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News : See What's New in iOS 10 Beta 3 for iPhone

With the next iPhone release around the corner, Apple is hard at work getting iOS 10 squared away. On Monday, July 18, they issued the third beta of iOS 10 to developers, which should be released within a few days to those using the iOS 10 public beta. Don't Miss: All the Co ...more

How To : Is Your SD Card Legit? Here's How to Check

In the tech world, it's all too common to slap a fake label and packaging on a lower quality product, especially SD cards. If you've ever bought an SD card on the cheap from a slightly-less-than-reputable source (or even a reputable source, in some cases), how do you know if i ...more

How To : Frito Pie Is Sinfully Delicious—& Easy to Make

Though the word "pie" may conjure up images of a dessert made of dough with various fillings, the famous Frito Pie is, in fact, something of an entirely different nature. Absurdly simple in its construction, this pile of Fritos and chili is served in the actual chip bag and mo ...more

How To : WonderHowTo Rules for Community Submissions

Below are the official rules and guidelines for submitting content to WonderHowTo. Please look over them before publishing any articles. Ignoring the rules could result in deletion of your article or being flagged as a spammer. Most of these rules apply to comments as well. F ...more

How To : Know Who's Not Who They Claim to Be Online

All kinds of people pretend to be someone they're not on the internet, including scammers, people attempting to wind others up, hackers and web predators. Almost all of these people will leave bases uncovered and they're all easy to expose when you understand how to. Here are ...more

How To : The Ultimate Guide to Hacking macOS

Apple's macOS operating system is just as vulnerable to attacks as any Windows 10 computer or Android smartphone. Hacker's can embed backdoors, evade antivirus with simple commands, and utilize USB flash drives to completely compromise a MacBook. In this always-updated guide, ...more

How To : Detect Script-Kiddie Wi-Fi Jamming with Wireshark

Due to weaknesses in the way Wi-Fi works, it's extremely easy to disrupt most Wi-Fi networks using tools that forge deauthentication packets. The ease with which these common tools can jam networks is only matched by how simple they are to detect for anyone listening for them. ...more

How To : The Ultimate Guide to Customizing Your iPhone

Cases and stickers are always great, but they aren't the only way to customize an iPhone. The software on your device is full of customization options, from a better-looking home screen and cooler lock screen wallpapers to app icon changes and a system-wide dark mode. There's ...more

How To : Take Better Fireworks Photos with Your iPhone

The default Camera app on your iPhone can take some pretty incredible photos during the day. Newer iPhone models can even make nighttime shots look good. But you can't just point and shoot if you want to capture some pretty spectacular fireworks photos on July 4th, New Year's ...more

How To : Track ADS-B Equipped Aircraft on Your Smartphone

Flight disruptions can cost billions of dollars, but most modern commercial flights rely on air traffic control systems that harbor serious vulnerabilities. The Federal Aviation Administration uses an infrastructure called NextGen, which relies on Automatic Dependent Surveilla ...more

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