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How To : Brute-Force Nearly Any Website Login with Hatch

The tactic of brute-forcing a login, i.e., trying many passwords very quickly until the correct one is discovered, can be easy for services like SSH or Telnet. For something like a website login page, we must identify different elements of the page first. Thanks to a Python to ...more

How To : Take Control of Sonos IoT Devices with Python

Many popular IoT devices have terrible security. For instance, a hacker who's on the same Wi-Fi network as a Sonos speaker can assume direct control over the device's behavior. If an IoT device doesn't secure the messages used to control it over a network, it's easy for somebo ...more

How To : BeEF+Ettercap:Pwning Marriage

This is the best how-to's website that I've ever seen, and I wanted to join it. It taught me a lot, but, because I'm here to learn too, please correct me if I'm wrong. You probably know that Ettercap is a very powerful tool for man in the middle attacks. You probably know tha ...more

How To : Tactical Nmap for Beginner Network Reconnaissance

When it comes to attacking devices on a network, you can't hit what you can't see. Nmap gives you the ability to explore any devices connected to a network, finding information like the operating system a device is running and which applications are listening on open ports. Th ...more

How To : Hide a Virus Inside of a Fake Picture

In my last tutorial, I talked about creating a virus inside of a Word Document in the scenario of a mass-mailer attack. In this post, however, I'm going to be covering creating a fake image or screenshot with a meterpreter backdoor hidden inside to be used in a similar scenari ...more

How To : Pick an Antenna for Wi-Fi Hacking

When learning Wi-Fi hacking, picking a compatible Wi-Fi network adapter is the first step to learning to crack Wi-Fi passwords. Many compatible adapters have swappable antennas, and there are several different kinds of specialized antennas you can add to a network adapter to ...more

How To : Detect Script-Kiddie Wi-Fi Jamming with Wireshark

Due to weaknesses in the way Wi-Fi works, it's extremely easy to disrupt most Wi-Fi networks using tools that forge deauthentication packets. The ease with which these common tools can jam networks is only matched by how simple they are to detect for anyone listening for them. ...more

How To : Dump a MacOS User's Chrome Passwords with EvilOSX

Barrow's article on Pupy made me wish for a RAT that could target an OS frequently used by gatekeepers at startups, tech companies, and creative firms: macOS. Once run, a RAT can do severe damage by dumping a user's stored credentials for many accounts. The best loot lives in ...more

How To : Use MDK3 for Advanced Wi-Fi Jamming

You may have heard of a signal jammer before, which usually refers to a device that blasts out a strong enough radio signal to drown out the reception of nearby devices like cell phones. Purpose-built jammer hardware is outright illegal in many countries. Still, Wi-Fi is vulne ...more

How To : Fake Captive Portal with an Android Phone

Have you ever used an open wifi, which after you connect displays a website to enter your credentials to get internet? That website is called captive portal and widely used in airports, hotels, universities etc. Have you ever wondered what would happen if someone would set up ...more

How To : Use UFONet

With the release of the Mirai source code, botnets are back in a big way. In the early days of botnets, zombies (infected hosts) would report to IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channels for CNC (command and control) instructions. Modern botnets have evolved, but they continue to use ...more

How To : Find Your Friend's Email Address Through Facebook

Hi everyone! This is my first How To. Before we start you need to have a Facebook account (of course) and...this only works with your Facebook friends (so if you're looking for someone's mail on Facebook but you're not friends this won't work) ((This "hack" can find the emai ...more

Hack Like a Pro : Abusing DNS for Reconnaissance

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! As you know, DNS, or Domain Name System, is critical to the operation of the Internet. It provides us with the ability to type in domain names such as rather than the IP address. This simple service saves us from having ...more

Hack Like a Pro : How to Create a Smartphone Pentesting Lab

Welcome back, my novice hackers! More and more, the world is turning to and adopting the smartphone platform as the digital device of choice. People are not only using smartphones for voice communication, but also web services, email, SMS, chatting, social networking, photogr ...more

How To : Securely Sniff Wi-Fi Packets with Sniffglue

Sniffing packets over a network is an easy way for hackers to gather information on a target without needing to do much work. But doing so can be risky if sniffing packets on an untrusted network because a payload within the packets being captured could be executed on your sys ...more

How To : Place a Virus in a Word Document for Mac OS X

This tutorial follows the same idea as my original tutorial for windows, but I've redone it to work with Mac OS X. Here's how to get a meterpreter session from your victim opening a malicious word document: Step 1: Creating the Payload For this tutorial, I'll be using a pyth ...more

How To : Browse Your Mac's Hard Drive Using Your iPhone

When it comes to sharing files between a smartphone and a computer, there are several solutions available for a Windows and Android pairing. But for those of us with Apple devices, the selection of apps in this category isn't quite as great. You can use AirDrop to quickly shar ...more

News : Google Can Now Help You with Your Job Search

A new Google Search update lets job-seekers streamline their search process. Searches like 'jobs near me' are now designed to show relevant opportunities from multiple sites. Previously, searches like that mostly brought up links to various recruitment sites that would have t ...more

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