Female Self Stimulation

How To : Apply a middle eastern makeup look

Oftentimes female style and tradition in the Middle East leaves little room for self-expression. This is where makeup comes in. Women covering their heads and bodies can personalize their look by applying dramatic makeup to their faces. Check out this tutorial and learn how to ...more

How To : Treat hirsuitism or excessive female facial hair

Women who suffer from excessive facial hair (or hirsuitism) can feel extremely self-conscious, but the condition is not uncommon and affects up to 15% of women. In this exclusive video guide, Dr Harper discusses the symptoms and causes of this condition, as well as the best tr ...more

How To : Do a partner self breast exam

In this video series, watch as health specialist Carolyn Waygood teaches how to give a partner self breast exam. Learn the different techniques for self checking your breast for tumors, how to give a male on female breast exam, a female on female breast exam, breast physiology ...more

How To : Dominate the New York Times Crossword Puzzle

First off, don't be frustrated. YOU CAN DO IT! Contrary to the message in the image above, it's NOT over. It's just beginning. And when it comes to solving the New York Times crossword puzzle, the old cliche does apply: practice makes perfect. I've read quite a few books and ...more

How To : Do self-inducing labor techniques

Does that baby just not want to budge? If you are towards the end of your pregnancy, or long overdue and nothing seems to be working, check out this tutorial. In this video you will receive tips from Dr. Lisa Gibbons, an OB/GYN at Cascadia Women's Clinic in Vancouver, Washingt ...more

News : 15 Brilliant Google+ Female Photographers to Circle

In a previous article where I suggested 104 photographers to follow on Google+, I received a lot of criticism because over 90% of the listed photographers were men. While women are currently not a majority on Google+, they are a definite presence, and they are active. Today, I ...more

DEBUNKED : 3 Viral Google+ Myths

It's only been a few weeks, and already there are a lot of misconceptions and myths floating around Google+. Let's take a deep breath, and tackle some of the more prominent ones. Myth #1: Google+ is Sexist At the onset, many respectable media outlets were reporting that most ...more

Abstinence : The Video Game

There is an abstinence game being created by the University of Central Florida with $400k+ of taxpayer money. The game is directed at middle school girls to help them handle and cope with sexual advances. From the article: Fox News Orlando reports that the University of Cent ...more

SCRABBLE, Sex & Wine : How One Man Gets the Girls in Bed

SCRABBLE may seem like a board game for word nerds only, but believe it or not, SCRABBLE can be used to lure thousands of hot women into your bed... at least that's what Clive Worth claims. Now, I wouldn't put much faith in his "words", but somewhere in this world of lonely b ...more

News : Birds as the Ultimate DIY Architects

The widely used expression "free as a bird" intimates an enviable existence: delicate, yet mighty wings transporting to destinations no human could so breezily venture. But despite their fanciful, superhero ability, in truth, the avian race leads one of the most difficult exis ...more


Via WonderHowTo World, SCRABBLE: Dirty SCRABBLE. Everybody likes to play dirty, but we're not talking bluffing with fake words or closing up the board—we're talking actual "dirty" and offensive words. Despite the exclusion of offensive words in the bowdlerized Official SCRAB ...more


Dirty SCRABBLE. Everybody likes to play dirty, but we're not talking bluffing with fake words or closing up the board—we're talking actual "dirty" and offensive words. Despite the exclusion of offensive words in the bowdlerized Official SCRABBLE Players Dictionary (OSPD), the ...more

Timeline : Uber's Terrible Year Just Keeps Getting Worse

Uber's driverless cabs began picking people up in Arizona in February, after its attempt at a pilot test in San Francisco. Now, one of these cars has been in an accident, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The pilot, and issues stemming from it, are just the start of a t ...more

Steampunk Travesty : Cross-Dressing in Fandom

Cross-dressing and gender-bending are nothing new, but the realm of Steampunk seems to be especially accepting of role-reversal in dress. As steampunk grows into an entity unto itself, we are seeing issues such as multiculturalism and erotica being addressed. This expansion o ...more

News : The 15 Most Viral Costumes for Halloween 2015

If you don't want to dress up as a vampire, witch, werewolf, or zombie again this Halloween, step things up a notch and go viral. There have been a ton of funny memes and absurd news since last October, so the only hard part is settling on the right one for inspiration for you ...more

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