weighted stability ball crunches

Learn how to do weighted stability ball crunches. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Doing crunches on the stability ball works your abs with a wider range of motion than you can get with a floor crunch; adding a weight plate behind your head increases ...more

How To : Do stability ball center and oblique situps

Learn how to do stability ball center and oblique situps. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Starting Position Sit on a stability ball with your feet on the floor in front of you hip-width apart. Lie back on the stability ball so that your body is supported bet ...more

How To : Do the "super abs" workout

This video shows you how to perform a superset of abdominal exercises. The instructor calls this workout the Super Abs workout. The 1st exercise is dumbbell crunches. To perform dumbbell crunches , lay flat on a stability ball with a suitable weight held behind your head and d ...more

How To : Do the rope climber ab exercise

If you are looking to add excitement to the traditional abdominal crunch, consider rope climbers. In this exercise, the abs go through a similar range of motion as the classic ab crunch. However, two things make this exercise unique. The first is the "rope-pulling" motion. The ...more

How To : Do a dumbell side bend ab exercise

The standing side bend is similar to the side crunch exercise. The only difference is that the upper body has to resist gravity in the side crunch exercise. Side bends require weighted resistance to resist gravity, but the movement is virtually the same as the side crunch. Thi ...more

How To : Do tabata training method exercises

Jennifer DiDonato shows us how to do a tabata training method exercise in this tutorial. The tabata method includes: doing an exercise for 20 seconds non-stop, then resting for 10 seconds, then repeat 7 more times, and this will result in 8 total exercises. Make sure you log y ...more

How To : Lose belly fat with repitition for the lower abs

In this tutorial, we learn how to lose belly fat with repetition for the lower abs. The first exercise you can do is a reverse curl. You will start by laying down flat on the ground with your arms next to you, and bringing your legs into the air, raising your butt in the air. ...more

How To : Build arm strength for pitching

In this how to video, you will learn how to build up your arm strength for pitching. This involves using exercises that give you more focus on the muscles you will use for throwing. A high cable curl and crunch is a useful exercise for doing this. It involves gripping the rope ...more

How To : Do Push-Ups and Crunches to Get Ripped at Home

This how-to video is for anybody looking to gain lean muscle right in the convenience of your own home with little to no equipment. The intensity and variety of these exercises makes for an effective muscle-building workout. Standard Pushup With hands extended slightly outsid ...more

How To : Do a static V-hold ab exercise

This exercise is challenging! The static V-hold is a fairly simple exercise to perform. But if done correctly and at the right time, it can be very demanding. This exercise is most effective when performed as the last in a series of ab exercises; or basically, when the abs are ...more

How To : Do an abdominal curl-up exercise

This curl up is commonly used to test abdominal endurance. Many fitness certifying organizations use the curl up as a protocol for exercise testing. This exercise is similar to the abdominal crunch. However, the range of motion is greater than the crunch. First, lie down on a ...more

How To : Do a playground work out with Jessica Szhor

Do you love Gossip Girl? Then you will love this playground workout routine. Follow along in this fitness how-to video as Self Magazine and Jessica Szhor show you how to get in shape with a few exercises you can do at the park. Watch as the gossip girl learns to chin-up, dips, ...more

How To : Tone your abs

Tone the abs and obliques and get a washboard stomach. Learn some ab exercises to add to your fitness training in this health and fitness tutorial. If you want to tone your stomach you should do ab crunches, work obliques & abdominals, alternate leg positions and do hip lifts. ...more

How To : Get a sexy bod w/ celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson

In this video from PEOPLE celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson shows us how to get a sexy body and keep it that way! First exercise is with your feet a little wider than shoulder length apart and bend and straighten. Do as many as you can. Try not to take breaks. Do up to 100. Nex ...more

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