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How To : Create Your Own Happy Hour, Any Time You Want

Happy hour is a great way to wind down after a long day at work or school, to relax with friends and enjoy a well-deserved drink. While the experience of this on-the-cheap imbibing promotion is great, the hours usually aren't. Since happy hour is partly intended to bring in c ...more

How To : 5 Easy Ways to Speed Up a Lagging Android Phone

All phones (yes, iPhones too) slow down over time. As your device gets bogged down by various apps and you begin to run out of storage, it's just an inevitability. That doesn't make it any less frustrating ... I mean, is there anything more annoying than a slow phone? My answe ...more

News : Google's CES Parade Was Literally Rained On

While Google has a water-resistant phone in the Pixel 2, its CES booth was anything but. According to Tech Crunch, Google had to shut down its two-level outdoor booth once it began to rain at the Las Vegas trade show. Even though Las Vegas is the driest city in the country, Mo ...more

Apple Pay Cash 101 : How to Verify Your Identity with Apple

With iOS 11.2's introduction of Apple Pay Cash, you can send and receive money to others directly through iMessage, using the convenience and security Apple Pay is known for. However, if you want to make sure your efforts go uninterrupted, you'll want to make sure you verify y ...more

Apple AR : With New NBA App, H-O-R-S-E Becomes A-R-K-I-T

Just in time for a new season of professional basketball, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has released a new app for iPhones and iPads built on ARKit that turns your driveway into a basketball court. The setup is simple. Select your favorite team and then scan the g ...more

News : HoloLens Challenge #16 Winner Brings the Cowbell

James Ashley, Atlanta-based Microsoft MVP and author of Beginning Kinect Programming with Microsoft Kinect, has been running monthly challenges since around the release of the HoloLens Developers Kits. Each month, those of us who follow what happens in the community can look f ...more

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