Draw Mortal Kombat Characters

How To : Unlock all the alternate costumes in Mortal Kombat 9

Here's a handy guide to unlocking all of the alternate costumes available from the Krypt in Mortal Kombat 9, on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles. Expand your Mortal Kombat wardrobe by exploring the Krypt and purchasing the alternative costumes for your favorite characters.

HowTo : Top 10 DIY Nerdtastic Halloween Costumes

Defined by Urban Dictionary, Nerdtastic: Something generally not cool, but to a nerd it's freakin' fantastic. Below, a collection of WonderHowTo's top 10 favorite, utterly nerdtastic Halloween costume tutorials. The clock's ticking, so if you don't have your costume yet, perus ...more

Dong Dong Never Die : Fight for Laughs!

Dual nurses? Random transformer shirt guy? White collar fighter? Fatso macho man? Super Mario? Ah, you must be playing Dong Dong Never Die! Dong Dong Never Die is a free fighting game for the PC. It parodies games like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter with a universal humor, ...more

Adult Swim Games : It's Not Just for Aqua Teen Anymore

The days of having to pay for video games are over. Generally, retail games are better because they're made with more effort and care than their free counterparts. But free browser-based game sites are insanely popular, specifically Kongregate, Armor Games, and the grandaddy o ...more

GENRE JAM : West Side Story (1961)

There's gonna be a rumble.... For this week's GJ article, I thought I would jump right into talking about a mortal-lock favourite of mine: West Side Story. If you haven't seen it (and a lot of folks havent - dudes especially) and you want a lesson in filmmaking craft from a b ...more

How To : Make a Throwing Knife into a Mini-Harpoon

Greetings, all ye happy miscreants! In my last article, I showed a certain technique for throwing a knife without spin. If you haven't read that article yet, do so now. This article will be useless to you if you have not read my article on proper throwing technique. Anyway, in ...more

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