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Hack Like a Pro : How to Create a Smartphone Pentesting Lab

Welcome back, my novice hackers! More and more, the world is turning to and adopting the smartphone platform as the digital device of choice. People are not only using smartphones for voice communication, but also web services, email, SMS, chatting, social networking, photogr ...more

Hack Like a Pro : Abusing DNS for Reconnaissance

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! As you know, DNS, or Domain Name System, is critical to the operation of the Internet. It provides us with the ability to type in domain names such as rather than the IP address. This simple service saves us from having ...more

How To : Using BASH for Computer Forensics

Greetings to all geeks, hackers, nerds, and explorers of Null Byte. Welcome to my brand new tutorial, "Using BASH for Computer Forensics". This tutorial will give you a look at how the computer programming language, Bash, can be used to find out details on apple devices for la ...more

How To : Place a Virus in a Word Document for Mac OS X

This tutorial follows the same idea as my original tutorial for windows, but I've redone it to work with Mac OS X. Here's how to get a meterpreter session from your victim opening a malicious word document: Step 1: Creating the Payload For this tutorial, I'll be using a pyth ...more

How To : Use Social Engineering to Hack Computers

Today I am going to teach the various ways that you can use social engineering to hack a system. For those of you that have followed my past tutorials, you know that social engineering can unlock a world of possibilities. This is because no matter how many firewalls, no matter ...more

How To : Rooted Android = Your New PenTesting Tool

No more carrying around heavy laptops and thousands of Linux Live CDs and USBs to always be ready for pentesting on the fly! I hope you had a good Christmas and happy new year! Update1: Added the section "weaponizing your Android" where I talk about apps and fundamental Kali ...more

How To : Browse Your Mac's Hard Drive Using Your iPhone

When it comes to sharing files between a smartphone and a computer, there are several solutions available for a Windows and Android pairing. But for those of us with Apple devices, the selection of apps in this category isn't quite as great. You can use AirDrop to quickly shar ...more

How To : Brute-Force Nearly Any Website Login with Hatch

The tactic of brute-forcing a login, i.e., trying many passwords very quickly until the correct one is discovered, can be easy for services like SSH or Telnet. For something like a website login page, we must identify different elements of the page first. Thanks to a Python to ...more

How To : Trap a Tracker

As a hacker or an aspiring one, You need to be careful and anonymous if your doing anything illegal. But you slipped up. Now someone is tracking you! Well luckily you read this post ahead of time and have a backup plan! The first step in remaining safe is to remain anonymous. ...more

How To : Build an ARP Scanner Using Scapy and Python

As you might know, there are a multitude of tools used to discover internal IP addresses. Many of these tools use ARP, address resolution protocol, in order to find live internal hosts. If we could write a script using this protocol, we would be able to scan for hosts on a giv ...more

Social Engineering : The Most Powerful Hack

Social Engineering was mentioned a few times here on Null Byte, but not very many explained what it is, or how to do it. I love this quote because it's true: Social Engineering is the key to carrying out client side attacks, and all you need is a little creativity! Social Eng ...more

How To : Know Who's Not Who They Claim to Be Online

All kinds of people pretend to be someone they're not on the internet, including scammers, people attempting to wind others up, hackers and web predators. Almost all of these people will leave bases uncovered and they're all easy to expose when you understand how to. Here are ...more

How To : Fake Captive Portal with an Android Phone

Have you ever used an open wifi, which after you connect displays a website to enter your credentials to get internet? That website is called captive portal and widely used in airports, hotels, universities etc. Have you ever wondered what would happen if someone would set up ...more

How To : Use Dropbox to Track and Locate Your Stolen Laptop

I recently had my iPhone stolen at public park and did everything I could to locate it, but with Find My iPhone disabled (I know, what an idiot) and no exact address to give to the police, I had about a .00000001 percent chance of getting it back. Maybe if it was an Android p ...more

SPLOIT : How to Make an SSH Brute-Forcer in Python

NOTICE: Ciuffy will be answering questions related to my articles on my behalf as I am very busy. Hope You Have Fun !!! As much as I love other SSH bruteforcing tools like Ncrack, Metasploit, THC-Hydra, ... ( Just to mention a few ). I prefer using my own script. The tools ab ...more

How To : Bypass School Internet Filters to Unblock Websites

School internet filters serve a valid purpose—they keep students from wandering off into the deep corners of the web while still allowing at least some internet access. But a lot of these restrictions are completely ridiculous, to the point where some school districts block ac ...more

How To : Exploit Routers on an Unrooted Android Phone

RouterSploit is a powerful exploit framework similar to Metasploit, working to quickly identify and exploit common vulnerabilities in routers. And guess what. It can be run on most Android devices. I initially covered RouterSploit on Kali Linux and macOS (OS X), but this tuto ...more

How To : Hack Apache Tomcat via Malicious WAR File Upload

Web applications are a prime target for hackers, but sometimes it's not just the web apps themselves that are vulnerable. Web management interfaces should be scrutinized just as hard as the apps they manage, especially when they contain some sort of upload functionality. By ex ...more

How To : Turn Your Raspberry Pi into a Wireless Hotspot

When hacking into a network during a penetration test, it can sometimes be useful to create your own wireless AP simply by plugging a Pi into an available Ethernet port. With this setup, you have your own backdoor wireless connection to the network in a matter of seconds. Crea ...more

How To : Easily Generate Hundreds of Phishing Domains

A convincing domain name is critical to the success of any phishing attack. With a single Python script, it's possible to find hundreds of available phishing domains and even identify phishing websites deployed by other hackers for purposes such as stealing user credentials. ...more

How To : Kick People Off Your Internet

This is my first post please tell me what I can improve. (I don't claim any of the images. I tried taking screen shots but it froze my computer. ) I will be using wlan0 because thats my wireless but use yours. I'm going to tech you have to kick that annoying room mate of the ...more

How To : Get Free Wi-Fi from Hotels & More

Often times when staying at a hotel or anywhere for that matter, you'll whip out your laptop and check the local area for Wi-Fi. I know you've all been in my shoes when you find an unsecured network that appears to be public Wi-Fi belonging to the hotel or airport, and you con ...more

How To : Some Terms a Hacker Must Know...

Welcome back Hackers\Newbies! Hey guys first of all I would like to explain my absence here in NullByte. I got a little "occupied" with "other things". When I got back, I saw all these HowTo's, articles, Help Questions, I decided, I need to share more of what I have, to you g ...more


Hello and welcome to my article. I have made this article for anyone who wants to become a hacker, and wants to know how to get started. OVERVIEW: As you'll get further into the hacking community, and learn more about how it's all put together, you'll also realize very quick ...more

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