Cut Mens Hair with Clippers

How To : Cut your man's hair

Haircuts can cut a chunk out of any family’s budget. Learning to cut your man’s hair will save you hundreds! Check out this Howcast video tutorial on how to cut your man's hair. You Will Need * A barber’s cape, bed sheet, or a towel * A fine-toothed comb * Electric clippers ...more

How To : Cut men's hair

Men's haircuts can be difficult. Watch how to cut men's hair in this free video series. Part 1 of 15 - How to Cut men's hair. Cut men's hair - Part 2 of 15. Click through to watch this video on Cut men's hair - Part 3 of 15. Click through to watch this video ...more

How To : Cut short hair on men

Instead of taking either of those routes, get some haircut tips and techniques in this free video lesson, including short haircut styles and ideas for guys with curly hair, like a layered style. Part 1 of 15 - How to Cut short hair on men. Cut short hair on men - Part 2 of 15. ...more

How To : Cut men's hair with a layered effect

DJ Matt shows you the basics of how to cut men's hair. You start out by making a line on the top of the head. You can then make your first cut, or the straight cut on the back bottom. After that, you then make a "down cut" which creates layers. When you get to the "semi-top of ...more

How To : Cut your own hair for African American men

Barbers can be expensive, especially if you have very short hair and need to go often. In this two part tutorial, learn how to buzz your own hair. Keyon takes you step by step through his grooming process and offers useful tips and tricks along the way. Part 1 of 2 - How to Cu ...more

How To : Cut men's hair

Our expert, Joyce Moreno, shows you how to give a fantastic guy's haircut. Learn how to shampoo, condition, and rinse men's hair. Also, learn how to section and part men's hair for an even haircut. Joyce also shares advice about how to style men's hair. Part 1 of 12 - How to C ...more

How To : Swim a proper freestyle

New techniques may improve a swimming pool workout from Masters coach Nancy Kirkpatrick Reno. Before sticking a toe in the water, consider this advice: * Swim in a pool that's at least 20 to 25 yards long; those pools can usually be found at high schools and some gyms. A 50-me ...more

How To : Style men's hair for a contemporary look

This how-to video teaches men how to cut their hair in a contemporary mow hawk style. First, the stylist tells you what size blade adapter he has on his buzzer, and where to cut with each adaptor. The stylist tells you what size to cut parts of the hair and how to make a faded ...more

How To : Shave your head and avoid cuts

This video demonstrates the proper technique to shave your head without getting cuts. First the presenter starts by shaving his head a pair of clippers. After the hair is trimmed he fills the sink with water to clean the razor off. The presenter suggests you take a shower befo ...more

How To : Cut, style and color your hair

Our expert will explain many different types of hairstyles. You will learn about men’s hairstyles, short hairstyles, prom hairstyles, long hairstyles, and wedding hairstyles. Part 1 of 13 - How to Cut, style and color your hair. Cut, style and color your hair - Part 2 of 13. C ...more

How To : Trim your dog's toenails safely

When it comes to trimming your dog’s toenails, there are several instruments you can use. In this video, Patrice introduces you to the toenail clipper and the toenail grinder. To begin trimming your dog’s nails, pull back the hair surrounding the toenails so you can get a ...more

How To : Shave your beard into an "X-Men" Wolverine look

Wolverine (AKA Hugh Jackman) looks so deliciously perfect in his spiked out hair and scruff that women all over want to be with him and guys want to look like him. While his rock-hard abs, perky derriere, and sculpted biceps take months of hard work to achieve, you can get his ...more

How To : Cover Up a Bald Spot

Don't freak out when your hair starts to thin, there is help available! Check out this video for information on how to hide that pesky bald spot. You Will Need: * A barber * A new hairstyle * A hat * Self-confidence * Bald-spot spray concealer (optional) Step 1: Go to a barbe ...more

News : Enter The World of Catherine

Stuck in a relationship that is going nowhere? Do you wake up and it's nine years later and nothing has changed? Do you also dream of sheep? You know, in the non erotic sense? Well welcome to Catherine, a puzzle game of non-commitment and text messaging. The story is simple. ...more

News : Don't Kill the Messenger, or the Makeup Artist!

I’m terrified of you. Yes, you- Director of Photography (DP). Your framing is beautiful, but your lighting could kill me, and my career. I am the Makeup Artist, and I don’t believe we’ve met. In most Film schools they’re still teaching using film in this digital age.  Same is ...more

How To : Give men haircuts with a razor

In this video clip series our fashion and cosmetology expert Casey Christensen will show you not only how to get some cool styles for men when cutting their hair but also how to use a razor for a messier, more party style look. She walks you through each step, cross checking a ...more

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