Feel Her Up

How To : Trick Your Brain into Not Feeling Any Pain

Pain is, for the most part, unavoidable when you stub your toe, break your arm, or cut your finger open. It's instantaneous and, in some cases, long-lasting, but it only feels as bad as you want it to. Yes, that's right—that pain is all in your head. Now I'm not saying that p ...more

How To : Have fun with Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" tool

Learn to access a number of Google Easter eggs with this simple Google hacker's how-to. Best of all, each of these Easter eggs can be found directly from Google search through use of Google's own "I'm Feeling Lucky" tool. The full list of Easter eggs explored in this video is ...more

How To : Hug a girl to show her how you feel about her

Approximately 90% of communication with others is expressed through nonverbal cues, including hand gestures, facial gestures, and insinuation. So if you have a major crush on a girl but don't want to tell her yet, but come in for a hug that squeezes the life out of her, she'd ...more

How To : Describe the feeling of fear in English

In this English language tutorial we look at fear and being afraid. There are many words to convey the emotion of fear and anxiety. This ESL lesson teaches you how to talk about your fear and the names of some common phobias.

How To : Make Your iPhone Look & Feel Like Android

The competition between iOS and Android is fierce. Each operating system offers unique and powerful features, so it can be hard to choose which one you want. However, for iPhone users, a little tweaking and some themes can give your iPhone some of the key features and aestheti ...more

How To : Feel Awake in the Mornings (Without Caffeine)

For a quick pick-me-up in the morning, a hot cup of coffee is usually enough to wake up even the most groggy of risers—but feeling fully awake in the morning is possible without a single drop of caffeine. Exposing yourself to sunlight naturally nudges your internal body clock ...more

How To : Make Windows 7 look & feel like Mac OSX

So you bought a PC and now you want a Mac... You don't necessarily have to shell out the couple thousand bucks it takes to buy a new Mac. In this tutorial, learn how to make your Windows 7 operating system look & feel like a Mac OSX operating system. To complete this tutorial, ...more

How To : Make Your Mac Look & Feel More Like Your iPhone

Is your Mac starting to feel messy and sluggish after using iOS 8 on your iPhone every day? Even with all of the iOS-friendly features built in to Mac OS X Yosemite, your Mac can still feel kind of "old" in comparison to an iOS device—but it doesn't have to. Using the tips and ...more

How To : Make a woman feel instantly comfortable with you

Observe the woman you're interacting with and listen to the woman to inform your conversation. Using these techniques will help women feel open and comfortable with you. Women are just people so don't objectify them. Making a connection enables you to view a woman as a real pe ...more

How To : Ever Wonder How it Feels to Get Shot?

WWF's latest campaign uses augmented reality to raise awareness for the endangered Siberian tiger by demonstrating how it "feels" to be hunted down and shot. Created by Leo Burnett Moscow, thousands of special AR t-shirts featuring the tiger were printed and distributed to sto ...more

News : Feel your boobies

We encourage everyone (especially breast owners) to please watch. Intently. The UK's Channel 4's fantastic program Embarrassing Bodies is serving up lifesaving health advice. This segment does not sacrifice any details (nipple shots, etc.) to accommodate conventional prudes or ...more

How To : Feel Alive Again with Maca Root

I'm sure I'm not the only one on here that has googled "Why am I always tired?"... and I'm definitely not alone when I say that all of the advice I've found so far is useless: Go to bed early. (Wow, you think?) Don't skip meals. (Real talk: if I skip meals, it's under extreme ...more

News : May feels like November

A November release week in May It used to be that games marked to be blockbusters (expected to sell more than a million in their first month) would always be released during the holiday September to December season. November was always the month companies chose to release the ...more

How To : Appear and feel more confident with body language

Boost your confidence with simple, everyday, proper body language. If you want to gain confidence and look and feel more confident instantly, simply watch this to see how to read and understand your body language and use body language to give yourself an instant confidence boo ...more

News : Synthetic Skin Allows Robots to Get Touchy-Feely

What feature would we most like to see in the robots of tomorrow? Why, the ability to interact with human beings without crushing them to death, of course. Happily, thanks to a new pressure-sensitive synthetic skin technology, the dream is within reach: "Today’s advanced robo ...more

How To : Ask about feelings in Mandarin Chinese

Learn how to ask how someone is feeling and how to respond to them in Mandarin Chinese, with this language tutorial. This video lesson teaches you to ask someone if they are hungry, thirsty, tired, or hurt in Mandarin Chinese.

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