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Privacy 101 : Using Android Without Compromising Security

In this day and age, maintaining your privacy is a perpetual battle, and doing so with an internet-connected device like your smartphone is even more of a struggle. Every website you visit, every app you install, every message you send, and every call you make is a potential v ...more

How To : Unblock Wall Posts

In the past you may have blocked wall posts so you wouldn't get fuel, goods, and other random things from your applications. But you may wish to rethink this, at least for a while as the new truffle hunting feature requires wall posts. To send truffles, your neighbor's must e ...more

News : Everything You Need to Know About the New Facebook

Facebook unveiled a lot of changes last week, and, as usual, it's causing a lot of consternation and controversy. People within my Facebook, and on Google+, keep asking how to remove the ticker, and are trying, and mostly failing to make sense of the changes. I've decided to ...more

News : Safari to Block Third-Party Tracking & Autoplay

Apple announced upcoming changes today to prevent third-party tracking of users and prevent autoplay, on Safari. Safari will prevent the recording (by anyone other than Apple) of users' browsing behavior, and by doing so prevent advertisers from targeting ads based on individu ...more

How To : Translate Foreign Webpages in Safari for iOS 8

While it can be argued that Google Chrome is generally a better browser, iPhone users tend to remain loyal to Safari. But one feature that gives Chrome the upper hand is its ability to recognize the language on any given page and offer you an option to translate it to your nat ...more

How To : Block Popups in Safari on Your iPhone

Safari for iPhone is generally a good mobile browsing experience — except when it isn't. Popup ads are a real issue, and they cause both great annoyance as well as concern over iOS security. How do you stop these nuisances and return to a web without fear of popups? Through a ...more

How To : Reduce the Noise in Your Social Streams

Social network fatigue sets in when it starts to feel impossible to keep up with all that new content from your friends, followers, and acquaintances on a daily basis. You lose track of stuff you wanted to read more about, and you miss important news from your friends, but are ...more

News : 24 Cool New Features in iOS 11.3 for iPhone

While iOS 11.3 doesn't have as many new features as iOS 11.2, there's still a lot to love about Apple's latest update for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, even if some of the best features we were expecting didn't make the cut. Apple released the iOS 11.3 beta on Jan. 24, and ju ...more

How To : Protect Yourself from Hackers

Social Profile Change the privacy settings on your social profile (Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, Twitter, etc.) so that the following information can't be found by a random person who you didn't accept you as a friend: Birthdate E-mail address Hometown Pictures A hacker ca ...more

How To : Add media to your Facebook profile

Having a boring Facebook profile is lame! Impress your friends and flaunt your social networking skills by sprucing up your Facebook profile. No one's impressed by a boring profile. Spice things up with links, pictures, and videos. Step 1: Add a link Want to add a link to a ...more

How To : Track Your iPhone 6 Shipping Status

Unless you're waiting in line for your iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, it's a sure bet that you'll be sitting by at home for your new device to get delivered today. Preorders were record breaking for this year's iPhones, but there's a good chance you won't be getting yours deliver ...more

How To : Stop Microsoft from Spying on You with Windows 10

Microsoft decided to give users a free upgrade to Windows 10 if they were previously running Windows 7 or 8—but it came with a catch. Their main motivation for knocking off over $100 from the normal going rate was to get more people using new Microsoft services like Cortana an ...more

How To : Remove Stock Apple Apps on Your iPhone

Before iOS 10 existed, you were stuck with every single app Apple shoved down your digital throat. While you could hide a few of them with some trickery, you couldn't remove any of them. Now, you can remove almost any Apple app you want from your home screen — for good — just ...more

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