Eat Fish on the Bone

How To : Cook Your Thanksgiving Turkey in Half the Time

I've never been a huge fan of the traditional roasted turkey at Thanksgiving. Different parts of the bird finish cooking at different times, so by the time the legs are cooked through, the breast meat is totally dry. If you don't want to go the deep-frying route, how can you s ...more

Trash Talk : 5 Food Scraps You Should Not Be Throwing Away

A few years ago I went hog-wild trying to achieve a zero-waste lifestyle. I didn't succeed, but the experiment taught me that we throw away things we could—and should—be using more. In ye olde days of our forefathers, people generally used every part of the animal in cooking. ...more

How To : Get Seriously Flaky Pie Crusts with Epsom Salt

Imagine you have mastered the perfect cherry pie for your annual work picnic but, upon taking it out of its airtight pie carrier, your heart sinks as you realize the crust has turned to mush thanks to the moisture from the filling. Sound familiar? Well, I have news for you: i ...more

News : Squid Ink Is the New Black

I have a thing for black foods, whether it's mysterious, lovely black garlic (the secret to its color: fermentation) or adding charcoal powder with its reputed health benefits to cookies, cakes, and breads. Now add one more ingredient to the list: squid ink. It goes by many o ...more

How To : 8 Easy Ways to Enjoy Eating Octopus

The octopus is famous for its bulbous head, enormous eyes, and four pairs of long arms. The stuff of legends and nightmares, octopi have been featured in stories, artwork, and meals galore. But how do you eat this distinctive looking, bilaterally symmetrical sea creature? Her ...more

How To : 6 Delicious Ways to Cook with Coffee

No offense to water, but if I could survive on coffee alone, I would. I swear I'm not addicted... I just really, really, really love the taste of a cuppa joe, whether it's hot, cold, frothed, milked, flavored, plain, whatever! And while my favorite thing to do with coffee will ...more

How To : 14 Ways to Reduce & Prevent Wrinkles

Want to prevent future wrinkles with minimal effort? Sleep on your back. Studies show that sleeping on your side increases wrinkles on your cheek and chin, and sleeping facedown gives you a furrowed brow. Other lifestyle tips include wearing sunscreen, avoiding exposure to th ...more

News : Make a lamp from a can of tunafish

One can of tuna fish is as versatile as a Swiss army knife. Just stock up on this stuff when traveling or camping. Watch this tutorial. You can easily pull two hours of light from one can. Look deeper into WonderHowTo. You can poach an egg in a can. You can make a spin top ...more

How To : 15 Mind-Blowing Ways to Use Leftover Pickle Juice

Pickles come in all shapes, sizes, and names (gherkins in the UK, cornichons in France). There are even crazy flavors such as koolickles—dill pickles soaked in a mixture of Kool-Aid and brine, an American South favorite. Whatever sort of pickle tickles your fancy, you can coun ...more

Ingredients 101 : The Know-It-All Guide to Peppers

You can find chili peppers in practically every cuisine. From the sweet Italian variety to the spicy Thai bird's chili and the smoky Mexican chipotle, peppers are ubiquitous and universally loved. But if you find the range and scope of these little fireballs overwhelming, you' ...more

Chef's Quick Tip : Char Your Citrus for Extra Flavor

We're a little citrus-obsessed, and with good reason: lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit: Mother Nature really packed those babies with flavor, from peel (which you can zest without special tools) to juice. Now executive chef Amanda Freitag of Empire Diner has come up with a w ...more

Today's Tidbit : Sea Otters Help Us Fight Global Warming

Sea otters are the largest members of the weasel family. When people started hunting sea otters for their fur, their population fell from roughly 225,000 to about 1,500, until the International Fur Seal Treaty took effect in 1911. Since the international ban on otter hunting, ...more

Minecraft 1.7 : What's New (Biomes & Fishing)

So, here we are with the second part to whats going to happen to Minecraft in 1.7 (you can see the first part here). Let's start off with the new biomes. Biomes Roofed Forest: This biome is filled with short trees that are close together, forming a canopy. The trees have 2x2 ...more

News : The Intriguing Allure of Eating Crickets

When I was younger, my best friend's dad would always give us a lollipop on long car rides. I remember three things about those lollipops: they were bright green, tasted delicious, and had a cricket in the center. You know, like a Tootsie Roll Pop... only instead of a Tootsie ...more

The No-Salad Zone : How to Cook with Lettuce

Lettuce is not just for salads, it's a versatile green that you can use in hundreds of different ways. So many people in America toss their lettuce when it starts to wilt, thinking that it's too far gone to make a nice, crisp salad. But you can cook with lettuce like you would ...more

How To : Get Cleaner, Healthier Teeth with These Superfoods

There are certain foods and beverages that can actually brighten your smile or improve your dental health when you chew or sip them. Once you understand their chemical properties or textures, you can look to items you already have in your cupboards or refrigerator to help keep ...more

How To : Store Thanksgiving Leftovers for Maximum Longevity

By now, you've stuffed yourself with enough cranberry-soaked turkey to last you until next year. Still, there's a formidable amount of leftovers, and you're kidding yourself if you think you won't be craving them when you wake up tomorrow with a food coma/hangover. So, make t ...more

How To : Make the Most of Your Thanksgiving Leftovers

There are those who prefer Thanksgiving leftovers to the actual official meal, much like people who prefer cold pizza over hot. I'm definitely in the latter camp. There's something luxurious about enjoying your perfectly cooked turkey and stuffing while wearing sweatpants and ...more

News : 10 More Egg Hacks That You Shouldn't Live Without

You may have caught our prior list of excellent egg hacks. Well, we've rounded up 10 more awesome tips and tricks to perfect your egg game. Check 'em out below. 1. Make a Flawless Sunny Side Up Egg If you struggle with either an undercooked or overly-browned sunny side up eg ...more

How To : Valuable Kitchen Trash You Should Always Keep

If there's one thing that gets used far too frequently in the modern kitchen, it's the trash can. Home cooks everywhere waste enormous amounts of food by throwing it away before it's actually ready to be tossed. So much waste... so depressing.. One way to lessen the amount of ...more

How To : Make Easy Imitation Caviar at Home

At first glance, caviar doesn't seem overly appealing to the masses; not very many people would be willing to spend upwards of $1,000 on a tiny spoonful of salty sturgeon eggs from the Caspian Sea. Caviar truly is the ultimate symbol of luxury and fine dining. However, if you ...more

How To : Sushi + Burrito = The Ultimate Handheld Meal

Sushirrito offers burrito-sized sushi rolls that are on the cusp of becoming the trendiest handheld snack to hit the foodie world. According to its website, Peter Yen created the Sushirrito brand, trademarked it in 2008, and opened his first restaurant in 2011 in the Bay Area ...more

How To : Three Cheap Meat Cuts That You Need to Utilize

Cooking on a budget isn't always easy, but there's a silver lining: it can be really fun. Ever since I started supporting myself I've enjoyed going shopping, finding the most affordable items, and learning how to make the most of them. Sure, sometimes I wish I could afford to ...more

How To : Five Ways to Repurpose Shellfish Shells

When I was a little kid, I was obsessed with shells. And while most of my shell collection came from combing the beach for treasure, some of it came from a different source: dinner. Whenever my parents had fresh clams or mussels, I would take the leftover shells, soak them ove ...more

How To : The Easiest Way to Smoke Food Without a Smoker

There's something primal about the smell of smoking food. Somewhere deep in the recesses of our souls, we remember a time when humans only ate by the fire. Or perhaps that's just something I tell myself. Either way, it's hard to smell smoke and food and not feel like you shoul ...more

How To : How & Why You Should Make Your Own Bacon

There's something magical about homemade foods, especially when they're items that most people don't make. Even the simplest bread tastes divine when you've mixed it yourself, kneaded it yourself, and gotten the dough stuck underneath your nails. So if a simple food tastes am ...more

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