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Gmail 101 : How to Delete or Archive Emails with One Swipe

Throughout the day, I receive countless emails from various e-commerce sites who are trying to get me to spend money I don't have. Normally, I dismiss the notification on my smartphone, but when I open the Gmail app, I find all those unread messages waiting to be dealt with. F ...more

News : Make DIY Earphones Out of Bullet Shells

It's 2017—new year, same us. We vow to keep scouring the net for the best how-tos and feature the makers and doers who create mind-blowing projects. And what a great year it's been so far because boy did we find an amazing tutorial. Inspire to Make is a YouTube channel run by ...more

News : 9 iMessage Apps You Won't Know How You Lived Without

The latest update to iOS 10 brought with it a number of great new features. Of these, the one that will likely have the most impact on people's iOS experience in the long term are the new apps and stickers for iMessage. Stickers make up the vast majority of what you'll find i ...more

How To : Hack Your Brain to Stop Motion Sickness

Many people deal with motion sickness on a daily basis, and if you're reading this, chances are you're one of them. Kinetosis can make your stomach roll, your entire body sweat, and make you feel fatigued and dizzy at even the slightest movement, whether it's related to carsic ...more

News : The 5 Best 'Car Mode' Apps for Android

In general, smartphones and cars don't mix—but this is mainly because you have to take your eyes off the road to poke around on your handheld gadget. In reality, the only difference between your smartphone and your car's FHWA-approved infotainment system is that the latter is ...more

How To : These 9 Tips Make Gaming on Your Mac Not Suck

When most people think of "gaming computers," they're probably thinking of Windows-based PCs. They offer a huge variety of devices with better equipped software and hardware for a cheaper price, and there are more available games than there are for OS X-based systems. But tha ...more

How To : OpenSSL Unique Encryption/Decryption Scripts

In this tutorial I will be explaining the purpose of unique encryption/decryption scripts ( I will be referring to these at "UEDS" for this tutorial). Then, I will show you how to make one. Finally I will talk about the downsides to the method I use. I will also provide links ...more

Where Do I Start : Learn the Fundamentals

I am very new to Null Byte but I find much of its content and community incredibly interesting. I spent quite a bit of time just chronologically going through the posts and I noticed a common theme in many of the beginner posts. Many people seem to want to know the 'secret' or ...more

How To : 6 Tweaks You Should Be Using on Your Mac Right Now

All of Apple's products are praised for being extremely easy to use. So much so, that your grandma can pick one up and be a "pro" within a few hours. However, this isn't necessarily a good thing for us real power users who want more granular control of our devices. Luckily, M ...more

How To : 5 Ways You're Making Yourself Dumber

No one wants to appear stupid. Whether you rely on lengthy, complicated vocabulary to show your smarts, or enjoy highlighting your speedy mental math skills, everyone prefers emphasizing intelligence over hiding it. Yet even the smallest, most normal behaviors in our day-to-d ...more

How To : 5 Ways Learning a New Language Benefits Your Brain

Though many students spend four years of high school learning a foreign language, most of us probably retained very little. Chalk it up to the carelessness of youth, but chances are you've since been in situations or places that left you wishing you paid more attention in clas ...more

How To : Eat Better by Making Healthy Food More Visible

We tend to assume that eating is mostly a physical act, but the mind has so much to do with the choices we make. We've already shown you how clenching your fist can lead to better food choices and how you can trick yourself into choosing better meals at restaurants. Now by si ...more

How To : Inflate Any Ball Without a Pump or Needle

What happens when you find your ball deflated and there's no pump or needle in sight? You could always cancel your plans of kicking around the soccer ball or starting that pickup football game in the park. Better yet, you could be terribly clever and find another way to get ai ...more

How To : Track Who Views Your Facebook Profile

Why can't I see who is stalking my Facebook profile? There are other social networks that do let you see who's viewed your profile, mainly LinkedIn and its "Who's Viewed Your Profile" feature. Regular users can see a recent list of who has been spying on you, along with some ...more

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