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How To : Subscribe to Google+ Users with Google Reader

If you're like me, you don't do a lot of web browsing anymore. I subscribe to my favorite blogs' feeds and read them via Google Reader. It's one of my favorite Google products, for a lot of reasons. I can keep up with most of my web activities in one tab, and follow along with ...more

News : Google+ Pro Tips Weekly Round Up: Google+ Is Google

"Google+ is dead." How many times have you read that in the past few weeks? It seems like I can't get away from this notion that Google+, as a social network, is a total failure. Don't feel too sorry for them, though. +Bradley Horowitz isn't worried. In an interview with Ventu ...more

News : Google+ Pro Tips Weekly Round Up: Google Cleans Up

It’s been a pretty big week for Google, and Google+ itself. There were a number of articles proclaiming the end of Google+, because allegedly traffic dropped over 60% after it opened to the public. Then +Steve Yegge accidentally posted a long rant on Google+ itself, which was ...more

News : Moshi Monsters Rise from Indie Game to Kiddie Empire

Four years ago Mind Candy was a pretty small game company. They were best known for their revolutionary but short lived ARG Perplex City, and had no other successful franchises to fall back on when that ended. Their plan to save it? Start a free online social game for children ...more

How To : Search for Google+ Posts & Profiles with Google

The lack of a search function within Google+ is driving me crazy. It takes me way too much time to find the posts I want to save and refer back to, and it's counter-productive for Google to launch their social networking product without an integrated search. Although Google h ...more

DEBUNKED : 3 Viral Google+ Myths

It's only been a few weeks, and already there are a lot of misconceptions and myths floating around Google+. Let's take a deep breath, and tackle some of the more prominent ones. Myth #1: Google+ is Sexist At the onset, many respectable media outlets were reporting that most ...more

How To : How Businesses Can Prepare for Google+

WonderHowTo welcomes guest contributor, +Ryan Crowe - formerly the man behind GPlusTips. Crowe will be providing tips and tricks on how to use Google+ in interesting and innovative ways, and the self-proclaimed Google+ User Experience Enthusiast is nearly ready to launch a web ...more

Google+ Pro Tips Round-Up : Week 3

Now that you can invite anyone you want to Google+, the floodgates are open. If you've been bummed out about not being able to share the joys of Google+ with your friends and acquaintances, make use of that handy envelope icon the right side of your stream page. Just enter the ...more

News : Birds as the Ultimate DIY Architects

The widely used expression "free as a bird" intimates an enviable existence: delicate, yet mighty wings transporting to destinations no human could so breezily venture. But despite their fanciful, superhero ability, in truth, the avian race leads one of the most difficult exis ...more

News : How-To-Generate Thousands Of Valid Email IDs

Description: Admit it, having thousands of valid email Ids give you the power to do anything! Such as adding thousands of friends to your Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc profiles or promoting your article or blog in just a single click and much more! But how do we do it? I se ...more

News : Book Review - 2666 by Roberto Bolano

It’s hard to know where to start talking about a book like 2666. That’s partly because, in some ways, it’s actually five books. Published posthumously, the book begins with “A Note from the Author’s Heirs” explaining that, before his death, Bolano stipulated the book be publis ...more

Tor vs. I2P : The Great Onion Debate

In my recent Darknet series, I attempted to connect the dots on the Deep Web. I covered the two largest anonymity networks on the Internet today, Tor and I2P. While my initial four articles were meant as an introduction, I ended up receiving a lot of interesting comments and m ...more

How To : Things to Do on WonderHowTo (02/01 - 02/07)

WonderHowTo is made up of niche communities called Worlds. If you've yet to join one (or create your own), get a taste below of what's going on in the community. Check in every Wednesday for a roundup of new activities and projects. Thanks to all of our moderators and contrib ...more

How To : Edit Your Google+ Account Settings

If you've gained entry into Google+, one of the first things you should do is adjust your Google account settings. Your settings will now look quite different, and you can adjust your notifications, password retrieval methods, and more. There are many settings that you may not ...more

How To : Reorder Profiles & Reset Matches in Tinder

The modern age of techno-dating has made an interesting landscape for social interactions when there is some modicum of romance (or lust). For those of us born before the internet evolved into the prolific monster it has become, we first met our love interests face to face. To ...more

News : New App Makes Networking More Like Online Dating

Shapr is a new networking app that aims to help professionals connect more efficiently, and draws much of its format from dating-focused social networking apps. Shapr could be especially useful for those who have recently moved into their industry or location, and for those se ...more

How To : Stop Notifications from Interrupting Your Music

There are few things more annoying in life than getting interrupted—especially when you're in a groove, jamming out to your favorite song. If we can all agree on that sentiment, then why is it that our phones mute the music we're listening to for a few seconds whenever a notif ...more

How To : Disable Instagram's Creepy Activity Status Feature

Instagram updated its iOS and Android apps recently with an "Activity Status" indicator. This status allows your friends to see when you are currently active and when you were last active on Instagram. The problem is, Instagram was pretty quiet about this update, so many of yo ...more

News : Tinder's New Update Puts the Emphasis on Looks

If we're being honest, very few people go on Tinder to fall in love with someone's personality. Oftentimes, the only reason they'll look at your bio is to make sure there are no red flags. Knowing this, Tinder's latest redesign isn't that surprising, and it probably won't eve ...more

News : Elon Musk Tweets—Telsa Model 3 Is Coming in July

We've had to resort to actual spying to get information on the highly anticipated Tesla Model 3, but today Elon Musk himself gave out some exciting news. The Model 3 is going to be officially unveiled in July, according to Musk's Twitter. Musk also revealed that Tesla will unv ...more

News : Archer AR App Deputizes Viewers as Detectives

The producers of FX's animated series Archer have devised a plan to introduce augmented reality hijinks into its eighth and penultimate season with a new app for iOS and Android devices. The Archer, P.I. app allows fans to sleuth alongside the alcoholic playboy spy-turned-pri ...more

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