Date Love

How To : Watch the 2011 Super Bowl Commercials Online

It's that time of year again when pizza boxes line the room and buffalo wings stain the couch. When cases of beer sit in the cooler and the big screen TVs are fired up and properly calibrated. When two of the best football teams vie for the championship title and the Vince Lom ...more

How To : Count the number of days between dates in MS Excel

Love Microsoft Excel? This clip contains a tip that just might induce you to. With this free video tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 102nd installment of his "YouTubers Love Excel" or YTLE series of free video MS Excel lessons, you'll learn how to count the number of days between ...more

How To : Make a Virgo fall in love with you

When it comes to looking for love with a Virgo, slobs and slackers need not apply. To trap a Virgo you will need a dignified demeanor, an interest in the arts and sensible spending habits. Learn how to use astrology advice in dating, by watching this how-to video. Pick up astr ...more

How To : Make a Gemini fall in love with you

The trick to winning a Gemini’s heart is to be the yin to their yang. Learn how to use astrology advice in dating, by watching this how-to dating video. Pick up tips on making a relationship with a Gemini work. Be coy when you meet a Gemini, they love a little mystery in their ...more

How To : Make a Sagittarius fall in love with you

It’s easy enough to reel in a Sagittarius, but it’s nearly impossible to keep one faithful. Learn how to use astrology advice in dating, by watching this how-to video. Pick up tips on making a relationship with a Sagittarius work. The best advice for dating a Sagittarius is to ...more

How To : Make an Aries fall in love with you

The Aries man or woman can be tough to figure out, but this video shows how to push all the right buttons. To trap an Aires you will need a love of athletics, a go with the flow attitude and a thick skin. Learn how to use astrology advice in dating, by watching this how-to vid ...more

How To : Make a Libra fall in love with you

It’s easy to make a Libra fall in love with you – but it’s just as easy to lose their love. To trap a Libra you will need elegance, generosity and patience. Learn how to use astrology advice in dating, by watching this how-to video. Pick up tips on making a relationship with a ...more

How To : Make a Pisces fall in love with you

Pisces can be hard to figure out, but here are some clues. To figure out a Pisces you will need an interest in the entertainment field, a strong personality, and a reassuring nature. Learn how to use astrology advice in dating, by watching this how-to dating video. Pick up tip ...more

How To : Make a Scorpio fall in love with you

Playing hard to get doesn't work with a Scorpio; they only respond to slavish devotion. So drop everything and dedicate your time solely to the Scorpio in your life. Learn how to use astrology advice in dating, by watching this how-to video. Pick up tips on making a relationsh ...more

How To : Make an Aquarius fall in love with you

Aquariuses have high standards, but anyone with the right drive can meet them. Use your creativity, knowledge of art and music, and good social skills to trap that Aquarius. Learn how to use astrology advice in dating, by watching this how-to video. Pick up astrology tips on m ...more

How To : Make a Cancer fall in love with you

Like the crab that symbolizes them, Cancers can be a little soft-shelled at times, so woo these sensitive souls cautiously. Learn how to use astrology advice in dating, by watching this how-to dating video. Pick up tips on making a relationship with a Cancer work. Here a hint, ...more

How To : Make a Leo fall in love with you

Once you know what makes a Leo tick, it will be easy to get under his or her skin. Learn how to use astrology advice in dating, by watching this how-to dating video. Pick up tips on making a relationship with a Leo work. Leo's have a healthy self image, so when you date a Leo ...more

How To : Juice up your online dating profile

Things a little quiet on the online dating front? Need some online dating advice from the experts? Maybe you're looking for love with all the wrong adverbs and dating SEO. SEO is short for search engine optimization. Take a little time to soup up your profile and those dates w ...more

How To : Make a light pan-baked lemon almond tart

Dessert has pretty bad connotations. After all, starving models and women trying to lose weight are often stereotyped as saying "no" to dessert in an effort to cut calories and not look like a piggy in front of friends (or a handsome date). It's pretty crappy, this world that ...more

How To : Be a good kisser

Nine out of ten people say they would refuse to date someone who is a bad kisser, while one out of five say they’d date someone unattractive if that person was a great kisser. So let’s get started. You will need a practice partner, fresh breath, and lots of moves. Tip: keep it ...more

How To : Make a Taurus fall in love with you

Those born under the Taurus sign need to be handled with kid gloves. To trap a Taurus you will need a loyal nature, a strong sense of self image an a respect for money. Take the tie to look extra special for your Taurus since they pay particular attention to appearances. Learn ...more

How To : Get women with Dr. Neder

This video has a man by the name of Dr. Neder and he has a book by the name, ‘how to be a man in a woman’s world.’ He answers a series of questions. The first question asked is how to get a girl with a boyfriend. The answer this video provides is simply that all girls are look ...more

How To : Make a girl fall in love with you

We all want to know how to make a girl fall in love with us. If you can't do that then at least how to keep her interested. Vanae gives some dating advice to guys. It's also great for guys who are already dating or in a relationship. These tips will make you feel better about ...more

SCRABBLE, Sex & Wine : How One Man Gets the Girls in Bed

SCRABBLE may seem like a board game for word nerds only, but believe it or not, SCRABBLE can be used to lure thousands of hot women into your bed... at least that's what Clive Worth claims. Now, I wouldn't put much faith in his "words", but somewhere in this world of lonely b ...more

How To : Average with the MONTH function in Microsoft Excel

Love Microsoft Excel? This clip contains a tip that just might induce you to. With this free video tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 90th installment of his "YouTubers Love Excel" or YTLE series of free video MS Excel lessons, you'll see a complicated average calculation with mult ...more

How To : Beat the No Love Lost mission in GTA IV

Video walkthrough of the No Love Lost mission in Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA IV), in which Niko guns down a biker gang for dating Faustin's daughter. Beat the No Love Lost mission in GTA IV. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Go on a safe date with someone you met on the internet

More and more people are finding love in people they met on the internet, but meeting someone you know online for the first time in person can be stressful and even dangerous. Watch this video for tips on planning a fun, safe first date with someone you've met online.

How To : Style simple Renaissance style braids

The Renaissance was a beautiful, romantic time in history. You don't have to look dated to grab this classic, story book style. All you need is to update it a little bit and you will look classically gorgeous in any decade. In this tutorial, learn exactly how to braid your hai ...more

News : Lego Rocket Build 358 - Movie

This might be dating me, but I remember how much I loved this set when it came out. Here is a great animation of it being build time lapse stop motion.  They cheated a little bit by adding in the more modern lego people, not sure when they were introduced but it was well afte ...more

How To : Make a guy interested in a long term relationship

In this video the Miami dating coach answers the viewers questions and tells you everything you need to do to attract that guy, and make him interested in a long term relationship. You'll learn what to look for what moves to make to have that boy in love with you for a long time.

How To : Seduce a woman over dinner

Wine and dine your way into her pants by pudding. This snarky lesson on dating will help you to land a girl through proper dinner. Pants by pudding. Meaning you want to get is a good meal and a girl in love with you.

How To : Flirt to find a boyfriend

Are you on the prowl looking for a boyfriend? Are you in need of some flirting techniques? Watch Love U to find out how to hook your honey in a hurry. Learn how to flirt like there's no tomorrow with this dating instructional video.

How To : Deal with dating fatigue using NLP techniques

Going on dates can be tiring and can start to become a bit of a chore. But by using these NLP techniques, as advised by love doctor Sam Van Rood from his book Teach Yourself Flirting, you can reinvigorate yourself and continue your search for the perfect match. So Deal with yo ...more

How To : Deal with being in love with your best friend

Are you madly in love with your best friend? Don't worry, Dan and Jennifer talk about how to deal with it in this video. If your friend has found out that you are in love with her and is acting weird towards you, this may mean the friendship is over. Never talk to a girl's fri ...more

How To : Make a decorative edible rose for Valentine's Day

Not sure what to get your sweetie on Valentine's Day? Everybody loves food! Although they may wait to eat their present AFTER the date in order to stay fitted into their dress or pant, an edible gift might be the way to go this year! In this video presented by the "Original Na ...more

How To : Make any man fall in love with you

Men are sometimes hard to deconstruct, but when you know you like someone you just do. And sometimes it can be hard to make the right moves to shift your relationship in the direction you want. Well take a look at this video and my good paraplegic friend will show you exactly ...more

How To : Host a Wild Turkey Tasting Party

American whiskeys tend to get an undeservedly bad rap from Scotch whisky snobs. Prove haters wrong by inviting them over for an American bourbon tasting with your favorite Wild Turkey varieties. Choose Your Wild Turkey Bourbon Whiskeys The best part of having a tasting is ge ...more

How To : Prevent eyeliner from smudging with tips

Makeup always looks good when it's freshly applied. The problem, however, is that most of us apply that makeup in the morning and don't get back until 7 at night, meaning it's been on for about 12 hours. And if you happen to have a date or need to go out that night, your makeu ...more

How To : Get your mom to accept your black boyfriend

Interracial couples are so common these days that most of us wouldn't even blink at seeing one. But those who grew up in an older generation may have less progressive views than we do about who you should be dating. It is this generational conflict that causes some parents to ...more

News : Scott Pillgrim vs. The World

Here is the official trailer for the Movie "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" Alternate Teaser Trailer here. Here are some movie clips from "Scott Pillgrim Vs The World" Scott (Michael Cera) has an awkward moment with Knives (Ellen Wong).. Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) warns Sc ...more

News : At $6K, This Babe Ain't No Cheap Date (NSFW)

Heed the NSFW. This is some mature content. So, IF you're at work on this fine Saturday morning, you may want to hover over "minimize"... From California is a place, the flawless filmmakers who brought us Scrapertown, a portrait of master sex doll artist, Matt McMullen. Gott ...more


COOLHAUS! Just in time for summer, if you are in the LA Area this great wagon o goodness is here for you! These architecturally inspired ice cream sandwiches only employ the best (organic whenever they can) products for their handmade artisanal ice cream flavors like mexican c ...more

News : Food and Flowers Freedom Act

Food & Flowers Freedom Act in Los Angeles If you live in any of the residential areas in Los Angeles, you'll know that we love our fruit trees. Did you know that it's not possible to sell the fruit you own at local farmers' markets or to restaurants? New local Silverlake eate ...more

How To : Make him forget her

Dan and Jennifer offer dating and relationship advice. Dan and Jennifer are answering a question from a young lady who wants to be in a relationship with a guy who is still hung up on his ex-boyfriend. Dan offers the advice of moving on, because the guy is not ready for a rela ...more

News : Woo Your Lady With a Bacon Broquet

Ew. Ew. Ew. Valentine's Day has passed but, take it from me, ladies always like a little romance... Portland-based industrial designer Sarah Tisdale fell for her next door neighbor and consequently dreamed up the perfect gift. "The two had bonded recently over their love for ...more

How To : Deal with on again, off again relationships

Youtube user Vanae, the self-proclaimed love and dating coach, answers subscribers relationship questions with passion and careful insight. This near four minute edition focuses on the oh so complicated on again, off again relationship. Vanae instructs participants in these ar ...more

Repair your mountain bike : Rear derailer

This video shows you everything you need to know to repair your mountain bikes rear derailer. From dismantling, to putting it back together, position the chain, cutting the chain, releasing the cable, and giving your bike the love it needs. This is an extensive, yet easy to fo ...more

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