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How To : 14 Tips Every New TikTok User Should Know About

By now, there's no way you haven't stumbled upon a TikTok video, whether it was on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube. Just watching these addictive short-form videos is enough to make you want to join up and make your own, and when you do, we've got some tips that will ...more

How To : Find Out How Much YouTube You Watch

Did you know that the YouTube app can tell you how much time you've spent watching videos? If you're like me, you'll be surprised to know exactly how much of your life is spent inside the popular app. You can get a specific breakdown of how much you YouTube you consume. The a ...more

How To : Keep Photos from Hogging Your iPhone's Storage

If you're struggling with freeing up space on your iPhone thanks to your massive collection of photos and videos, there's a feature in iOS 8 that could help you get some of that much-needed internal storage back while giving you more room in the future. It's called iCloud Pho ...more

News : The 5 Best Free Email Apps for Your iPhone

You're a busy, on-the-go professional, so you deserve an email client that keeps up with you. "Mail" on iPhone wasn't always the best option, but thanks to iOS 13, it feels like a completely different app. That said, there are plenty of alternatives that offer a different expe ...more

How To : The Ultimate Guide to Using Instagram Stickers

Something that always brings a tear to my eye is uninspired Instagram stories. When you have a bunch of like-minded friends, you end up with like-minded stories. While it may seem difficult to stand out, stickers were designed so that you can differentiate yourself from other ...more

How To : Get Rid of Spam in Your Gmail Account

Spam emails are emails that are sent to you without your permission. They can quickly fill up your email account if you don't do anything about it. Each email server deals with spam in a different way. Gmail is good at separating the spam for you so that you can get rid of it ...more

How To : Recover Deleted Photos from Your iPhone

In one of Apple's newer ads, the company claims that "more photos are taken with the iPhone than any other camera." If this is in fact true, then it might also be appropriate to say that more photos are accidentally deleted on iPhones than any other camera. Don't Miss: How to ...more

How To : Setup Dendroid (Android RAT)

This is my first How-To on Null-Byte, so I hope it's not too complicated written, because I am not a native english speaker. I don't use pictures, but this Tutorial is a good supplement for my updated Tutorial here. This Tutorial shows you how to set up the old (First leaked ...more

How To : Get Administrator Privileges on Mac

So yeah. Its AugustFackYou and I felt like posting today and being an active member of the community. After reading this please tell me if you have any comments on what I can do better or if this method is bad. Anyway today I will be showing you how to get root on a mac. I man ...more

How To : Get Instagram Preview Photos Back on Twitter

In late 2012, Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom made a sudden and controversial change to his social media service when he removed Twitter Card support. This was seen as a move not only against Twitter in their supposed "feud" against competitor Facebook (who bought Instagram earli ...more

How To : Remove Yourself from a Tagged Photo on Instagram

Every morning I head on over to my gym to start storying away classes full of people dripping in sweat. This always makes me feel super awkward because it's not exactly the most photogenic time to take a picture, and if it was me, I would probably give that person a dirty look ...more

How To : Restrict Guest Users to One App in Windows 10

For reasons unknown, Microsoft decided to change the way the Guest account feature in the new Windows 10 operating system works. In previous versions, the Guest account feature allowed you to set up a limited account for other users so they don't have access to your important ...more

How To : 7 Ways to Bypass Android's Secured Lock Screen

If you somehow forgot the pattern, PIN, or password that locks your Android device, you might think you're out of luck and are destined to be locked out forever. These security methods are hard to crack by design, but in many cases, it's not entirely impossible to break into a ...more

How To : 10 Handy, but Hidden Features in iOS 6

There's definitely a lot of new things to get used to in iOS 6, with over 200 added features, but which ones stand out about the rest? Well, it all depends on what device you're using. Some features will only work on newer models, but most of the hidden features are accessible ...more

Signal 101 : How to Register Using a Google Voice Number

Signal Private Messenger is famous for its end-to-end encryption, but you can't even use the messaging app without having a real phone number attached to it. Luckily, there is a way around this limitation, so you can use Signal even if you don't have a valid SIM card in your s ...more

Google+ Pro Tips Round-Up : Week 1

With the Google+ team members being generous and free-flowing with advice on some of the more advanced features of Google+, we'll be publishing a weekly summary of the latest pro tips. Chances are, if you've been following the Google+ team members, you've seen some of these al ...more

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