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How To : Why & When to Evolve Your Pokémon in Pokémon GO

Like previous installments in the Pokémon series, as you progress through Pokémon GO you'll be able to evolve your Pokémon into more-powerful monsters with new and more-damaging attacks. However, unlike older entries in the series, your Pokémon won't simply evolve when they re ...more

Hugging the Web (Part 2 : Surveillance Takeover)

Welcome back, curious hackers! In today's tutorial, we will be diving deep into the manipulation of Google Operators, commonly referred to as "Google Dorks" in order to access Surveillance Cameras and other control panels. "Why would I do that?" One might ask. Good question m ...more

How To : Theme Android Lollipop with Custom Colors

If you're an Android fan, you probably made your choice in mobile operating systems based on the insane level of customization options that Google's software offers. Don't like your home screen app? Simply replace it. Not a fan of a particular app's sharing system? No big deal ...more

How To : Succeed in Group Settings by Shutting Your Mouth

What type of person are you in group settings? Are you the social butterfly, eager to get to know everyone and interested in the people more than the setting? Or are you a wallflower, afraid to catch anyone's eye out of fear? No matter what type of group you're in—a project a ...more

How To : Return a Lost iPhone to Its Owner Using Siri

I misplaced my iPhone 6 just a few weeks ago, so I know firsthand that losing an iPhone sucks. Luckily, my tale didn't have a bad ending. While at a bar, I went to use the restroom and mistakenly left my iPhone on an unguarded chair. When I returned, it was gone. Admittedly, ...more

How To : BeEF+Ettercap:Pwning Marriage

This is the best how-to's website that I've ever seen, and I wanted to join it. It taught me a lot, but, because I'm here to learn too, please correct me if I'm wrong. You probably know that Ettercap is a very powerful tool for man in the middle attacks. You probably know tha ...more

How To : Install Siri on Your Mac

Admit it, you wish Siri was on your Mac, and so do I. She stole my heart on iOS, and now every time I open up my MacBook, I feel something missing. Wouldn't it be great if we could, I dunno, hack Siri onto our Macs? Yeah, it would! This is not an Apple-verified version of Sir ...more

Minecraft 1.7 : What's New (Biomes & Fishing)

So, here we are with the second part to whats going to happen to Minecraft in 1.7 (you can see the first part here). Let's start off with the new biomes. Biomes Roofed Forest: This biome is filled with short trees that are close together, forming a canopy. The trees have 2x2 ...more

Steampunk Travesty : Cross-Dressing in Fandom

Cross-dressing and gender-bending are nothing new, but the realm of Steampunk seems to be especially accepting of role-reversal in dress. As steampunk grows into an entity unto itself, we are seeing issues such as multiculturalism and erotica being addressed. This expansion o ...more

How To : 26 Big iPhone Features and Improvements on iOS 16.1

It hasn't been long since Apple released iOS 16.0 with over 350 new features, but iOS 16.1 just came out with even more cool updates for your iPhone. While some of the recent upgrades were expected, others are somewhat surprising — and there's even one that you may not even th ...more

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