
Advice from a Real Hacker : The Top 10 Best Hacker Movies

In recent years, Hollywood has taken a shine to hackers, with hackers appearing in almost every heist or mystery movie now. This can be both good and bad for our profession. As we know, whichever way Hollywood decides to depict our profession is how most people will perceive i ...more

Your Fridge : You're Using It Wrong

When you come home from the grocery store, you probably put away every single fruit and vegetable in the bins and drawers in your refrigerator. Any fifth grader knows that fridges work to preserve food, thus everything should go in there, right? Nope! Chances are, you've been ...more

How To : Prevent Thieves From Turning off Your iPhone

The prospect of loss or theft is something we constantly live with. Stolen iPhones fetch a premium price on the black market for parts like OLED display assemblies, frames, and charging ports. Making matters worse, if someone were to steal your phone, they could simply turn it ...more

How To : Create a Hidden Bridge in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. A hidden bridge can be both a cool part of your home and a defense against your enemies in PvP! The design is simple, you can use it to create lava traps, and it ensures that no red ...more

How to Hack Databases : Hunting for Microsoft's SQL Server

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! The database is the hacker's "pot-of-gold," as it contains information that is very valuable to both the business and the hacker. In this, the second of my series on hacking databases, we're on the "hunt" for Microsoft's SQL Server. Althoug ...more

How To : Play the basketball game 21

Often used to settle scores, 21 is a continuous, fast-paced version of basketball with few rules and little room for error. You Will Need * Three players * A basketball * A hoop or half of a court Step 1. Decide who starts with the ball Decide who starts with the ball. Fli ...more

How To : All the Reasons You Should Root Your Phone

Rooting. As an Android user, I'm sure you've heard the word once or twice. According to Kaspersky, 7.6% of all Android users root — but for the 92.4% who don't, we wanted to talk to you. Rooting allows you to remove barriers and open Android to a level of unprecedented contro ...more

How To : Create Automated Redstone Games in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. You may know that Minecraft is an excellent creative tool, but perhaps less well known are the fascinating array of redstone powered games that have been made by players like you. ...more

News : An Illuminated Glossary of Video Game Genres

Like the press covering film and many other specialized fields, video game journalists use all sorts of jargon to convey to their knowledgable readers as much information about a game as quickly as possible. For non or newbie gamers, this can be extremely confusing. Those of ...more

How To : Hack Flash Games on a Mac Using iHaxGamez

How to hack games on a Mac using iHaxGamez. This is useful for any of the facebook/myspace games. How to hack flash games, using a Mac. Recently, Household hacker made a tutorial on how to do this for PC, I thought I'd show the world how to do it on a mac. iHaxGamez Commando ...more

How To : Transfer Your Authy Account to a New Phone

One of the main reasons Authy was able to top our list of the best two-factor authentications apps was its ability to transfer access to a new device. This feature ensures that whenever you get a new phone, you don't lose all your tokens. However, if the process is done incorr ...more

How To : All 350+ New iOS 16 Features for Your iPhone

Apple's new iOS 16 software update is finally here, and there are over 350 new features and changes for you to enjoy on your iPhone. There are major lock screen and home screen improvements, a pleasant surprise for the Contacts app, and tons of new upgrades to Safari, Mail, Me ...more

How To : Hack flash games with Household Hacker

Household Hacker demonstrates how to hack flash games. To get started, you need: 1. Cheat Engine: 2. Your favorite flash game. We are going to show you how to hack any flash game using Cheat engine. You can hack games like bloons, deskt ...more

How To : Escape Restricted Shell Environments on Linux

The moment arrives when you finally pop a shell on the web server you've been working on, only you find yourself in a strange environment with limited functionality. Restricted shells are often used as an additional line of defense and can be frustrating for an attacker to stu ...more

How To : Beat LFI Restrictions with Advanced Techniques

One of the most common web application vulnerabilities is LFI, which allows unauthorized access to sensitive files on the server. Such a common weakness is often safeguarded against, and low-hanging fruit can be defended quite easily. But there are always creative ways to get ...more

News : Google Authenticator Is NOT the Best 2FA App Anymore

If you want the best two-factor authentication app out there, our pick is Authy. A close second is LastPass Authenticator. If neither of those is to your liking, try Duo Mobile or Microsoft Authenticator. But if you're fine with missing out on great features, then and only the ...more

News : Ten foods to eat for clear, acne-free skin - part 2

Welcome back to the two-part series of Ten foods to eat for clear, acne-free skin. Check out part 1 here. As any good dermatologist and aesthetician will tell you, beauty begins from the inside. In a healthy skin diet, the quality of the calories you eat matters more than any ...more

News : Happy Whore-o-ween! Girls Just Wanna Play Floozy

Happy Whore-o-ween! It's that time of year again for ladies to shed their inhibitions, show off the booty, and debase themselves. It's no great surprise that Jersey Shore is 2010's most popular costume choice. (Offended? Check out Take Back Halloween, a project that promotes ...more

SCRABBLE, Sex & Wine : How One Man Gets the Girls in Bed

SCRABBLE may seem like a board game for word nerds only, but believe it or not, SCRABBLE can be used to lure thousands of hot women into your bed... at least that's what Clive Worth claims. Now, I wouldn't put much faith in his "words", but somewhere in this world of lonely b ...more

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