Exercise During Pregnancy

How To : Exercise & work-out during pregnancy

This video is about exercise during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be overwhelming, you are gaining weight and your body is changing in other ways, too. Your normal exercise routine may not feel as comfortable because of the changes and discomforts of pregnancy. During the first tri ...more

How To : Build confidence during pregnancy

For many women, pregnancy is a very vulnerable time, especially when it comes to the health of their child. Your body is changing on a constant basis and it can be hard to find confidence in the fact things will go well. You can learn through this video that you can be proacti ...more

How To : Start exercising after pregnancy

The video tells about the exercise that should be done after pregnancy, mainly the methods, procedure etc. It is narrated by Kathy Kaehler, who is a personal trainer. For more information go to kathykaehlerfitness.com. There will always be zeal to come back to your previous a ...more

How To : Know about your body changes during pregnancy

Learning the basics about your body during pregnancy can help you better understand the physical changes you'll experience over the next few months. Know about your body changes during pregnancy. Click through to watch this video on babycenter.com

How To : Improve your memory during pregnancy

During pregnancy it seems that we tend to forget even the simplest of things. Watch this maternity how to video to get tips on how to improve your memory and keep your mind in tip top shape during pregnancy.

How To : Give a good foot massage during pregnancy

A pregnant woman's feet tend to be one thing you can always count on to ache. In this video, learn how to give a great foot massage to a woman who's pregnant with help from licensed massage therapist, Willow Hajicek. When giving a foot massage during pregnancy, one should use ...more

News : Antibiotics During Pregnancy Linked to Miscarriage

As if being pregnant did not come with enough worry, a new study found that certain antibiotics are linked to an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage — a terrifying finding for any expectant mother. The study, published in the Canadian Medical Association Jo ...more

How To : Do standing abdominal exercises while pregnant

Want to maintain strong abs during your pregnancy? You've come to the right place. This free maternity fitness guide demonstrates a simple standing exercise routine that will strengthen your abdominal muscles without putting pressure on your vena cava. Learn how to keep your a ...more

How To : Deal with gestational diabetes

Approximately 4 percent of women are diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Here's how to manage it. You Will Need * A healthy diet * Daily exercise * Blood-sugar monitoring * A postpartum checkup * Good habits Step 1 Know what gestational diabetes is. During ...more

How To : Do pilates exercises while pregnant

Just because you're pregnant, doesn't mean you still can't exercise! Pilates is a great method of conditioning the body during a pregnancy. Common Pilates exercises for pregnant women include pelvic tilts and other adduction exercises, which strengthen abdominal muscles. Get s ...more

How To : Exercise and stay fit if you're pregnant

In these videos, you will learn some techniques for staying fit during the course of your pregnancy. You will see demonstrations of several exercises that you can perform from the first through the third trimester. You will learn how normal exercises such as the pushup, the sq ...more

How To : Do sitting abdominal exercises while pregnant

In this video from modernmom we learn about doing abdominal exercises when pregnant. These exercises prevent lower back pain during pregnancy and when you're ready to push the baby out makes it a bit easier. On a mat, place sit balanced with your butt on the mat and place your ...more

How To : Lose Weight After Pregnancy

During pregnancy, women will end up carrying a good amount of extra weight. While a third of the weight gained will come from the baby, the other two thirds come from the changes that happen in your body while you're pregnant. Losing this extra weight can prove to be difficul ...more

How To : Tighten and firm loose skin after pregnancy

Pregnancy can take a typically fit body and throw it for a loop. Your body will change so dramatically during those nine months that you may be left with stretch marks, extra fat and sagging skin. So, after you've had that beautiful baby, why not check out this tutorial? In it ...more

How To : Alleviate back pain with prenatal yoga

Back pain is a common discomfort that women experience during and after pregnancy. Though a short, effective standing and seated series, this yoga how to video concentrates on alleviating some of these common aches and pains. Side bending poses help release lower back pain by ...more

How To : Open the shoulders and chest with prenatal yoga

During pregnancy the natural curves of the spine become exaggerated causing the lower back to sway as well as the upper back and shoulders to round. This rolling forward of the shoulders causes the ribcage to collapse down compressing the lungs and diaphragm which results in a ...more

How To : Dissect a female pig reproductive tract

Ever wondered about the reproductive tract of a female pig? Well, these video tutorials will tell you all you need to know about the anatomy of a sow's reproductive tract. This is a great educational tool for veterinarians and science minds alike. First you're going to want t ...more

How To : Sculpt your chest with standing cable chest flys

Learn how to do standing cable chest flys. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Chest flys develop the pectoral muscles for a broad, strong chest. Muscles Worked Chest Starting Position Stand in front of the cable machine with a handle in each hand and ...more

How To : Tone abs with a torso rotation exercise

Get the perfect abs workout with Men's Health. By keeping tension in the band during this "torso rotation" exercise, and by rotating your body, you will target your core muscles. Grab with both hands the handle of a shoulder high pulley cable or resistance band. With your lef ...more

How To : Tone legs with a hang-clean to squat to push-press

Check out this leg workout exercise, called the "hang-clean to front-squat to push-press". This exercise from Men's Health is a combination of three great compound exercises, so you can imagine, most muscles in your body will be working on this one -- an all-over body workout. ...more

How To : Get Six Pack Abs

The abdominals can be considered one of the best signals of fitness and strength and is one of the most sought-after muscle groups to develop by both men and women. While the abdominals are very desirable, it can be one of the most difficult areas to distinguish and maintain. ...more

How To : Do stability ball skiers

Learn how to do stability ball skiers. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits This abdominal exercise is about maintaining strength and control throughout a twisting motion. Your shoulder endurance will also come into play during this one as you are forced ...more

How To : Do stability ball exercises with Martha Stewart

It's been proven that your body adjusts to any new workout you start doing within a week. Though that means less muscle aches and pain for you, it also means less results. Continue toning your body and losing fat by doing your normal exercise routine with a stability ball. I ...more

How To : Tone abs with a wood-chopper exercise

The "wood-chopper" isn't just for lumberjacks. You can get the full woodsman workout yourself, without the axe! Men's Health shows you how to do the wood-chopper exercise, and when you power through this move, your upper and lower body, along with your core muscles, are workin ...more

How To : Survive swollen feet while pregnant

During pregnancy, your belly usually isn't the only part of your body that grows. Learn why feet, ankles, and legs swell during pregnancy, and learn ways to reduce and alleviate this swelling.

Heat Illness in Young Athletes : Detection and Prevention

Heat Illness in Young Athletes: Detection and Prevention From recreational activities to free-play to team sports to camps, outdoor activities during the summer have one thing in common--the heat... Heat related illness is responsible for thousands of summer emergency room ...more

How To : Ease bloating pain

If you've ever had bloating you know this can be an uncomfortable and even painful situation. You can alleviate bloating by preventing gas or taking measures to try to reduce gas. Food, exercise and stress can all effect bloating. Abdominal bloating is usually caused by gas i ...more

How To : Practice a pregnancy yoga sequence

You don't have to stop your daily yoga routine during pregnancy. Our nine month pregnant host demonstrates how to do a few sitting and standing yoga poses. This yoga routine for pregnant moms will help you and your baby stay healthy throughout the nine months. Part 1 of 2 - Ho ...more

How To : Reduce the risk of your baby having spina bifida

Spina bifida is a birth defect involving the neural tube, resulting in an incomplete formation of the spine. Spina bifida is one of the most common birth defects, it occurs within the first few weeks of pregnancy often before a woman knows she's pregnant. Get expert tips and a ...more

How To : Deal with pregnancy indigestion

Pregnancy indigestion is easily remedied through modifications in diet, eating routine, sleeping habits, and dress. You Will Need * Two or three pillows * Loose, comfortable clothing * A doctor WARNING: Never change your diet without first consulting your physician. Step 1: ...more

How To : Prevent shin splints during cardio

Shin splints are painful and can hamper an exercise routine. Learn how to prevent shin splints during cardio in this exercise tutorial. When doing cardio you should avoid heavy impact on hard surfaces, use good cushion and support in shoes, and take duck walks to strengthen mu ...more

How To : Know if you're pregnant

There are signs you're having a baby even before you miss a period. You Will Need: * A knowledge of physical symptoms * A home pregnancy kit * Access to a clinic or doctor's office Step 1: Look for physical signs Pay attention to your body. Symptoms like fatigue, swollen or t ...more

You Are What Your Mother Ate : Eat Well for Healthy Kids

I always thought you looked kinda like a pickle with peanut butter. Anyway, so the saying goes—you are what you eat—which is supposed to make you feel guilty when downing that triple cheeseburger with a side of donuts and frogs legs. Although, what's so wrong with being a chee ...more

How To : Soothe heartburn

Waking up in the middle of the night with heartburn is no fun. Fortunately, there are some simple remedies for fast heartburn relief. Watch this video to learn how to soothe heartburn. Step 1. Stand up immediately The fastest way to get rid of heartburn is to stand up. Heart ...more

How To : Lose belly fat through yoga

In this video, we learn how to lose belly fat through yoga with Cindy Mastery. Start out in a seated position with your legs out in front of you. Then, bring your hands out in front of you. As you exhale, make a circle motion around your feet. Engage your core and keep your sh ...more

How To : Do bicycle crunches with Brooke Burke

Bicycle crunches consist of lying flat on your back, your hand on the back of your head, knees bent to face the ceiling, feet flat on the floor. To perform the bicycle crunch bring one elbow up toward your opposite knee as you bring the knee toward your elbow. This will cause ...more

How To : Do a lying-sideways side crunch ab exercise

There are many variations of the side crunch exercise. This exercise works the oblique muscles. The lateral flexors of the spine (quadratus lumborum) are also involved in this exercise. The obliques are commonly referred to as the "love handles." They are used to assist with r ...more

How To : Do an alternating superman back exercise on a ball

Alternating supermans are ideal for strengthening the deeper muscles of the lumbar spine. The abdominal muscles are also heavily involved in stabilizing the core during this exercise. At first glance, you would think this exercise is easy. In actuality, alternating supermans ...more

How To : Do a single leg bridge on a swiss ball

If traditional supine bridges become too easy, you can try to progress to the one leg version. This exercise is going to work your glutes like none other. Your hamstrings and lower back are also heavily engaged during this exercise. The single leg bridge requires an advanced l ...more

How To : Do a cable pullover back exercise

The cable pullover is a great way to work the upper back muscles. This exercise also works just about all the muscles of the upper body to some degree. The largest muscle in the back is scientifically known as the latissimus dorsi. You might see it referred to as the "lats" or ...more

How To : Relax Your Shoulders, Back and Neck

The following is a quick and easy way to relieve yourself of strain in the upper region, a common place of tension. This is going to be accomplished through the art of meditation. The technique literally “relaxes your mind” away from your area of discomfort and puts your atten ...more

How To : Do a slide board knee tuck ab exercise

Slide board knee tucks are great for anyone looking for a challenging abdominal exercise. This movement requires a great deal of upper body strength. It is important to note that whenever the knees move toward the chest, the hip flexors (e.g. iliopsoas) are heavily involved. ...more

How To : Do an oblique twist ab exercise

The obliques are used to assist with rotation of the torso, as well as basic abdominal contractions. This exercise is great if you want to target the oblique muscles. Unlike traditional abdominal exercises, the oblique twist works other muscle groups as well. To begin the tor ...more

How To : Do a flutter kick ab exercise

Flutter kicks are often used to work the lower abs. Generally, flutter kicks are performed at the end of an abdominal workout when the abs are fatigued. In reality, this exercise does very little for abdominal development. The main muscles worked are the hip flexors. So if you ...more

How To : Do a 45 degree calf press

If you are looking for an easy way to work the calf muscles, consider this exercise. The calf is scientifically known as the gastrocnemius (upper portion). The soleus or bottom half of the calf works as a synergist during this exercise. First, sit in the leg press seat and po ...more

How To : Understand pregnancy, weeks 17 to 20 (Month 5)

During month 5 of your pregnancy, a sonogram can tell you if you're having a boy or girl! You may be eating everything in sight - but that's normal. You're now at the midpoint of your second trimester - 20 weeks pregnant! Health Guru is a site that produces videos which provi ...more

How To : Exercise in your 40's

You can still exercise and stay in great shape during your 40s. Get to the gym with some great work out tips and ideas for your 40s in this fitness and exercise video. To do a workout that is safe for your 40's you should choose abdominal exercises, use a physio ball, work the ...more

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