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How To : Enable Full-Screen Camera Shots on Your Galaxy S9

The Galaxy S9 and S9+ have terrific cameras that are packed with awesome features. But if you've grown tired of taking and viewing photos on only a part of your screen, Samsung has built in settings to let you take full advantage of their flagships' Infinity Display. For opti ...more

News : Samsung Makes Multitasking Easier on the Galaxy S9

Multitasking on a smartphone has never been better, but it still has some ways to go to compete with a desktop experience. Samsung hopes to change that with a new multitasking view on the Galaxy S9, which allows the user to open notifications in a new, smaller window on top of ...more

How To : Disable Instagram's Creepy Activity Status Feature

Instagram updated its iOS and Android apps recently with an "Activity Status" indicator. This status allows your friends to see when you are currently active and when you were last active on Instagram. The problem is, Instagram was pretty quiet about this update, so many of yo ...more

Apple Pay Cash 101 : How to View Your Transactions History

With Apple Pay Cash, sending and receiving money with fellow Apple users has never been easier. One big plus about Apple's new Apple Pay Cash card is that all of your transactions are available just a few taps away, so you can see all your person-to-person payments, balance ad ...more

Apple AR : Scope AR Updates Remote AR for ARKit

Ahead of the highly-anticipated iPhone unveiling and iOS 11 launch, augmented reality developer Scope AR has confirmed that the iOS version of Remote AR, their live support video calling app, will support iOS 11 and ARKit immediately. Remote AR enables users and remote suppor ...more

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