
How To : Make a Fire by Rubbing Two Sticks Together!

Here's a survival technique for making a fire with the most basic of resources—assuming you can find two sticks to rub together! Video: . With a little creative license, let's imagine you're cast away on a deserted island with little hope of rescue. In a situation like this, b ...more

How To : Start a Fire with Water

Need to start a fire and have no lighter? All you need is a clear water bottle or jar, some water, and kindling—and for the weather to be very sunny during noon time. Tilt the water bottle or jar at an angle so that the water in the container can focus the sun's light into as ...more

How To : Use a Wind King rope lighter

This video is a short demonstration of the wind king rope lighter, a small lighter that uses a length of cloth rope and a flint to create an ember for fire making. With this helpful lighter, you can make fire in places where the wind would normally destroy your lighter's flame.

How To : Start a fire with the hand drill

John Campbell instructs the audience on using the hand drill method of starting a friction fires. First, you can use a piece of cottonwood as your fire-board (in his opinion, cottonwood is the best). You need to carve a small round hole about a quarter of an inch away from the ...more

How To : Make fire with a bow drill

Do you consider yourself a survivalist? Well, you can't be a survival expert if you don't know how to start a fire without a match or lighter. The bow drill is an ancient tool for making fire. The bow rotates the drill, and the friction produces enough heat to start a fire. Y ...more

How To : Cook Tuna with Toilet Paper

Toilet paper isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you want a hot meal, but when you're camping or out in the field (i.e. military training), a little TP is the difference between cold tuna and luxury. As redditor drdesparche points out, Israeli military forces are fe ...more

How To : Start a fire without kindling

You don't need a stock pile of kindling to hold the flame and really get your fire started. There are a variety of creative yet effective substitutes. Leftover chips from lunch, an extra toilet paper roll, these are only a few ideas on how to start your next fire. Fire is ess ...more

How To : Make and cook with camp fires

This video demonstrates the tripod method of setting up a campfire for cooking in the wilderness. In order to set up the tripod, you will need three large branches of hazel, some copper wire, and a hooked branch to be used to hang a pot from the tripod. The copper wire will be ...more

How To : Start a fire using a hand drill

This video explains how to start a fire without matches through the use of a hand drill. To start the fire, the process consists of the use of a straight stick or weed such as goldenrod to be used as a hand drill. Hold the stick between both hands while holding it against a pi ...more

How To : Start a fire in a fireplace

Longing for the coziness of a fire? Follow these tips for a safe and successful experience. You Will Need * A fireplace * An axe * Softwood * Hardwood * Matches * Newspaper WARNING: Never use charcoal lighter, kerosene, or gasoline to start a fire in a fireplace. Step 1 Use ...more

How To : Cook with various types of camp fires

There are some basic tips that you will need to know in order cook over various types of campfires. Hazel wood is a good wood to use, because it is a quick growing wood. Make a tripod with 3 wood posts and copper wiring. You will also need 2 hook sticks. Reserve them, when you ...more

How To : Grill with wood for a tastier meal

BBQ season is just around the corner, so why not mix it up a bit this year? Instead of cooking on the same old boring grill, try out the steps in this tutorial. This video will show you how to cook using wood and add a unique, smokey taste to your meat. You Will Need • A wood ...more

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