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News : Unavailable ToiletHave

The purpose of this prank is for the poor janiter to clean this poo after. Find a place where there is a broken/unavailable toilet e.G A Shopping Mall, McDonalds, KFC, public place etc. If it is unavailable take a shit in it and don't flush leaving a nice smell behind. Wait u ...more

How To : Port Forwarding for Newbies

I have came across a lot of members on the forum that didn't have a clear idea of what port forwarding is and what it does. So...Let's get started... Your router is blocking outside traffic from coming inside the network for security reasons (Kind of, like, a firewall level), ...more

How To : Do an Idle Scan with Nmap

Welcome back my fellow hackers. Today I'm going to teach you how to preform an Idle Scan. You may be asking what is an Idle Scan. Its a very stealthy scan because you don't use your own ip you use a zombie (in computer terms). Heads up. If you are root you don't need the sudo ...more

How To : Hack Android Using Kali (Remotely)

Hello Hackers! Welcome to my 2nd Post: This is a tutorial explaining how to hack android phones with Kali. I can't see any tutorials explaining this Hack/Exploit, so, I made one. (Still ,you may already know about this) Step 1: Fire-Up Kali: Open a terminal, and make a Troja ...more

How To : Use Google+ Events

Since its inception, Google+ fans have been clamoring for Google Calendar integration. Today, Google+ has launched something better: Google+ Events. Video: . In Google+ Events, you can create both on and off-line events. You can do a basic invitation, choose whether guests can ...more

How To : Understand & Use IPv4 to Navigate a Network

You may not know it, but the IPv4 address of your computer contains tons of useful information about whatever Wi-Fi network you're on. By knowing what your IPv4 address and subnet mask are telling you, you can easily scan the whole network range, locate the router, and discove ...more


You and one of your buddy eat a lot of fiber for two days, Don't go to the bathroom for these days, Go in a big shopping mall on a busy time, Find a public bathroom to let finaly go your poo... DON'T FLUSH !!! Take some poo of your buddy's toilet and put it all around your ...more

How To : Seize Control of a Router with RouterSploit

A router is the core of anyone's internet experience, but most people don't spend much time setting up this critical piece of hardware. Old firmware, default passwords, and other configuration issues continue to haunt many organizations. Exploiting the poor, neglected computer ...more

Tutorial : DNS Spoofing

Greetings my fellow hackers. As you may have noticed by my lack of posts, I've been away for a while working on a big project with a team (which won't be finished anytime soon), and I have also been putting together a small side project for Null-Byte that I will be announcing ...more

Real Scenarios #2 : The Creepy Teacher [Part 1]

Your English teacher is a creep. The way he looks at your girlfriend, the way he always spends ages with the girls in the class going over their work but not the boys, just the way he is. You want to get rid of him, but you need some proof first. Step 1: Fire Up Kali If yo ...more

How To : Create a Wireless Spy Camera Using a Raspberry Pi

Surveillance is always a useful tool in a hacker's arsenal, whether deployed offensively or defensively. Watching targets yourself isn't always practical, and traditional surveillance camera systems can be costly, lacking in capabilities, or both. Today, we will use motionEyeO ...more

Real Scenarios #1 : The New MacBook

You're at your friend's house. All you've heard about all day is his new laptop. He's got a brand new top-specced MacBook Pro, and he won't stop going on about it. It particularly annoys you as all you've got is a 4 year old cheap laptop, even if it is running Linux. If only ...more

How To : Use Social Engineering to Hack Computers

Today I am going to teach the various ways that you can use social engineering to hack a system. For those of you that have followed my past tutorials, you know that social engineering can unlock a world of possibilities. This is because no matter how many firewalls, no matter ...more

How To : Hack Metasploitable 2 Part 2

In this tutorial I am going to look at what services are running on our Metasploitable machine and setup firewalls. This is more basic scanning of our machine to get an idea of how to get in. Obviously in a real engagement you would want to do research on Google and whatnot to ...more

How To : Use Common Features of Windows Command Prompt

Every Windows system includes command prompt; and while a lot of people on Null Byte and WonderHowTo in general know how to use it, some people don't know anything about it, even how to access it. Even if you aren't a Windows user, it's good to know how command prompt works b ...more

How To : Change the Login Screen Background on Windows 10

Windows 10 makes it a cinch to change the lock screen background: simply go to Setting -> Personalization -> Lock screen, then change the background to whatever you'd like. But, trying to change the login screen background—the screen where you enter your password—was a long, c ...more

How To : Brute-Force Nearly Any Website Login with Hatch

The tactic of brute-forcing a login, i.e., trying many passwords very quickly until the correct one is discovered, can be easy for services like SSH or Telnet. For something like a website login page, we must identify different elements of the page first. Thanks to a Python to ...more

How To : Take Control of Sonos IoT Devices with Python

Many popular IoT devices have terrible security. For instance, a hacker who's on the same Wi-Fi network as a Sonos speaker can assume direct control over the device's behavior. If an IoT device doesn't secure the messages used to control it over a network, it's easy for somebo ...more

How To : BeEF+Ettercap:Pwning Marriage

This is the best how-to's website that I've ever seen, and I wanted to join it. It taught me a lot, but, because I'm here to learn too, please correct me if I'm wrong. You probably know that Ettercap is a very powerful tool for man in the middle attacks. You probably know tha ...more

How To : Tactical Nmap for Beginner Network Reconnaissance

When it comes to attacking devices on a network, you can't hit what you can't see. Nmap gives you the ability to explore any devices connected to a network, finding information like the operating system a device is running and which applications are listening on open ports. Th ...more

How To : Hack Wi-Fi Networks with Bettercap

There are many tools out there for Wi-Fi hacking, but few are as integrated and well-rounded as Bettercap. Thanks to an impressively simple interface that works even over SSH, it's easy to access many of the most powerful Wi-Fi attacks available from anywhere. To capture hands ...more

How To : The Essential Skills to Becoming a Master Hacker

Many of my aspiring hackers have written to me asking the same thing. "What skills do I need to be a good hacker?" As the hacker is among the most skilled information technology disciplines, it requires a wide knowledge of IT technologies and techniques. To truly be a great h ...more

How To : Pick an Antenna for Wi-Fi Hacking

When learning Wi-Fi hacking, picking a compatible Wi-Fi network adapter is the first step to learning to crack Wi-Fi passwords. Many compatible adapters have swappable antennas, and there are several different kinds of specialized antennas you can add to a network adapter to ...more

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